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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Constitutional Convention

    WOW!! Just how stupid are Americans?
    All this clamoring for a Constitutional Convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. How many of you have read the Constitution this week? Yes, this week! What? You didn't read it this week? I did! I do EVERY week, unless I'm out of town, but at the very least I read it once a month. AT THE VERY LEAST! . How many of you will admit that you NEVER read it once? PAFUCKINGTHETIC!!

    So, you never read the document, but you think we need to change it? Brilliant! Do you know who would be the delegate representing you at this shredding of our nation's guiding document? No? Well, just how well do you trust your Governor? Mine, just this year raised the gas tax 28 cents/gallon. Yeah, he has my best interests at heart! Your Governor picks the delegates. Do you KNOW yours will do what you want? Or, will he send the people who raised the most money for his last campaign?

    So, once the delegates assemble, what will they change? What will be on the agenda? Balanced Budget, surely we will get that, right? IRS abolished and a 'fair tax' instated, oh that's assured, right? Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, kiddies. What else MIGHT they change? Surely they wouldn't change any of the good stuff, right?

    Liberals have been trying for more than five decades to get their hands on your guns. They have, for the most part, failed. Let them hold a Constitutional Convention, and it won't be a question of how badly they eviscerated the Second Amendment, it will be a statement of, "Holy SHIT, they took away the Second Amendment !! THE WHOLE FUCKING THING IS GONE !" No more arguing whether it means militia or citizens or state militia or shotgun or blunderbuss or AR15. No more arguing about flash hiders and magazine capacity, or bayonet mounts or semi-auto, or 'cop-killer' and 'dum-dum' bullets. No more silly politicians talking about "thirty clip magazines" and 'shoulder thingies that go up'. Nope, from now on, you can protect yourselves with a Louisville Slugger and if that fails, well, there's always 9-1-1.

    Wake up America!! They are deceiving you!! Educate yourselves before it's too late!!!
    We do not need a Constitutional Convention, we need honest, hard-working people in office who truly fear their constituents wrath! I'm not talking about ,"Oh crap, I may not get re-elected", rather I'm talking about, "Oh crap, they know where I live, they have guns and pitchforks. They've been buying tar and chicken feathers , and now it seems they are assembling in front of my house and dragging my children into the streets. I wonder what is in that cauldron they are boiling out in the street right now".

    Yeah, it's just that serious folks! We are talking about AMERICA here!
    WAKE UP!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    George Soros dumps millions into our elections trying to influence the outcomes. How much more would that pile of excrement want to influence a con-con?

    National suicide, that would be.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    I am not sure if I would prefer to come down with Cancer or see the US convene a Con-Con.

    Don't want either one but I'm hard pressed to decide which is worse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    Wow with all the reading I guess you didn't notice, they don't follow the constitution anymore. We are screwed either way. By the way you do know we are broke as a joke, right? They printed and borrowed and gave it away to banks who when asked where is the money said we don't have to tell you. Oh and by the way, cancer is worse. Now why is repo banned? Oh yeah he got all twisted up over nothing. If we are going to win we got to stay focused and calm, together not opposed at our differences. Joined in one voice clear as hell we will not be slaves to miserable men seeking only self enrichment and power. Now that you know the constitution go teach it to your senator and congressman. Tell them they have shirked their duty and abdicated their responsibility to act according to the law.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    Given that most of the States are Conservative, and Conventions are held based on Statehood, no population.

    I think a Constitutional Convention would not be a bad thing.
    "Cives Arma Ferant"

    "I know I'm not James Bond, that's why I don't keep a loaded gun under the pillow, or bang Russian spies on a regular basis." - GunLawyer001

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    I think that there are some compelling reasons for a convention of states. I'm not completely sold on it, but it might be a good way to stop the immoral minority from jamming more of their unconstitutional agenda on us.

    Most of the states are red, and any amendments have to be passed by a 3/4 majority. Congress has no authority to overturn anything that is passed. I can't see any more leftist BS getting passed though this process.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by PAMedic=F|A= View Post
    Given that most of the States are Conservative, and Conventions are held based on Statehood, no population.

    I think a Constitutional Convention would not be a bad thing.
    Absolutely correct. Every time I hear anti gun liberal sheep spew their propaganda...... I say stop crying and hold an Article 5.

    They have no rebuttal due to their lack of knowledge in the Constitution. They would rather just pass law after law, because they know they couldn't get all the states needed to sign on.

    I'm tired of all the talking. Liberals need to sh*t or get off the pot

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Manxdriver View Post
    So, once the delegates assemble, what will they change?
    Here's some clues...

    As Egyptian officials prepare to send to trial 19 American democracy and rights workers, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg visited Cairo last week where she suggested Egyptian revolutionaries not use the U.S. Constitution as a model in the post-Arab Spring.

    "I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012," Ginsburg said in an interview on Al Hayat television last Wednesday. "I might look at the constitution of South Africa. That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, have an independent judiciary. It really is, I think, a great piece of work that was done."

    One such Amendment he advocates changing is the Second Amendment. His proposed treason is to change the text of the Second Amendment so that it reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms when serving in the militia shall not be infringed.”
    - former Justice John Paul Stevens.

    Here's some gems from the new Iraqi Constitution, which was voted upon while Iraq was under US Occupation. (source )

    Article 16:

    Equal opportunities are guaranteed for all Iraqis. The state guarantees the taking of the necessary measures to achieve such equal opportunities.

    Article 31:

    First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.

    Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.

    Article 33:

    First: Every individual has the right to live in a safe environment.

    Second: The State undertakes the protection and preservation of the environment and biological diversity.

    Article 34:

    First: Education is a fundamental factor in the progress of society and is a right guaranteed by the state. Primary education is mandatory and the state guarantees to eradicate illiteracy.

    Second: Free education is a right for all Iraqis in all its stages.
    Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

    Nope. Ain't in there. At all.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention

    As usual the Elitists get it half right - a Constitution is intended to restrict action. The action of the State, not the action of the People.

    We have heard chatter about "Con-Con" for years.

    The Progressives/Liberals don't give a darn for the Constitution. To them it's an "impediment to progress".

    They must imagine if they can "change the Constitution" that we'll just "hand 'em in, Mr. and Mrs. America".

    If they won't obey the Constitution as it is now why are we compelled to obey it after they pervert it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Constitutional Convention


    Wow, the irony! Under Saddam, each household was permitted one (real, select fire) AK47! Guess things really were better under him.

    Regards, Jim

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneCC View Post

    Here's some gems from the new Iraqi Constitution, which was voted upon while Iraq was under US Occupation. (source )

    Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

    Nope. Ain't in there. At all.

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