View Full Version : Lehigh Valley & Philadelphia Region

  1. 2010 Harrisburg Rally Coordination Thread (Lehigh Valley & Philadelphia Region)
  2. 3d shoot/flea market (free tables)
  3. Armed Robbery of Local Pharmacies (Broomall, Havertown, etc,) 2007 Pontiac G6
  4. NRA Classes Easton area
  5. LF Non creepy people from the interwebz
  6. Bucks/Philly Meet and greet!! 3-28-11
  7. wanted: dog friendly 1+br apartment in the philly burbs.
  8. next meet in eastern pa???
  9. outdoor rifle range/not PGC
  10. Farmers Day at Great Swamp Fish & Game
  11. Moving to PA from CO
  12. Lehigh Valley OC Meet & Greet
  13. East Bath Rod and Gun
  14. Guess who's coming to dinner...
  15. Mountain bike trails in SEPA?
  16. December Meet?
  17. SE PA Club with range for pistol action shooting?
  18. Why the limit on rounds?
  19. Adventures in the Lehigh Valley
  20. Sig P229 pricing
  21. Custom grips?
  22. Looking for a gun club
  23. Guthsville Gun Club... what the heck?
  24. Langhorne rod and gun club
  25. Club/Range that allows shooting AR Off-Hand?
  26. WWII Weekend at Graeme Park - May 5th and 6th!
  27. Shimerville closed
  28. Lawyers in Phila, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties?
  29. Anyone been by Surplus City recently? Curious about a price.
  30. 500ish yard ranges in the area
  31. Hey all
  32. Where can I shoot non-paper
  33. Looking to join gun club
  34. Philly/DELCO/Lower Bucks SHTF group
  35. Where to live, how to buy, where to shoot?
  36. How about a 'Where is carry prohibited?' in your county folder?
  37. Handgun rental near Pottstown?
  38. Deciding on a range membership near Allentown
  39. Bought my first AR. Looking for a range or club in bucks
  40. meet up in or near philly
  41. What is the job market like in Phoenixville and areas close by?
  42. Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club
  43. M&P15 Sport
  45. January 23rd Harrisburg Rally - Lehigh Valley Carpool
  46. Finding an AR in the Area?
  47. Delco/Philly/Bucks Militia - Forming Now
  48. Lehigh Valley SHTF Group
  49. How's Car pooling around NE Phila/Lower Bucks
  50. Please Delete
  51. 9mm ammo avail?
  52. Monday evening 1/28 meeting- Concerned Gun Owners of Bucks County
  53. Are you Looking for ammo in the Phila area ?
  54. Looking for an ATI GSG 1911
  55. Looking For Updated Info On FFL Transfer
  56. getting my fiance to shoot
  57. Reloading Equipment Locating
  58. has anyone seen a walther pps 9mm in the Lehigh valley area? Please help!
  59. Heads Up in the 160th District
  60. Looking for a Colt 6920
  61. heading to pistol people inc in bensalem tomorrow
  62. Outdoor ranges...Non-Memberu
  63. Cleaning my Walther P22 Tactical
  64. Hey Tri-boro, Ranger or Keystone members..
  65. Shotgun allowed Area
  66. National OC day: Oct 19th
  67. Nice areas to primitive camp/ hike that aren't campgrounds?
  68. Know of a range that rents Sig P-938?
  69. Another Hellertown Diner OC dinner?
  70. Places to find Tri-Tip (beef cut) near Allentown?
  71. Looking for M1 Carbine Mags in SEPA
  72. keystone Rod & Gun Club
  73. Anyone interested in helping out a rookie girl?
  74. Old Shimersville Indoor Range reopening this weekend as Higher Ground Tactical
  75. Cacoosing Gun Club will host a presentation facilitated by Sheriff Eric Weaknecht
  76. Thinking about heading to Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays 9/13 or 9/14
  77. Northampton County exec picks three for cabinet
  78. Moving North To PA
  79. M&P Shield Night Sight Installation?
  80. searching for a Gun Club
  81. Custom vault doors in Lehigh Valley & Philadelphia Region?
  82. Need Gunsmith for M&P Trigger Work
  83. NFA Transfer Location
  84. FFL that does multiple transfers for a decent price?
  85. SCCSFA - When will they open for new membership?
  86. Meeting up for a Class III ETC fun day March 26th! Will Pay to shoot your toys!
  87. LPRGC - Membership, talk to me...
  88. 2015 USPSA Season at Southern Chester Co (SCCSFA)
  89. New Membership to Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association
  90. Utah CFP Class at Oaks Gun Show May 30 & 31st
  91. Need S&W gunsmith near Philadelphia
  92. LTCF in Lehigh County?
  93. Help with home range construction
  94. Philly LTCF taking over 45 days
  95. Philly GPU STILL Asking for References - PhillyMag Posts Class Action Policy Change
  96. Easton-area pool halls?
  97. Officer and Board of Director's Elections: Branch Valley FGFA, Perkasie PA
  98. Anyone up for a daytime shoot Xmas week?
  99. Anyone in Philly who submitted a LTC app in the last 10 weeks get an approval notice?
  100. Philly LTCF
  101. Philly LTCF renewal pickup – A mostly non-negative experience!
  102. 7th PA CD Rep Pat Meehan faces conservative challenger in primary
  103. New member
  104. Undetermined/Advice/Help
  105. Ltcf revoked what do i do
  106. FFLs for internet sales in Delco
  107. Attention Branch Valley Members; please read
  108. Browning Abolt 300win with optic for sale
  109. VFMAC graduation: Off property, public parking, with in walking distance ?
  110. Repo, you're slacking!
  111. Took a visible-carry motorcycle ride through Philly today;
  112. Labor Day gun raffle
  113. Looking for a place to squirrel hunt in Chester/Delaware/Lancaster Co.
  114. philadelphia please touch museum
  115. Volunteers needed: GOP Poll watchers, roaming anti-fraud teams and such
  116. Looking for butcher/processing for deer in Montco/Bucks
  117. PA 160th District State Rep race (Chester/Delaware County) Barrar vs Cleary
  118. Recommendation for Shooting Range in the Mt. Pocono area
  119. Am I ignorant about this range rule or has range become too Jerseyfied ?
  120. Need recommendation for a place to thread a savage mod 10 for a suppressor
  121. Home invasion shooting changed to domestic dispute?
  122. Where to get a rifle threaded in NE PA?
  123. Local Shothell Reloading Supplies
  124. VEPR 12 in stock in Chester County area?
  125. ISO: sponsor for North Penn Gun Club
  126. Fingerprinting locally
  127. Long Distance Range
  128. Lower Providence R&GC - fishing?
  129. Speed shops in delco
  130. moving and installing a safe
  131. Bathroom tile contractor recommendation
  132. Ranges that allow steel
  133. Delaware County Range
  134. Source for reloading supplies in the Lehigh Valley?
  135. Looking to move into area (Blue Bell radus). Recommendations?
  136. Gunsmiths
  137. Brian Fitzpatrick - firearm - RTKBA
  138. Toomey - on firearms
  139. 2A Counter Protest March for Our Lives West Chester
  140. Centenial school board meeting 6/11/2018 to discuss school security
  141. Ammo sales
  143. Denied concealed carry license
  144. snake needs identifying
  145. Best LGS for used guns in the area?
  146. Cheapest FFL near Hellertown?
  147. Slatington Skeet Club
  148. Where to get truck worked on (level, tires, wheels) in/near Montco?
  149. Montco, watch out for this guy(Shrriff’s office)
  150. Club Steel Challenge
  151. Preemption Meeting Allentown Aug 1 - Kim Stolfer & Maj Toure
  152. Shooting range near Bethlehem?
  153. Abuser got PFA on victim for shooting ceiling
  154. Westchester co and Montco Frenchcreek outfitters done!
  155. Kitchen table FFLs?
  156. Need electrician
  157. Anybody shoot at Holmesburg fish and game?
  158. Free body hold traps in lower bucks
  159. Would a Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association member sponsor me?
  160. New to area.. help please!
  161. Shooting Range That Allow Tracers
  162. New to Pennsylvania. What should I know?
  163. Range recommendations
  164. Reloading Shops
  165. Where to buy U.S. flags locally in the Lehigh Valley area ?
  166. Main line armory (Delco)
  167. Looking for members of Delaware County Field and Stream
  168. Home based FFL
  169. 1911 smith in SEPA
  170. Plaintiffs Needed for Philly “Ghost Gun” Ban
  171. Four Reasons Why Constitutional Carry Isn't Moving in PA
  172. Gunsafe installer in SE PA - recommendations needed
  173. Plymouth Meeting cops took gun
  174. Steel Challenge and USPSA Practice
  175. Christiana Cabela's has primers
  176. Are references required for Delco carry permit application?
  177. Montco Concealed Carry License
  178. Lower Bucks office.
  179. Where should my family look for acreage south of Saylorsburg?
  180. Farm/land access for hunting
  181. New-Old Car Jacking Trick now fashionable again
  182. I Need a Custom Kydex Holster
  183. Looking for small retail space for small gun shop Bucks/Montgomery
  184. Wild Game Dinner Fogelsville, PA January 29th
  185. PA Cartridge Collector Show: Aug. 19-20
  186. Bucks/Montgomery Gun Garage Sale
  187. state game lands / farm lands to shoot clays with manual thrower
  188. Just moved to montco from NY
  189. "Grappling with America's Guns" - November 9, 2022 6pm
  190. Phantoms hockey
  191. New to PA, new to guns, lf some advice
  192. More gun thefts
  193. Indian Creek Armory in Danielsville, PA (new-ish gun store)
  194. Philadelphia Concealed Carry Amtrack Train Station
  195. Philadelphia Crime Wave Of Burglary, Larceny & Auto Theft Spills Into Nearby Suburbs
  196. Looking for people with land
  197. Training class recommendation
  198. NE Extension Tanker Truck Fire
  199. Reloading gear for sale
  200. Branch Valley Club / Association Perkasie sponsor needed
  201. Any member of New Holland Rifle and Pistol Club
  202. Tri Town Sportsman Club
  203. 😲Giant 'Flying' Spiders Spotted In Eastern PA
  204. Gunsmith Rec in Bucks?
  205. Armed Robber Holds Up Employees At Norristown Store: Police
  206. 350 & 400 Legend
  207. New holland this weekend?