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    Default summer gun wars...

    Summer gun wars: Jesse Jackson leads the way

    By Michelle Malkin • July 9, 2007 04:53 PM
    The deputy mayor for education in Washington, D.C., was held up recently in broad daylight by two armed robbers:
    The man in charge of fixing the District’s ailing schools might be more focused this week on another troubled aspect of the city — public safety — after he was robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight while walking home from the Metro.
    Victor Reinoso, the deputy mayor for education, was walking in the 6800 block of Fifth Street NW at 7:25 p.m. Monday when he was held up by two men, police said. One man, wearing a pink shirt, pointed a black and silver handgun at Reinoso and demanded that he drop his briefcase, police said.
    The second assailant picked up the briefcase and ordered, “Give me your cellphone,” which Reinoso did, according to a police report. The men then told Reinoso to hand over his wallet, and he complied.
    Reinoso, 38, was not hurt.
    “He was pretty lucky,” police Cmdr. Hilton Burton said, noting robberies can end in violence.
    NRA head Wayne LaPierre sees a perfect illustration of Washington’s handgun ban folly:
    Just how worthless is Washington, D.C.’s gun ban? It’s so bad in our nation’s capitol that a deputy mayor was recently robbed at gunpoint.
    Victor Reinoso is lucky to be alive today, but do you think he’ll be speaking out about the pointlessness of D.C.’s gun ban? Not if he wants to keep his job, he won’t.
    Criminals don’t care about gun laws … anymore than they care about D.C.’s complete gun ban
    Ultimately, Victor Reinoso’s robbery probably won’t mean much when it comes to public policy in Washington, D.C. After all, they’ve already stuck with the ban for 30 years- what’s one more innocent victim?
    You’ll recall that the city’s handgun ban was struck down by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit earlier this year.
    Continuing his war on gun owners, the Rev. Jesse Jackson has announced a 25-city, anti-gun protest on August 25. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is calling on Second Amendment supporters to counter-protest:
    While Rev. Jesse Jackson is feverishly organizing a 25-city anti-gun protest on Tuesday, Aug. 28, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) wants gun owners to visit gun shops and shooting ranges, and contact their state and federal lawmakers on that date to demand that they support our Second Amendment rights.
    Jackson’s day of national protest is timed on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1963 March on Washington, D.C.
    “The great hypocrisy here,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb, “is that Dr. King’s historic march was to promote and defend civil rights. What Jesse Jackson is planning is designed to crush America’s most important civil right. A right that Dr. King exercised by owning a handgun.”
    Jackson wants to limit the number of firearms a person may purchase in a calendar year, place new restrictions on who is allowed to legally own a handgun, and mandate longer waiting periods.
    “While Jackson and his gun-grabbing cronies want to make it more difficult, if not impossible, for average Americans to keep and bear arms,” Gottlieb said, “gun owners can exercise their Constitutional rights, and tell their lawmakers to defend the Second Amendment. They can visit a gun shop, buy a gun or ammunition, or visit a range and exercise their rights.
    “Being from Chicago,” Gottlieb said, “it is astonishing that Jackson has failed to see the correlation between that city’s Draconian handgun ban and Chicago’s violent crime rate, yet he wants to lead a nationwide protest against a constitutionally-protected civil right. Rev. Jackson evidently has forgotten the question raised in Luke, Chapter 6: ‘Can the blind lead the blind’?”
    “Holding law-abiding gun owners responsible for crimes they did not commit, which is what restrictive gun laws do, is like bearing false witness against thy neighbor,” Gottlieb said. “I might suggest that anybody joining in this protest remember the words of Matthew, who said ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

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    Default Re: summer gun wars...

    If the Bad Buys took the cell phone, how can the guy call 911. The Law makers need to outlaw cell phone theft..

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