Many rural counties like us in Carbon County are considered "won". However, what those of us in these counties CAN do is Get out the vote through an excellent idea of the Republican machine.
By signing up at Swann website and registering with a swing county zip code. Take 18072 for example which is Northhampton county the Rupublicans will email you a CALL list of voters in Northhampton county! So from even the MOST remote county YOU can call to make sure Republican voters, NRA members get out to vote!
Rides are even being provided for those who cant get out to the polls on their own.

If you run the numbers a 45%-50% Republican turnout can virtually GUARENTEE victory for Santorum since it overcomes even the Dems/press pole predictions! Thats out of Ricks own mouth yesterday! But he needs YOUR help!
Here's the link for the 72 hour campaign! Please, Please PLEASE check it out!!!