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  1. Remington arms government contract (21 replies)
  2. Bicyclists In Frenchtown This Weekend for Anti-Mayors (1 replies)
  3. No Ammo and WHY? (79 replies)
  4. Calm before storm? (19 replies)
  5. Dianne Feinstein, hunting humans is now legal (31 replies)
  6. Did anything pass today on the floor with the Senate (5 replies)
  7. Divyendu Sinha Murder (0 replies)
  8. Chris Murphy to NASCAR: Drop NRA sponsorship (29 replies)
  9. Latest Mayor's Against Letter-We Need To Counter (0 replies)
  10. Senate Judiciary Committee (2 replies)
  11. Pat Toomey selling out (17 replies)
  12. JAMA: states with most gun laws have fewer deaths (26 replies)
  13. Jews and gun control (31 replies)
  14. Reminder of the "president's" real agenda (9 replies)
  15. Concealed carry march in IL (1 replies)
  16. Anyone else getting tired? (36 replies)
  17. NSSF won't fight background checks (12 replies)
  18. Homeland Security Military Vehicle Pictures I75 Kentucky (59 replies)
  19. Researchers report sharp rise in 'patriot' groups (13 replies)
  20. when is someone going to photoshop "don't drone me bro" (6 replies)
  21. Paul Slams Holder for Not Ruling Out US Drone Strike, Go Cruz ! Updated (6 replies)
  22. White House tours canceled (8 replies)
  23. NV no longer recognizes AZ permit (14 replies)
  24. There's hope for NY yet (10 replies)
  25. Reply from Congressman Tim Murphy R-18th Dist. (8 replies)
  26. Use of Drones on US Soil to kill Americans flip flop! (3 replies)
  27. Magpul reconsidered, no more LEO sales to ban states (12 replies)
  28. Dem lawmaker to rape victim: "statistics are not on your side" (25 replies)
  29. New reply from Rep. Matt Cartwright PA (6 replies)
  30. Chicago Pushes for Tougher Laws (22 replies)
  31. Senators Agree to New Gun Control Legislation (10 replies)
  33. WaPo article - gun deaths & violent crime down (gun laws not a factor) (0 replies)
  34. GOA Alert opposing federal judicial nominee Caitlin Halligan (6 replies)
  35. Cabelas is showing Medical Excise tax on their receipts (13 replies)
  36. Florida Student Suspended for Tackling gunman... (17 replies)
  37. 3D Printer Prints AR Lower/DefDist Printed AR Lower - Part III (1 replies)
  38. My life as a tyrant (9 replies)
  39. Where are the Pro-Gun Celebrities (17 replies)
  40. Compromise? (39 replies)
  41. Magpul to move if CO bill passes (1 replies)
  42. AWB in exchange for National Reciprocity (301 replies)
  43. Curio and Relic application question (6 replies)
  44. S. 54 Would Effectively Ban Even More Guns than Feinstein's Bill! (5 replies)
  45. Colorado AWB (SB-196) language makes you agree with lies (14 replies)
  46. Obama donor in process of buying up and ‘destroying’ America’s top pro-gun media (1 replies)
  47. Wow (17 replies)
  48. Gun Rights Rally In Albany. (0 replies)
  49. Magpul gave up the fight pretty quick... (93 replies)
  50. Maryland sb281 (17 replies)
  51. Senate committee postpones work on gun bills (8 replies)
  52. High capacity mag ban, for what? (2 replies)
  53. Andrew Cuomo's as hitler (8 replies)
  54. A ray of hope in NY (21 replies)
  55. TAKE A FEW Minutes and fill out these Petitions (1 replies)
  56. Pro gun bills blocked in utah (0 replies)
  57. US Supreme Court might rule on concealed carry. (34 replies)
  58. non whites and the second amendment (67 replies)
  59. Someone followed Biden's "Shotgun" advice... (14 replies)
  60. New Poll About Who Own Guns and Who Wants More Gun Control (14 replies)
  61. 3 Dead in Workplace Shooting (1 replies)
  62. Mayor Bloomberg's Money Funds another Anti-Gun Candidate who Just Won (9 replies)
  63. Senate Judiciary Hearing - AWB - Live Stream 2/27/13 (16 replies)
  64. In Separating Gun-Control Bills, Democrats Reveal Strategy (3 replies)
  65. Are you talking to your Reps? Obama's people are working hard against your guns! (0 replies)
  66. cali gun owners are bout to get screwed harder (18 replies)
  67. Making guns tax-free... at least for a day (12 replies)
  68. You HAVE to call Sen. Pat Toomey so we know where he stands (5 replies)
  69. FYI. Public Opinion on gun regulations. (37 replies)
  71. More comments you need to read! (29 replies)
  72. Beretta’s future in Maryland tied to state’s gun-control debate (34 replies)
  73. Judge Jeanine: Chicago Police Commissioner (11 replies)
  74. Pennsylvania gets a " C " rating ! (30 replies)
  75. Former Supreme Court Justice Souter (0 replies)
  76. The Flash Mob Attack - How To Defend? (6 replies)
  77. CTA: Universal Background Check=Firearms Registration, Jail for Violators (0 replies)
  78. So if you dont think the police and military wont beat an old woman for having a gun! (0 replies)
  79. Closing the Police Loophole (3 replies)
  80. Texas Man, 21 Shoots Intruder (0 replies)
  81. Obama Raising $50 Million to Promote Agenda (15 replies)
  82. Concealed Carry not covered by 2A, Colorado (8 replies)
  83. Federal Government Renews Push To Disarm Veterans (9 replies)
  84. Massive Gun Ban Introduced [in Oregon House] (7 replies)
  85. The Police Loophole! (1 replies)
  86. Obama Targets "on the fence" Congressman; help fight back! (2 replies)
  87. Free speech a felony now!! (9 replies)
  88. FIREMISSION: NRA Truth About Gun Owners Poll (45 replies)
  89. Veteran Letter (8 replies)
  90. The horse is not dead, it may be coming back to life (1 replies)
  91. Meeting With Wayne Fontana (5 replies)
  92. Virginia’s Gun Ban Bob McDonnell Strikes Again (4 replies)
  93. New Jersey gun laws (19 replies)
  94. Regarding Remington Arms in NYS (7 replies)
  95. And Now Dutchess County (NY) Sheriff's PBA (3 replies)
  96. Columbine Survivor Pens Bold Open Letter To Obama Rejecting Gun Control (3 replies)
  97. Barrett Boycotts New York (11 replies)
  98. Mexico Wants a List of U.S. Gun Owners (13 replies)
  99. Colorado College Advises Vomiting Or Urinating To Stop Rapists After Lawmakers Pass G (25 replies)
  100. NY Resistance (46 replies)
  101. Elderly Homeowner in Texas (15 replies)
  102. Oklahoma passes firearms freedom act (3 replies)
  103. Colorado House Democrats just passed a plethora of anti-2nd Amendment laws (13 replies)
  104. NEW YORK LEOs (24 replies)
  105. West Virginia (WVCDL) is getting it right and taking the offensive (2 replies)
  106. Biden says buy a shotgun, what a moron. (38 replies)
  107. 2nd Amendment Rights Rally in Dover, DE Feb 23rd (0 replies)
  108. Sheriff Warns Of “Second American Revolution” If Gun Grabbers Get Their Way (25 replies)
  109. Easy contact of US Gun companies (0 replies)
  110. Some good news from Minnesota! (1 replies)
  111. DHS now using typical gunowner targets (37 replies)
  112. NJ amends gun bill to include knives (17 replies)
  113. Mexico wants US to make gun registry and share with them. (0 replies)
  114. DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners (3 replies)
  115. Missouri rep proposes bill to make illegal to pass anti gun laws (2 replies)
  116. Pa. man arrested for having gun in Newark N.J. airport (7 replies)
  117. Dems and Gop may compromise on magazine ban (67 replies)
  118. Chicago Chief: Palin, gun lobby behind Chicago violence (26 replies)
  119. NL player caught with *illegal* gun in NYC.. let's see if Bloomberg enforces the law (13 replies)
  120. Why is "Common Sense" Regulation OK with the Second Amendment (18 replies)
  121. PWS supports LE in Ban states (23 replies)
  122. Take their money, move the jobs (6 replies)
  123. Seattle - Home inspections went a bit too far (15 replies)
  124. Flash Mobs and Guns (28 replies)
  125. Minnesota rifle confiscation law (39 replies)
  126. Amazon Removing Gun Products (54 replies)
  127. Boycott Armalite Facebook page (5 replies)
  128. Colorado is on the verge of having a 15rd magazine limit. (27 replies)
  129. And This is another reason to buy Spikes (0 replies)
  130. Armalite will not refuse LE/Govt sales....says vote people out of office (125 replies)
  131. CNN: 'John McCain applauds efforts in new Gun Regulations" (13 replies)
  132. New Obama work group to purge "Radical" online groups (10 replies)
  133. Federal Firearms Cases, FY2008 (0 replies)
  134. Cuomo reacts to SAFE Act backlash- Political humor (1 replies)
  135. next senate hearing 2/27/13***UPDATE**** (3 replies)
  136. Boycott - NY companies you might not be aware of (21 replies)
  137. ID: 1,000 citizens protest gun control (1 replies)
  138. Oppose the magazine ban which could kill you (2 replies)
  139. Is This For Real? (15 replies)
  140. Only Philly Anti-Gun people speak for Pennsylvania? (1 replies)
  141. 2 good articles (0 replies)
  142. Republicans - The Party of Assault Weapons and High Capacity Magazines (17 replies)
  143. Six Gun Companies Boycott New York. (34 replies)
  144. N.J.'s Lautenberg to retire (20 replies)
  145. Those crazy Fins (3 replies)
  146. Chris Kyle's death - political cartoon (24 replies)
  147. NJ permit to carry-oral arguments at 3rd Circuit (2 replies)
  148. Missouri Dems want confiscation or hand out felonies (18 replies)
  149. Mike Kelly 2A town hall meeting Please Attend (1 replies)
  150. School Safety Bills? (2 replies)
  151. New Jersey Assembly Panel Backs Tougher Gun Laws (13 replies)
  152. Sen. Manchin Sells Out to Obama and Then Told to Bend Over (7 replies)
  153. GOA Alert: Stockman/Broun letter (10 replies)
  154. show us the proof (20 replies)
  155. LaRue Tactical To Limit Law Enforcement Sales to Same Weapons as Citizens (0 replies)
  156. List of gun Mfgs that support the 2nd amendment (5 replies)
  157. Why is John Boehner clapping? (14 replies)
  158. Magpul may not be able to produce mags in CO (0 replies)
  159. State of the union and our fight for our rights (2 replies)
  160. Propaganda at its finest. (3 replies)
  161. Gun manufacturers role in the fight? (14 replies)
  162. State of the Union Instant Poll (34 replies)
  163. Know Your Enemy and VOTE them down. (4 replies)
  164. Heartbreaker: Chris Kyle wife (15 replies)
  165. EFI (Extreme Firepower) cuts off a bunch of government agencies (11 replies)
  166. Penn & Teller on the second amendment (7 replies)
  167. Magpul threatning to leave CO (9 replies)
  168. Remember this sign when you throw your support behind NJ Gov. Christie (16 replies)
  169. Gun Control (1 replies)
  170. Uncle Ted (1 replies)
  171. Magpul leaving CO (15 replies)
  172. John Lott on WSJ (1 replies)
  173. Should the President lead by demonstration? (8 replies)
  174. Argument using the Third Amendment to defend the Second (9 replies)
  175. Dem Congressman: ‘It’s Clear That We [Also] Need to Look at Handguns’ (12 replies)
  176. Joe Biden (46 replies)
  177. TX Congressman Stockman's Guest (0 replies)
  178. Response from Senator Toomey (8 replies)
  179. Keystone Coffee with Senator Casey (6 replies)
  180. Mods- please delete thread (0 replies)
  181. Report: Enforcement of the Brady Act 2010 (6 replies)
  182. Emails: Decision on NBC host stirred response (10 replies)
  183. Senators seek back room deal on firearm background checks (8 replies)
  184. You can't show pride in the USA (38 replies)
  185. The real plan (7 replies)
  186. Judge Jeanine: "Owning a Gun, is my God-Given Right!" (1 replies)
  187. CA hollow point assault bullets (8 replies)
  188. New Jersey Gun Owners Get a Big ‘FU’ from State House Democrats (35 replies)
  189. The goal of the VPC is to Ban Most Firearms (2 replies)
  190. Tea Party Gun Rights Petition (0 replies)
  191. LaRue Tactical restricting sales to LE agencies in Communist states (39 replies)
  192. Parents don't let your babies grow up to be soldiers... (7 replies)
  193. California's state Senate Democrats roll out big gun control package (Confiscation) (20 replies)
  194. 10 million person pro-RKBA march planned for DC on 25 May 2013! (11 replies)
  195. NRA, Money, Facts, & Feelings (15 replies)
  196. Proverbs 6:16-19 (2 replies)
  197. Biden Gaffe: Admits Proposed Legislation Won't Work (6 replies)
  198. Letter from Senator Ted Cruz (0 replies)
  199. Gun Violence Prevention Testimony - Henson (0 replies)
  200. NY courts rule handgun licensees' info is private (0 replies)
  201. Crazy California (19 replies)
  202. Armed citizens force officials to back down (6 replies)
  203. The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg’s Money & Obama’s Campaign (0 replies)
  204. Turnout for Annapolis, MD rally (3 replies)
  205. Ruger Petition: (5 replies)
  206. LA Police Shoot Innocent Victums (3 replies)
  207. Joe Biden does it again! (4 replies)
  208. Chris RocK told Congress that Pres Obama is our boss, like our dad! (4 replies)
  209. Obama's liberal Psych op's (2 replies)
  210. Divide and Conquer - Yankee Marshall (5 replies)
  211. Oppose universal background checks, letter to send reps (0 replies)
  212. Huge manhunt for former police officer in murders (62 replies)
  213. Stars Advocate Gun Control (4 replies)
  214. They are teaching our children to be terrified of guns (14 replies)
  215. Universal Registration (7 replies)
  216. Another gun grab in MD (4 replies)
  217. Piers Morgan makes me laugh and laugh and laugh (12 replies)
  218. Stop Joe Manchin's vet gun ban and registry (0 replies)
  219. The Senate Fight Shaping Up (13 replies)
  220. Chicago police no longer responding to all 911 calls (12 replies)
  221. What is this AWB (H.R. 437)? (0 replies)
  222. What will happen????If anything (10 replies)
  223. Registration leads to confiscation Canadian speaks out (1 replies)
  224. Magazine Limits for Freedom: Time for Some Political Judo (1 replies)
  225. paramilitary obama youth corps video (0 replies)
  226. January's FBI gun background checks are second-highest ever (3 replies)
  227. Jesse Jackson proposes TSA occupation of Chicago (16 replies)
  228. Detective Wounded During Accidental Shooting In Woodbury (5 replies)
  229. Reid will allow AWB to go to vote (35 replies)
  230. Coulter Video (0 replies)
  231. NRA Membership (27 replies)
  232. Pre-Written Letter to Reps Protecting the 2nd Amendment (0 replies)
  233. Sandy Hook Parent "From My Cold Dead" (11 replies)
  234. Response from Rep. Joe Pitts (0 replies)
  235. Semi-automatic weapons can shoot down planes and blow up railroads (23 replies)
  236. Help needed for victim in NJ (41 replies)
  237. Connecticut Father Stands up to Congress (10 replies)
  238. A look into our future! (0 replies)
  239. government guns and bullets (3 replies)
  240. Wayne LaPierre looks dumb on Fox News Sunday (59 replies)
  241. Another gem out of the Garden State (3 replies)
  242. DHS bought FA rifles, suitable for "personal defense" (18 replies)
  243. John Lott rebuts "Mayors Against Guns" (10 replies)
  244. Another Video Why Not Anti Gun People Will Not Defeat This Video (3 replies)
  245. Darien Long mall cop hero (0 replies)
  246. is this how it begins? (4 replies)
  247. Chris Kyle murdered (5 replies)
  248. White House Warns: Don't Photoshop Obama Gun Pic (84 replies)
  249. Gun march on May 25th 2013 in DC (2 replies)
  250. gun control through mental conditioning (9 replies)