- Carrying in Blair county
- Blair County get together
- Blair county and surrounding area meet and greet-December 3rd at 600pm
- Blair County guys
- Blair county get together part II
- Blair county Part II thursday 2/29/09 6-630pm at el campensino
- Blair County Part II-El Camp revisited January 29 2009 at 600pm
- Blair Countyish get together-Part three
- Shooting in Blair county
- Blair countyish shoot together part 1
- AK's in Blair county
- Blair county paintball........Anyone want to play?
- Blair county get together/shoot
- WAZZUP Blair County
- Going Shooting
- need info on gunshow.
- New Blair County Sheriff: NFA friendly?
- Any EMT or Paramedics out there!
- Hi BC members!
- Are you fishing?
- shooting 1st weekend of april
- Shoot/Camp/Hang out?
- New to the forum
- Any interest in a 2/3 gun match?
- Memorial weekend shoot
- Bow Hunters Wanted!!
- H-burg Carbine course
- get together and shoot
- blair/cambria labor day get together
- El camp weds sept 15th dinner
- El camp or cold weather shooting?
- Court House Questions...
- Going Shooting!
- Cheapest gun transfers in the area
- Martindale range.
- Range time?
- Just sold my beretta, had some extra ammo
- Non-Resident LTCF in Blair County
- Prescion Lead Placement
- anyone want to freeze or get some food at the end of the month
- Saying Hello
- Open Carry gatherings near roaring spring
- with the exception of a snow storm want to shoot.
- Best place to shoot near Altoona?
- Shooting
- Outlaw 3 Gun at HSC
- Castle Law Protects Homeowner
- East Coast Gun Sales
- shoot
- any class 3 dealers near blair
- Altoona Walmart
- Good FFL in Altoona or Hollidaysburg
- New member.
- Hollidaysburg and Bellwood Sportsmen - Questions about the ranges.
- AR 15 mags in stock
- Blair county Firearm safety classes?
- Going shooting
- John Lott debates for gun rights at Penn State Altoona College on Tuesday 4/16/2013
- Range time
- New member from Altoona
- 3 Gun Event
- Upcoming events at Riggles Gap Sportsmens Club, Altoona, PA
- group shoot
- Altoona Indoor Range
- Prior Tyrone resident, hopefully on my way back to Blair county
- Renew your permit.
- Super Secret Facility in Altoona.
- Pioneer Gunshop owner passed away yesterday.
- Rumor has it; Highpower/Service matches return to Bellwood Sportsmans Range
- Soft body armor at the grocery store today
- Any ranges closing?
- Blair county finds out they got the bug
- LEOs where they usually aren't
- 2021 Check IN
- Assault with a deadly toilet bowl
- Altoona School District Authorizes School Police Use Of Semiautomatic Rifles
- The Alligator of Altoona