Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default I want to get into pistols

    Hey everybody, my name is Mark and I'm 19, and I want to get into the hobby of shooting as I want to be a state trooper when I get out of college. I was wondering if I can legally own a pistol at age 19 (I'm pretty sure I can't purchase one at this age) and whether I can get a permit to carry, I just want to get knowledgable about guns/ammo and everything that is involved with them, so I know what I'm doing, as they say, knowledge is power. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm talking about because I don't. Hope you guys will steer me in the right direction. Thanks everyone in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    First, welcome to the forum Mark.

    FYI, handguns come in several styles; a pistol is normally recognized as a semi automatic handgun, a revolver (single action or double action) is a manually operated (hammer must be cocked by hand), and then there are single shot handguns also.

    You can't buy a handgun until you're 21, but you can own a handgun before that age. It must be given to you as a gift, willed, etc. You just can't go into a gun shop and buy it. By the same token you cannot apply for your LCTF until you are 21. You can go to a shooting range with an adult and shoot a handgun all day long. If you were given a handgun by your father, grandfather, willed, etc. as long as you are with an adult you can take it ot the range and practice all you want. You are also limited in that you cannot purchase handgun ammunition until you are 21, other than dual purpose ammo (.22LR, etc.) but you have to certify that you are buying it for a rifle.

    On learning, coming to this forum is a very good start, there are many knowledgeable people here. Ask a question and you will get numerous replies with different slants due to different experiences and experience levels.

    Hang out at a good gun shop and listen, listen, listen. Lots of good knowledge can be gleaned. Ask questions, a good gun shop owner will answer you without making you feel stupid (if they do then you've learned a lesson, don't hang out there if they treat you that way). I'm going to try to impart as much as I can to my customers hoping that they remember where the info came from and that may help when they pick a shop to spend their money.

    JOIN THE NRA and get one (or more) of their magazines. Read other gun magazines. I'm not going to suggest any in particular because your interests may be different than mine. After a period of time you will know which ones you want to read and which ones you don't.

    Good luck with your future endeavors. Hang in the forum long enough and you will learn things, I do every day.
    Ron USAF Ret E-8 FFL01/SOT3 NRA Benefactor Member

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    First off, thanks alot for replying. You've given me some useful intel off the bat. I'll look into joining the local NRA and pick up a few gun mags next time I hit the stores when I get my usual car mags (I'm a mopar guy if anyone cares). I'm a pretty big guy so I'm not really concerned with recoil issues or gun grip size, since I have big hands, but what would you guys recommend I get as a handgun to train on at the range until I get more knowledgeable and can explore different caliber weapons. I've been reading and I know you guys all say hit the range and rent a bunch and see what you like, but I'd like a guideline on some decent semi autos to start with, as I don't really care for revolvers, they're a little old fashioned for my taste is all, nothing really against them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    starting with a .22 is a good idea. for one thing, the ammo is wayyyyy cheaper, so you can shoot more. and, the guns are generally cheaper as well.

    also, it is much easier to learn proper shooting technique, and to engrain it in your muscle memory, with a .22 because of the relative lack of recoil. in fact, some of the best practicing you can do is to dry fire--which is "firing" an unloaded gun. there is no recoil and you can execute each repetition perfectly. this engrains good technique in your muscle memory, and you eventually just sort of "automatically" do it right.

    i'm not really up on good .22 pistols, but i think ruger makes some good ones. someone else will prolly chime in with some suggestions.

    welcome to the forum and the (addictive, beware ) world of shooting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    Howdy MarkF, and welcome. A .22 is always a good starter and fun gun. Lots of practice for little money. Depending on your living arrangement a BB pistol may also work out for you. I learned a lot shoooting with them in the basement with my dad on days that you could not be outside. Hours of fun practice! Take a professional safety course when you can. Most of all, enjoy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    Since most dept.s are carrying Glocks, why not get a police trade-in G22 from for about $350. Two guns usually are not within the spending realm of most college students. a lot on gun safety and go play this game: or this one:

    It will teach you safety, speed and accuracy. For the money, I wouldn't recommend a .22. It won't have the same grip and for about the same price you can have the G22. It also won't teach you to adapt to recoil and the benefits of dry firing are there if you are disciplined enough to do it regularly.

    Last edited by Lycanthrope; September 22nd, 2007 at 12:06 PM.

    I taught Chuck Norris to bump-fire.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    Welcome to the world of guns...and FREEDOM!
    I'd definitely concur with joining the NRA!!!

    I'd also suggest starting off with a revolver..and a .22 is good. Trust me, you'll always shoot .22's!

    Lycanthrope disagrees with this, but .22's are a great way to start. When the time comes, you can go for that Glock (I own two, both 9mm's).
    Last edited by RoyJackson; September 22nd, 2007 at 11:09 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    I was about your age when i started training.

    Get started by having a handgun "gifted" to you by your father. Starting with a revolver is an interesting idea, but frankly i don't see the advantage. If you have plans to go into law enforcement, familiarize yourself with a pistol.

    Next, ignore the people in most gunshops because they don't know what they're talking about. Same goes for most gun magazines.

    Find a range that will let you shoot. Many of them don't understand the law and will tell you you can't legally own a gun or shoot without an adult. They're idiots, but no sense arguing with them, just take your money elsewhere.

    Get some training in how to fight with a pistol from a good group of instructors. This will probably cost you as much as the gun did, but is absolutely critical and worth every penny. There is no other way.

    Joining the NRA is a personal choice. Personally, I feel they compromise too much and therefore i let my membership lapse years ago.
    Last edited by MarcS; September 22nd, 2007 at 11:48 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    I hate to disagree, but a semi-auto pistol is not the ideal weapon to learn to shoot a handgun with. The best handgun to learn proper marksmanship skills with is a double action .22LR revolver. The shooter can begin by firing in the single action mode, then progress to the double action mode once they are proficient with the revolver. The .22 revolver is an easy handgun to shoot, and allows a person to practice proper marksmanship, without recoil induced flinching. Additionally, .22LR ammunition is extremely inexpensive, and can be purchased by this shooter legally before he turns 21 years of age.

    When you turn 21, then get a semi-automatic pistol if that is what you want. The secret of shooting a handgun is not to shoot lots of ammunition quickly, it is to shoot accurately. Once you learn accuracy, speed will follow, it doesn't work the other way around. You will legally be allowed to purchase the pistol at that point, and will know the basics of handling/shooting a handgun accurately and safely.

    And yes, do join the NRA, they are the only organization out there that is actively fighting to preserve your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
    Last edited by Kiski Cowboy; September 22nd, 2007 at 10:19 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I want to get into pistols

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiski Cowboy View Post
    And yes, do join the NRA, they are the only organization out there that is actively fighting to preserve your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
    Gun Owners of America? Second Amendment Foundation? Jews For The Preservation of Firearm Ownership?

    Proud member of:

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