View Full Version : National
- List of the 50 States RKBA
- Map of the USA and the CCW status
- Help shape your RKBA issues!
- YOUR Guide to RKBA resources
- Academics for the Second Amendment
- SCotUS Rules: 2nd Amendment Secures An Individual Right
- Constitution class
- 10th Circuit Upholds Okla. ban on employer bans on firearms.
- McDonald v. Chicago (08-1521)
- NH Legislators Look to Nullify Federal Gun Laws
- New (to me) interpretation of the 2A
- Will Virginia Nullify Federal Gun Laws? By Michael Boldin
- Washington, DC gun laws?
- Tyranny and Gun Control
- Neither Sword Nor Shield: Full-Spectrum Civilian Disarmament
- “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” Loses Yet Another Member!
- Anti gun Senator shoots intruder
- The UN, always causing trouble...
- " Concealed handgun permit holders dont protect police officers. They kill them. "
- Executive Order...Tin Foil Hat can come off now....
- Awesome critique and deconstruction of the Stephens dissent in Heller v DC
- CA CCW lawsuit initial victory
- Gun Salesman of the Decade
- BATF Notice Bans Private Gun Sales In Texas
- H.R. 45 Email making the rounds
- S&W Exec charged with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act over weapons sales!
- Constitutional carry trying to be born in AZ, how long till PA tries?
- Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign
- Excerpt from Justice Roberts gives hint that Incorporation WILL win in SCOTUS 2A Case
- Colin Goddards why we need more gun laws, video response
- Now THIS is how I want a politician to speak after a criminal act involving a gun!
- Will these anti-fed gun laws circumvent the 1986 MG ban
- Is there any truth to this?
- NY going further down the tubes
- Pro-gun activists show up en masse:Washington State RE: Assult Weapons
- U.S. Supreme Court Grants NRA Motion For Divided Argument In McDonald v. City of Chic
- U.S. agrees to timetable for UN Gun Ban
- IRS arming up.
- Maryland trying to ban ownership of "assault weapons"
- Put a Stake Through the Heart of the Anti-gun ObamaCare Bill!
- You Have to SEE This !!!!! And Email It To Everyone You Know...
- "Give me your tired, poor, your huddled masses...your thumbprint???
- free live coverage of the tea party convention
- KING, NC - Gun Ban during state of emergency??!!
- Open carry, get shot?
- Tinker v. Des Moines style protest in favor of 2nd Amendment
- National Park Service - Firearms Rules
- Bill To Allow Concealed Firearms Passes Wyo. House
- Texas Duels Over Guns
- Date draws near to allow firearms in national parks
- WV tells Bloomberg to get out
- New Mexico backs concealed handguns in places that serve alcohol
- VA just joined the 21st century!!!
- FYI - Ammo reloaders who fly
- 40mm White Phosphorus Rounds
- Background checks
- Whoot two Kennesaw Georgia OC'ers deter a takeover robbery !
- More New Jersey Thuggery
- Bill O'Reilly Supports Gun Confiscation During a "State of Emergency"
- Washington State: Semi-auto ban dies in committee
- SCOTUS Sets New Precedent
- GA Bills: SB 342 Removes the Government's Power to Seize Guns
- England's Lost Freedoms Video
- Do the Feds flag you if you buy too many guns...
- The Gun Show Stands Strong: Alex Jones with Darwin Boedeker at New Location
- News Front New Mexico
- Our Paranoia Paid Off?
- U.S v. Skoien being heard en banc (7th Circuit)
- NYC sucks so much.
- Guns in National Parks/Forests
- Here We Go Again...
- SCOTUS Ruled that 'Locked in the Glovebox/Trunk' = Carry
- Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control
- Vermont bill would (possibly?) outlaw Ammo!!. What about Police??
- 1982 HK91 compliance???
- Opponents of chicago gun ban speak up
- CNN Poll / McDonald vs. Chicago
- 4.5 SWAT Raids Per Day
- Fox News on Chicago Gun Restrictions vs. Washington etc.
- Understanding the 'Guy With the Gun' As Starbucks Gun Controversy Boils, Open Carry..
- ATF seizes toy airsoft guns
- Wall Street Journal artilce on Open Carry & Starbucks
- Article I Section 8 Militias
- Brady Campaign Score Card
- SPLC Right-Wing Rage: Hate Groups, Vigilantes & Conspiracists on Verge of Violence
- barrel length
- Jews with guns - not only in the Israel Defense Forces
- NYPD told to arrest innocent people to make quota
- Britain - True scale of violent crime rise revealed
- Daley's gun control legislation proposes 'micro-stamping'
- Coffee Party
- So, any reason the Dept of Education needs 12 REmington Shotguns?
- Lose job, buy guns, get a visit from SWAT
- Opponents blast Del. gun legislation
- NOPD Murder Conspiracy during Katrina
- W.Va. moves to outlaw gun sting sales(AKA What New York HAS BEEN DOING)
- OHIO - Bill would permit concealed carry in restaurants that serve alcohol
- Question about Curios & Relic renewal form???
- AZ going "no permit required"
- GA Senate attempts to DQ Carry permits on ANY misdemeanor (incl traffic)
- Second Circuit Rules: Carrying Firearms a "Liberty Interest"
- IA Shall Issue
- Arnold and more Ca insanity
- NY and Rifles.
- Sports Authority
- Indiana workers rights
- K-Mart vs WallMart (ammo)
- Arizona gun dealer sues Arizona AG.
- U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade
- ted nugent on glenn beck 04/01/2010
- Obama Pushing Another Radical Anti-gunner to the Federal Bench
- The NoVa Police Blackout
- Obama Gun Control Warning from uscca
- Arizona State House passes SB 1108 (no permit required)
- Ashtabula County (OH): Judge tells residents to "Arm themselves"
- Sheriff To Texas Border Town: 'Arm Yourselves'
- Mitt Romney
- Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia
- VA Gov signs restaurant carry bill
- Wisconsin gets tough on straw purchases
- Breaking my silence for a good reason: our world may just end in 2012 (UN Ban/Grab)
- Judge Tosses Alleged Open Carry Violation in CT
- Please boycott ABC !
- Constitutional Rights
- direction of the Country ...?
- When Brazil tried to ban all guns and ammunition
- Some intresting stuff I found today
- Civil rights question
- NJ Shall Issue
- Bryan Miller at it again!! Ceasefire NJ
- Challenging the 1986 MG Ban?
- Huge Power Grab Underway in Washington
- An Alert from JPFO
- OK open carry
- My latest article, this time on the " Terror Gap"
- DOD Brass -- Is This For Real?
- LA BuyBack Program
- Ted Nugent, NRA & Gun-Control
- New York: Microstamping legislation passes Assembly
- Good luck air port traveling with guns
- US Government (CIA) To Kill US Citizen - Terrorist
- The Hypocrisy of Gun Control
- The Weapon the China is using against Kindergarten Attackers
- Brady Campaign Demolished
- U N gun treaty
- Marriott exposes NRA conventioneers to criminal prosecution
- Calderon wants US to reinstate assault weapons ban
- King Daley offers to shoot reporter
- +1 Rep for Congressman Tom McClintock
- FBI Says Violent Crime Down For 3rd Straight Year
- Back door gun Control???
- Constitution Center Topic - "Can government ban handguns?"
- Police officer slain as mayor embarrasses himself and city
- What's Daley's take on this going to be?
- 'Better for the police to catch me with it than the robber to catch me without it'
- Liberal ADL Harvard cabal
- Voluntary registration New Jersey
- Supreme Rules on Miranda!!!!!!!!!
- California Assembly votes to ban OC of unloaded handguns
- The Chances..
- Hospital uses armed man for drill
- wanna stay quiet, you gotta speak up
- TN Restaurant bill override
- Baltimore off-duty police officer Kills unarmed Marine Vet Shooting him 9 times!!!
- Obama Moves to Silence Gun Groups and Other Political Opponents
- Limit on personal made guns
- Some Help with South Carolina Gun Laws
- New Jersey Politicians Want A List of NRA Membersand their Employers!
- Carry inside Natl Parks
- Gun Control: Rooted in racism?
- House Democrats Close to Reinstituting Penalties for Criticizing Congress
- Think Tough Gun Laws Keep Europeans Safe? Think Again...
- Gun rights violated
- Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Fund
- Chicago gun ban ignored as senior citizen defends himself and kills felon intruder
- Want to spend 45 minutes getting angry? [Dennis Henigan speech]
- Congresswoman Raises Red Flag on Hezbollah-Cartel Nexus on U.S. Border
- John Stossel: More Guns, Less Crime?
- Supreme Court on Chicago Gun Ban
- McDonald v. Chicago: Impact on carry at Universities/Colleges
- Mayor Daley still does not get it.
- Supreme Court Gun Decision Won't Affect NYC
- Pgh Tribune Review Pro-McDonald Editorial
- An Interesting Legal Question...
- New Legislative Effort to get Bankruptcy Exemption….For Guns.
- One for the good guys - St Louis, MO
- Chicago's new handgun law . . .
- We need DAs like this in PA!
- What's with the NRA?
- Travelling with rifle
- AK, VT, AZ. UT next?
- FL Police asking gun shops for buyer info
- God Bless Texas
- NV Costco - CCer shot by PD
- Carolyn McCarthy to Introduce Legislation Requiring Lost and Stolen Handgun Reporting
- What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self-defense Law
- Mike Church on the 2nd amendment ruling
- Analysis of McDonald Gun Rights Decision
- SAF/Gura sue NY(Westchester) over CCW
- Socialist Second Amendment
- Gun Permit Allows Visitors Quick Access to Texas Capitol
- Videotaping Cops News Article!
- Understanding the United Nations & US Gun Control
- N.Y Dem. introduces a "Good" resolution? WTF?
- Drug Cartel invades US.
- SAF in Maryland: Overturning Discretionary Issue of Carry License
- Tennessee man sues for right to bare arms
- NY May issue?
- Tiahrt loses Kansas primary
- Chicago’s New Gun-control Regime Challenged in Court
- Supporting your 2A rights
- SAF sues Chicago again; CeaseFire exec reveals anti-gun mindset
- Gun Owners against Illegal Mayors
- EPA Opens Comment Period On Lead Ammo Ban
- NRA Pulls Support for Reid
- Gun Rights Convention in San Fran.????
- Man at gun show jailed for selling gun to illegal alien w/TX drivers license
- San Francisco reconsidering gun ban in transit ads
- Senate Committee Hearing - Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform...
- NRA challenges Federal Handgun Ban for 18-20 year olds.
- OC Advocates should be shot
- Obama Administration Moves to Block the Sale of M1s to Law-abiding Americans
- 9/12 DC MARCH, Anyone going???
- Police respond to man with a rifle
- Kansas Initiative a 2nd Second Amendment?
- Seventh Circuit upholds federal law prohibiting drug users from possessing guns
- Just learned a new gun law. ATF regulation ???
- What's the Current Threat of Another AWB?
- Legality of Recording Cops
- Incompetence, thy name is BATF
- Interesting dialog, worth a read
- San Louis Obispo County Sheriff's deputies response to a "man with a gun" call.
- Constitution Carry In KY?
- Disclose Act Defeated in Senate
- Latest NJ concealed carry bill
- Wolanyk settles for $35k from San Diego in false arrest
- Help Us defeat Gun Grabber Eliot Engel
- (California) Bigotry against gun owners on display at street fair
- cnbc launches attack
- UT considering Constitutional Carry
- UGH, Bloomberg at it again, OP ED on CNN
- The 1st Domino falls: Wisconsin Judge rules CC Ban Unconstitutional
- Is a Misdemeanor Sufficient Reason to Deny Second Amendment Rights?
- question on Federal law, buying/selling handgun...
- FL OC Poll and article
- Alan Gura on Gun Rights Litigation Strategy
- NJ2AS and Gun For Hire offer FL CCW Station at Nov 17th Meeting in Toms River
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