- Anyone else in Mercer
- Mercer Townhall with Sam Rohrer Friday, May 14 8:00AM
- Looking for a place to test shoot a shotgun.
- Thanks to CASTLEWOOD
- ELITE FIREARMS closing for a week
- Finger print issue. Just me?
- Hermitage volunteer fire dept gun raffle/steak fry
- Roll Call Mercer County
- when is the next utah permit test.
- THUNDER HARLEY-DAVIDSON Bill Basilone benefit raffle
- Mercer County Utah CCW Class
- Updated Mercer Co LTCF schedule for applying
- Utah ccw class
- NRA Basic pistol course
- Utah CCW class in Clark Pa.
- Utah ccw course at elite firearms
- Mercer County Carpool on the 23rd to buy more guns and ammo
- Sharpsville PD - Do your job!
- pardoe sportsmans club/ first OC
- New to Area
- Local Utah instructors...
- Looking fo a local FFL
- EliteFirearms 1st annual Waterfowl Expo
- Elite Firearms Black Friday sale
- C&Rs
- Any good places to fish
- Mercer Co. no longer issues non-resident CCW
- Elite Firearms Sportsmans Garage Sale
- Looking for locals.
- Upcoming gun bashes?
- altra firearms jackson center
- gun show grove city area?
- Gun raffle for anyone interested
- Anti-hate rally in Mercer on Aug 19?
- Pro 2A march Sunday April 15