Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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Thread: STOP please!

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  1. #1
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default STOP please!

    Stop it; stop it; stop it! Please, let us stop conceding this new law as if it is inevitable. It may be, yes - but a defeatist attitude won't help. Let us put our angst, energy, and concern into writing, calling, campaigning and other forms of positive political action. We are not the bad guys.

    We can not slack off on personal initiative just because we pay dues to a larger group, have voted the right way, have the right bumper stickers, own lots of guns, or belong to these great forums. We ALL need to do more. There likely isn't one of us that would not have used our skill and expertise with weapons to stop that kid killer in his tracks. We can not and should not allow the anti's to paint us as people who in any way facilitated the atrocity. Shame on them for politicizing the death of the poor children.

    We can do better!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sim City, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    I don't think anybody on here is accepting the new AWB, as written, as inevitable. But I think most people on here acknowledge, the extreme likelihood, that some form of new legislation will pass. Such as, FFL transfer required for all private party sales, and a 30 round magazine restriction of some sort. Few on here, that I've seen, are indicating that anything in particular in inevitable. Just that some sort of laws are extremely likely.
    Iconoclastic Individual Specimen

  3. #3
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    Jun 2012
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hokkmike View Post
    Stop it; stop it; stop it! Please, let us stop conceding this new law as if it is inevitable. It may be, yes - but a defeatist attitude won't help. Let us put our angst, energy, and concern into writing, calling, campaigning and other forms of positive political action. We are not the bad guys.

    We can not slack off on personal initiative just because we pay dues to a larger group, have voted the right way, have the right bumper stickers, own lots of guns, or belong to these great forums. We ALL need to do more. There likely isn't one of us that would not have used our skill and expertise with weapons to stop that kid killer in his tracks. We can not and should not allow the anti's to paint us as people who in any way facilitated the atrocity. Shame on them for politicizing the death of the poor children.

    We can do better!
    Nra, SAF, NJ2AS, GOA member

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    Agreed. We can do better.

    But we also need to stop coming across as right wing nutjobs. Because this is exactly how they view us, and how they use it against us in the publics eye.

    Everytime we throw around terms like "liberal agenda" we hurt ourselves. Everytime we resort to bickering and name calling, we hurt ourselves. Everytime our argument is simply "because I can" or "it's my right", we hurt ourselves. Everytime we use the term "Anti" we hurt ourselves. We need to collectively stop sounding just as crazy as we claim they sound. We may not think we come off that way, but we do, everytime we resort to the above.

    No matter how you may personally feel about the opposition, or their motives, we as a whole need to come off as intelligent citizens fighting for our rights, and not just as little kids crying because they wanna take our toys. If we can't do that we will lose this battle!
    Last edited by jaseman; December 22nd, 2012 at 10:49 AM.

  5. #5
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: STOP please!

    Quote Originally Posted by jaseman View Post
    Agreed. We can do better.

    But we also need to stop coming across as right wing nutjobs. Because this is exactly how they view us, and how they use it against us in the publics eye.

    Everytime we throw around terms like "liberal agenda" we hurt ourselves. Everytime we resort to bickering and name calling, we hurt ourselves. Everytime our argument is simply "because I can" or "it's my right", we hurt ourselves. Everytime we use the term "Anti" we hurt ourselves. We need to collectively stop sounding just as crazy as we claim they sound. We may not think we come off that way, but we do, everytime we resort to the above.

    No matter how you may personally feel about the opposition, or their motives, we as a whole need to come off as intelligent citizens fighting for our rights, and not just as little kids crying because they wanna take our toys. If we can't do that we will lose this battle!
    Yes! "wise as serpents; harmless as doves!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    I agree. Some of you are way too eager to "compromise" our rights away. This is not the time to believe that more "reasonable" 2A restrictions are inevitable. This is the time to get off your ass and do something. Join the NRA, GOA, SAF, donate, call and write to your representatives. If you choose to simply accept defeat as inevitable, your grandchildren will have to pay for your cowardice. Do not let these bastards use this tragedy to disarm us.

    And for Christ's sake, please stop using the bullshit term "gun violence." It's "violence" people, whether it uses a gun, knife, bat, car, club, or fist. You're playing their game when you blame the gun.
    Last edited by marinville; December 22nd, 2012 at 12:47 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    Quote Originally Posted by marinville View Post
    I agree. Some of you are way too eager to "compromise" our rights away. This is not the time to believe that more "reasonable" 2A restrictions are inevitable. This is the time to get off your ass and do something. Join the NRA, GOA, SAF, donate, call and write to your representatives. If you choose to simply accept defeat as inevitable, your grandchildren will have to pay for your cowardice. Do not let these bastards use this tragedy to disarm us.

    And for Christ's sake, please stop using the bullshit term "gun violence." It's "violence" people, whether it uses a gun, knife, bat, car, club, or fist. You're playing their game when you blame the gun.

    well said on most

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    This thread is spot on!

    I am disgusted by the defeatist attitude I see, along with those who have other prefernces of guns willing to throw one group under the bus so they can protect their rights (for now).

    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
    -Benjamin Franklin
    The USA is now a banana republic. Only without the bananas....or the Republic.

  9. #9
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    My Castle/ Bucks County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShooterInPA1 View Post
    This thread is spot on!

    I am disgusted by the defeatist attitude I see, along with those who have other prefernces of guns willing to throw one group under the bus so they can protect their rights (for now).

    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
    -Benjamin Franklin
    I think there is some of us that are going around as if a law has been passed already. Today, Tomorrow, and in the weeks and months ahead is when our will and resolve will be tested the hardest. We need to stick together and continue to fight and send letters and phone calls. Emails are not enough, we need to show them we are ready and willing to go the extra mile to fight for our rights.
    The Anti's are making their stand here and aren't going to let this go without their best fight. We need to counter with facts and logic. You see that A-hole Piers Morgan spouting off at the mouth ranting and using emotion to make his point. But all his points have been countered with facts which he has no response to. Just the facts.
    If they win they gain control, if we lose the Second Amendment is all but dead. That's what is at stake here.
    We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.-Benjamin Franklin

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    My Castle/ Bucks County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: STOP please!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShooterInPA1 View Post
    This thread is spot on!

    I am disgusted by the defeatist attitude I see, along with those who have other prefernces of guns willing to throw one group under the bus so they can protect their rights (for now).

    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
    -Benjamin Franklin
    I'm going to steal that Ben Franklin quote and use it as my Sig because it is probably the most important thing we need to do now. Hope you don't mind.
    We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.-Benjamin Franklin

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