View Full Version : Political
- Looking for LanCo. Gun Supporters, Feb. 5
- 2010 Second Amendment Liberty in PA is Second to None rally & lobbying event.
- Luntz survery, televised in Philly 27JAN10
- Ted Nugent joins radio show host Mark Walters on Armed American American Radio
- Sat Feb 6, 10 Cabela’s / NRA - 2nd Amendment Presentation
- Meet Joe Sestak (must pre-register)
- Sam Rohrer, Candidate for PA Governor, Town Hall in Lancaster, PA Feb 24th
- Hanover TEA Party
- 2nd Annual State Capitol Taxpayers’ Protest
- Getting Ready for April 19th DC March
- Southwest PA TEA Party
- Pittsburgh Tea Party
- Meet Daryl Metcalfe in Franklin County
- Pennsylvania: Baldwin Borough to Draft Lost or Stolen Legislation!
- Philadelphia Gun Shop Targeted For Protest
- PA Leadership Conference
- Indiana/Armstrong Patriots TEA Party, Saturday, April 24 2010, Kittanning
- Butler County Tea Party
- The PA U.S. Senate Forum
- Tea Party Meet the Candidates 7:00pm - 9:00pm
- Stand for Pennsylvania Aaron Tippin and Sam Rohrer Harrisburg
- Southwest PA TEA Party
- Indiana/Armstrong Patriots Pig Roast
- NRA 2011 Annual Meeting
- FOAC Central/Eastern Meeting
- PA Liberty Conference
- Judiciary Public hearing on HB 2536
- Roof Garden Tea Party meeting August 10th
- Central FOAC Meeting
- Conference call with Dan Onorato
- Indiana Pa T.E.A. Party - Rally for America
- Southwest PA T.E.A Party - "Stay the Course Remember the Cause!"
- Jersey Shore Meet-n-Greet/Preemption Rally
- PA Sheriffs Brigade Informational meeting
- StandToo TEA Party
- HB 40 Race to the finish line in the Senate
- FOAC Central Meeting 5pm
- Rally for Tom Corbett October 28th 2010 KOP
- Carbon County Sheriff's Brigade/PA Oath Keepers:
- 19th Annual Bill of Rights Commemorative Banquet
- Fedstock II (end the fed) rally @ 12pm
- Hanover's 2nd Anuual Tax Day Tea Party
- 2011 Keep 2nd Amendment Liberty in PA is Second to None rally & lobbying event
- FOAC Central Chapter Meeting
- State College Borough Special Meeting for firearms ordinance
- Kim Stolfer of FOAC to Speak at McKean Park 16426
- Firearms Owners Against Crime Monthly Meeting
- Students for Concealed Carry National Conference
- FOAC Central Chapter Meeting
- Tea Party rally in Bucks Co
- 2nd Amendment Rally
- Ron Paul "Black This Out" Event!
- Value Voters Summit, October 7 and 8, Washington, DC
- David Codrea Coming to Montgomery County PA to Speak on ATFs Fast & Furious
- FOAC Central Chapter Meeting (Perkins Restaurant)
- Pennsylvania Annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally
- 2012 Keep 2nd Amendment Liberty in PA is Second to None rally & lobbying event
- Ron Paul Rally April 22nd, Philly
- Bus from SWPA to Harrisburg for “Second Amendment is Second to None” Rally
- South West Pa. Tea Party Rally
- Southwest PA T.E.A Party
- NRA Phone Bank Office Open HOuse
- Southwest PA T.E.A Party -
- Constitution at Work: Gun Control Discussion
- Gun Control Debate
- How's it looking for a WIN in Penn. for Romney?
- Gun Buyback Protest
- Romney in Bucks County- Yardley area
- Citizens for Liberty Topic: United Nations/2nd Amendment
- Harrisburg Hope to host gun violence prevention forum
- New Jersey Gun Rights Rally Day, Needs Volunteers
- PA Responsible Citizens March
- Guns Across America
- 2013 2nd Amendment Action Day & lobbying event
- Erie Gun Owner's Congressional Townhall Meeting
- Montgomery County Gun Appreciation Day | Reject The U.N.
- Day of Resistance Rally - Open Carry Walk (RAIN OR SHINE)
- Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Mike Kelly By Indiana Armstrong Patriots
- 2/19 Rally posting from Facebook
- 2nd Amendment Rally
- Bus from (PMSC) Monroeville to Harrisburg for 8th Annual PA 2nd Amendment Rally
- Brookville, PA Open Carry Walk
- Concerned Gun Owners of Bucks County- guest Chief Mark Kessler!
- HB 357-Rep. Daryl Metcalfe Speaking in Mechanicsburg, PA on April 2nd
- CEPTA Gun Rights event - Emmaus 3/19/2013
- Patriot Party at the Capitol!!! 12:00pm until 2:00pm
- Gun Rights Across America - Save the Second Rally May 25, 2013
- Franklin County 2nd Amendment Freedom Rally
- Westmoreland County 2nd Amendment Preservation Ord. voting Thursday April 11th
- Action Group Counter-Protest
- Clint Eastwood's One Sentence Editorial
- Philadelphia Gun Rights Rally
- caught on live mic.
- Sen. Michael Brubaker @ Coleman Memorial Chapel
- GRAA-PA/CGOPA Unite the Fight 2A picnic
- 2013 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Houston, TX
- 2nd Amendment and Open Carry
- 2014 2nd Amendment Action Day & lobbying event.
- Open Carry PA Court Victory Rally!!!!!!
- CT Citizens Defense League - 2A Civil Rights Rally
- Concerned Gun Owners of Penn meeting w guest Kim Stolfer
- Breakfast Meet - 2014 2nd Amendment Action Day & lobbying event.
- State rep Frank Farry is under attack by CeasefirePa
- Open Carry Counter Rally For Gun Rights
- 1st annual 2 Million Bikers to D.C. of Pennsylvania Patriots United Rally
- Family fun night & rally with Gov. Corbett
- Pizza and Politics with Kim Stolfer and Open Carry PA
- Open Carry meeting 1/17/15 in N.W. Pa.
- 2015 2nd Amendment Action Day & lobbying event.
- Clarion Open Carry Walk
- FOAC Families For Freedom Rally
- Butler County 2nd Amendment rally TODAY April 25
- Breakfast Meet - 2015 2nd Amendment Action Day & lobbying event.
- Open Carry Counter Rally For Gun Rights 2
- Butler County 2A Rally, Saturday August 27th 2016
- Charlie Dent (PA 15th District) telephone town hall Today (3/13/2017)
- Medical Records linked to a 302 commitment.
- Impeach Trump March, July 2 in Philadelphia
- FOAC Gun Bash - Sept 30th in Washington PA (free MG shoot with purchase)
- Las Vegas and November 4th
- Penn's Parks for all
- Rally for the 2nd Amend on steps of state capitals on Sunday, Nov 5, 2017
- Special Election District 18 March 13th
- Report: Anti-gun Rally in Media PA, 1 16 2018
- PLEASE READ: Progressive Leader in Philadelphia Admits True Agenda
- Organize Counter Protest March for Lives 3/24/2018
- Counter Protest West Chester March for Our Lives
- March for Our Lives "Pittsburgh"
- Anyone think philly area needs a pro gun event in 2018? Ideas?
- Voter sign ups
- Pennsylvania Consitutional Rally: Saturday April 14th, Harrisburg.
- RALLY TO SUPPORT Officer Palla & our 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights
- Trump to Speak in Dallas?
- Virginia candidate admits he's a pedo
- FOAC 2nd Amendment Rally 8/18/18 Butler
- Gov Wolf has blocked access the 3D gun files on PA internet
- Open Carry abolished in Pa?
- Question for Moderator on Sticky Threads.
- Can a person with an FFl own magazines in New Jersey over 10 rounds
- Erie 03 August 2019 2A Rally by Open Carry PA
- Toomey
- Americans against red flag laws rally 7 Sep Columbus State House.
- Gov Wolf is now a Muslim?
- Open Carry Freedom Festival in Pike County October 12-13
- Is Trump going to survive?
- Judge retention
- 2A Rally in Washington DC
- Another open carry Pittsburgh Jan 7th ??
- Pa gun violence survey
- Here we go guys. The battle starts
- Bill Whittle is fired up...
- SCOTUS Contemplating Case Regarding Unconstitutional Bans on ARs, AKs, and Magazines
- sigh ideas for va
- Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials
- ‘A Disgrace,’ Residents Upset by Tattered American Flag
- Read this
- Fitzpartick primary challange
- What if they come for your firearms?
- Sheriff David Clarke coming to Bethlehem May 20th
- Road closures planned ahead of presidential visit
- Anti-2A Gun Rally in DelCo needs COUNTER PROTESTERS Fri 3/13!!!
- Day late and dollar short
- Where's Joe............
- Great website for political analysis
- Montgomery Borough, Pennsylvania Considers going gun Sanctuary
- URGENT 2A NEWS Pelosi Sneaking Gun Control Into Stimulus Package
- Any "Reopen the State" rallies planned?
- Harrisburg 2A Rally on 6/8
- Memorial day
- June 2nd PA Primary Day
- Judge Rules Barber Can Remain Open
- Is it just me...
- People Of The Taxing Paying U.S.
- Call/Email your REPS! Russ Diamond Needs Your Help To Amend PA Act 111
- Listen and LEARN.....
- Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion (1984)
- GOP senator stops bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday
- Laurence Tribe reveals the Democrats scheme using mail in ballots
- Any Way To Help Out In PA
- The Biden Way for Gun Control
- Trump Thunder August 29
- DC panel targets Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument
- Red Mirage: When Trump Election Day Landslide Flips to Biden
- Sporting Clays shoot fundraiser for PA Rep Andrew Lewis
- I hope no one here voted for Conor Lamb
- Massive ‘F–k Cuomo and de Blasio’ mural painted on Brooklyn street
- Trump Thunder Sunday October 4
- Bucks County Trump caravan rally Saturday, 10/17
- 2020
- Chester County - Hand-delivering ballot at voter services?
- Good to see
- Voter suppression in Bucks/Warminster
- Half of the population are idiots. Discuss.
- This is intense
- After this election is over, change your voter registration status to Democrat
- BREAKING: State Legislatures in Swing States May End Up Saving the Union – Here’s How
- dems have not stolen election yet
- Turn Page
- email to Casey and Toomy
- Please Pass This On
- The Election is over
- $600 already in bank
- City monitoring social media reports of possible protests
- 10 days of darkness upon us? Italian president arrested?
- taken down
- Poll: How long will China Joe last?
- American citizens have the power
- H.R.127 - Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act
- Trump not guilty!
- Promoter caves
- Philadelphia's District Attorney race - Vega unseating Krasner
- Montana Passes Bill To Nullify Gun Restrictions
- Tim Scott
- Fitzpatrick voted for the Jan 6th commission. He has to be voted out next election.
- Joshua Prince for Commonwealth Court
- Peak Behind the Curtain of Social Media Manipulation video with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
- US intelligence agencies and all three branches of government are corrupt
- Really ?
- Fake "pro gun" groups still around
- Springfield Twp. Bucks County, Proposed Ordinance 195 - Eliminating Gun Ranges
- Civil Rights and Crime
- 😒Congressional redistricting public hearing to be held in Scranton
- 📬 PA voters will pay for mail-in ballot postage
- Pennsylvania U.S. senate
- go brandon @ superbowel
- 🤔 BATF Picks a fight with Texas over Suppressor Freedom Law
- 🤤NY to limit marijuana permit eligibility to those convicted of pot-related offenses
- i have a scary thought
- NEED A GOOD LAWYER, STAT! Non-firearms related
- I got a mail in ballot today. And i can not vote in the primary.
- 2022 2nd Amendment Rally in Harrisburg on September 12th!
- Election Integrity
- 🤔Joe Biden Says He Welcomes Advice from New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda
- 🤔 Nanny S New drivers must take a pedestrian and bicycle safety course to obtain lic
- If you haven’t seen this Matt Walsh video, take the time to watch it.
- GOA Event with Stephen Willeford in Pittsburgh: Sep. 15th
- For the NYC crowd…
- Rally & Call To Action rally in Bloomsburg Saturday August 27th
- GOA Freedom Festival: Warminster, Oct 1st from 1-7 PM
- ever hear pf arabella advisors?
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