Y'all know how Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign is always stressing that his organization is NOT ANTI-GUN? Well, I decided to go to their website to see for myself. In a section labeled "Learn how to demolish the gun lobby's 'bumper sticker' logic," guess what I found? A list of media of how to do exactly that! Here's one of the recommended books. Check this out: (Notice it's labeled "non fiction."

Outgunned: Up Against the NRA – The First Complete Insider Account of the Battle Over Gun Control
Peter Brown and Daniel Abel, 2002 [non-fiction book]

“Outgunned would make a good movie. Or put another way, it offers a more focused and substantive, yet entertaining, companion piece to Michael Moore's Bowling in Columbine. It is at times depressing, but it ends on a note of hope even as it follows the NRA right on into the Bush White House and Justice Department. After all the money spent, the despicable tactics, and the right-wing theatricality of Charlton Heston, the gun lawsuits that claim that handgun manufacturers are liable, under public nuisance law, for failing to oversee the distributors of their deadly products, are still alive. As we head into the 2004 election season, ANTI-GUN FORCES also need to forcefully remind the American public of what is at stake in terms of human life and who, from the NRA, to gun manufacturers, to the White House, is responsible. Outgunned is a good place to start.” Click here for more info.