Butler County lawmaker announces 'under the radar' candidacy for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor
By JAN MURPHY, The Patriot-News
March 10, 2010, 11:03AM

In throwing his hat into the ring for the nine-way race for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler, said his goal in running is to redefine the state's second-ranking executive branch office.

Metcalfe said instead of being a loyal lieutenant to the governor, he would be a gubernatorial watchdog who would hold the governor accountable.

"If the the governor like so many politicians breaks his word and raises taxes, supports more government programs ... or signs laws that infringe on our rights then I will be ready to challenge the governor in the next primary election," Metcalfe said. "I will be there to watch every move the governor makes and I will publicly expose him if he violates the trust of the people."

Metcalfe, a six-term House member who has advocated limited government and opposed tax increases, said he also is seeking re-election of his House seat.

As lieutenant governor, he said he would favor putting the Governor's Residence and the lieutenant governor's home up for sale, but said he would live in the lieutenant governor's residence until it sold.

He said he has no intention of endorsing either Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett, the state's attorney general, or Samuel Rohrer, a House member from Berks County.

Metcalfe said he purposely kept his candidacy below the radar of the state party, which he said tries to push out legitimate candidates who can take on the party-backed candidate for an office. He added, "This is not the last blindside for the Republican establishment."

Other candidates seeking the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor are the party-endorsed candidate Jim Cawley as well as Steve Johnson, Stephen A. Urban, John Kennedy, Chet Beiler, Jean Craige Pepper, and Russ Diamond. The Democratic candidates seeking the office are Jonathan Saidel, Scott Conklin and Doris Smith-Ribner.
Representative Metcalfe is about a pro-gun as you can get. I will be supporting him in his run for the nomination and I ask that the rest of you support him too.