Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Get active for Monica Douglas

    OK, so me and my family will be out going door to door to support Monica this month and are excited to be of service.

    Getting on the gorund and having our voices heard in our states politics is vital to expanding our rights here in PA.

    If you arent just a "keyboard commando", talking politics and how much you value your rights all day while expending no real energy then you may want to ansewr this call.

    It means getting rid of a long time encumbant and awful anti that has supported all kinds of anti legislation. And putting in a pro-gun canidate with our backing.

    vonunteer for Monica here:

    If you are new to this, or have never gone door to door for a canidate before I am more than willing to orginize a group or have one or two people go out with my family and me to learn how to do this.
    About our opponent
    Over the years Representative Levdansky has made clear his Gun Control Agenda:

    •Representative Levdansky made the following comments at a Game and Fish Committee hearing on HB 2079 in 1986 in Clarion, PA “. . . insofar as the constitutional question of the right to keep and bear arms is concerned, I think that that argument is rather hollow and shallow . . . At best, I think that the right to bear arms argument is nothing more than rightwing, ideological rhetoric and ought to be dismissed as such”.

    •Opposes state firearms preemption law that protects sportsmen and gun owners and the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.
    -- HB 185 (02-1994)

    •Introduced legislation to have the legislature take financial control of the Game Commission.
    -- HB 585 (Amend. To—1985)

    •Introduced legislation that would have disarmed hunters in the field during hunting.
    -- HB 2079 (Amend. To—1986)

    •Supports banning semi-automatic firearms.
    -- Casey Gun Ban (HB 2600-1994)
    -- Michlovic Gun Ban (A4958/HB 185)
    -- Ryan Gun Ban (A5096/HB 185)

    •Supports Anti-Gun Organizations such as the Million Mom March.
    -- Million Mom March (HR 391)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Too far of a drive for me, so I donated some cash. Hope a bunch will either donate cash or time.

    I's like to see the left-wing wanker defeated.

    Hey, why not post in a few other websites?
    Every person is created equal and is entitled to an opinion, but not all opinions are created equal.

    -Wise Man, circa early 21st century.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Representative Levdansky made the following comments at a Game and Fish Committee hearing on HB 2079 in 1986 in Clarion, PA “. . . insofar as the constitutional question of the right to keep and bear arms is concerned, I think that that argument is rather hollow and shallow . . . At best, I think that the right to bear arms argument is nothing more than rightwing, ideological rhetoric and ought to be dismissed as such”.
    I wonder how many times the words "I support Pennsylvania sportsmen" comes out of those same lips?

    If she's on your ballot, vote Monica Douglas, and remove that smug son of a bitch.
    The little bit that I heard her speak in person led me to believe she is sincere in her desire to correct the wrongs put in place by Representative Ledvansky.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    PGH, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    For anyone who lives in the South Hills, like South Park or in Finleyville. I would like to set up a day to pass out info on Monica at an intersection by the South Park fairgrounds.

    Or, if there is an event at the fairgrounds that you know of we could hit it with a few people and pass out info.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Glade Mill Lake, Cooperstown, Pennsylvania
    (Butler County)
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Let me know shawn. I'll go door to door with you guys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Quote Originally Posted by P-11 shooter View Post
    Let me know shawn. I'll go door to door with you guys.
    THANKS !!!

    PM incomong.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    I'm willing to lend a hand with this, never helped with anything like this but what better time than now!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Smith View Post
    I'm willing to lend a hand with this, never helped with anything like this but what better time than now!
    the talk/action ratio seems to be improving

    PM inbound

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    I was helping Monica Douglas (9-6-08) on sat at two different gun local gun clubs at social events while she was meeting and talking with everyone. I was passing out fliers about anti-gun Rep Levdansky history of supporting gun control.

    Here is one of the ways how gun owners can affect elected people in Harrisburg.

    You will all love this one, last month I was with Kim Stolfer and a couple of other FOAC volunteers at this same gun club in Rep Levdansky district. Kim Stolfer made a presentation at a general month meeting about Levdansky alliances with several Anti-Gun organizations. Kim showed a short video of AG Levdansky proudly standing with Mom’s Against Guns rally on the capital steps. Also Kim talked about how Levdansky the so called “sportsmen pal” had a scheduled debate with Kim Stolfer at Gettysburg. 4 days before the long scheduled debate Levdansky had to back out for allegedly a “local meeting”. So who did Rep Levdansky get another a staffer, nope. How about anti-gun Rep who has tied his political career to…. No….I could at least understand that. Levdansky got to the Brady bunch of gun control people to substitute in for him.

    Read details about Gettysburg debate here.

    Well here is the point lots of members at this same gun club jumped all over Rep Levdansky at this Sat social event at this gun club, several were openly hostile towards him for his anti-gun stance illustrated by Kim Stolfer presentation. Well it got better, when Monica Douglas showed up Rep Levdansky quickly packed up all of his stuff and immediately left this club as fast as he could. It was really funny, one guy said you could see the fear on his face, when he saw Monica Douglas.

    To bad, I really want to jump on Rep Levdansky on his anti-gun allies that he supports, also wanted to remind him a of another promise that he personally made at April 2007 legislator lobbying event when I as a team leader took 50-55 gun owners and crammed most of them into his Harrisburg office. Rep Levdansky promised in front of all this gun owners to work with US. Rep Levdansky made this same promise at lunch at the capital to Kim Stolfer and my self again.

    Well he broke another promise, to all gun owners in PA. I expect politicians to steal and waste my tax money, I OBJECT TO THEM TO BREAK THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE AND STEAL MY RIGHTS AS WELL. I can always work harder to replace the money they waste but how do you get your rights back after they have voted to take them away?

    Its time for gun owners all over this state to start helping removing problem Reps like Levdansky one at a time till we change the equations outcome in Harrisburg of IF you support gun control gun owners will help replace you with someone that will support our rights and their oaths..

    No matter where you live in PA you can do your little part to send the anti-gun politicians a message. Support gun control, start looking for a new job.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get active for Monica Douglas

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn.L View Post
    OK, so me and my family will be out going door to door to support Monica this month and are excited to be of service.

    Getting on the ground and having our voices heard in our states politics is vital to expanding our rights here in PA.

    If you aren’t just a "keyboard commando", talking politics and how much you value your rights all day while expending no real energy then you may want to answer this call.

    It means getting rid of a long time encumbant and awful anti that has supported all kinds of anti legislation. And putting in a pro-gun canidate with our backing.

    volunteer for Monica here:

    If you are new to this, or have never gone door to door for a canidate before I am more than willing to orginize a group or have one or two people go out with my family and me to learn how to do this.
    About our opponent
    Shawn it's post like your that make me feel proud to be a PAFOA member and all the time I spend fighting on the front lines or behind the scenes doing research. It makes me proud that there are still fellow gun owners that are still willing to step up and do more than just give lip service to keeping their rights and are ready and willing to put your boots on the ground when required. Put force and give meaning to their beliefs with ACTIONS SPEAKING LOUDER THAN JUST WORDS.

    Quote Originally Posted by tobor View Post
    Too far of a drive for me, so I donated some cash. Hope a bunch will either donate cash or time.

    I's like to see the left-wing wanker defeated.

    Hey, why not post in a few other websites?
    As long as there are gun owners that will help out with a couple of bucks, I PROMISE to do my part and donate my time to make up the differance...

    Its people like Shawn. Tobor and LOTS of others on PAFOA that make me feel that all of my efforts are all worth all the time that I and many other donate in this fight to keep our rights that other bleed in the past for US to enjoy today.

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