Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Manheim, Pennsylvania
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    Question Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    Gamers - Real and practised shooters VS Gamers {First person} shooters

    Tyler Durdin needed to assess some of his new crewmen.
    How good are the convienience store workin' Jerry Springer-ites in yer hood?

    I had groups out to answer the challenge: "Real weapons: You can just pick 'em up and go to town. No experience necessary."

    The results were somewhat askew from my reconing. I was sure all their gaming practise would yeild good shooters. Sadly, no.
    I thought, "How bad are the Cho's, mo-fo's and other Ho's out there??"

    I picked a select few fools, punk-ass punks, malcontents and random players. We play a lot of shoot em games, so I thought there'd be some naturals.
    Each individual was given an AK in 7x39 target and 22 rounds, and 30 seconds to shoot and perform at least one mag change.

    Having just officially joined the gun club, I thought I'd get some knuckleheads to check out their ranges.


    Leading "Team Ramrod", T Durdin, PAFOA-er +6, 8 if you count hippies
    against Halo Shooters, team "Rod of Sodomy" +1 real damn good*, 1 could get lucky on a calm {windless} day
    and lastly the Hippies, team "Tree friends" {Non-shooters} 0 - having refused to shoot

    Most got hung up on that mag change. Them there Halo guns just reload themselves.
    *Had to give that kid a HOO-RAHH even though I ain't no marine, like R. Lee Ermey.

    I usually suck, ask Lycan, but as I had the PAFOA creedo and what-not to uphold, I tore them boys and girl up.


    >>I have to add we were shooting with iron sites on the 100 yard course, which I estimate is 115 yard to bench. Shooters choice of seated or standing.

    I'll probably try this over and try getting 10 shooters. Hopefully it'll be more precise, but I don't know how to score targets. Any suggestions on that?????
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

    It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

    “One man with a gun can control 100 without one. ” -Vladamir Lenin, Founder Communist Party USSR ... I hate to quote a commie, but when they ban your gun, you'll know who gave them the idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    I don't think that playing shooting games increases your accuracy per-se, but I can tell you from experience, that the tactics used on the more realistic FPS can yield some awesome results.

    My first time playing paintball was several months ago. It was me, my girl, DrakinClaw and a few other people (all gamers) versus another group.

    I dont' know how many games the other group plays, but it couldnt possibly hold a candle to us.

    Either way, we show up at the paint-ball place, and we see the other team..

    they all have full camo outfits, expensive customized weapons (rifels AND handguns), paint-grenades.. the whole shebang.

    Then most of us it was our first or second time playing, we had crappy rental markers, and a lot of us had bright, baggy clothing.

    We whooped their asses all over the field, all day long. Literally. At one point all my team was out, we were attacking a fortified position, and I ended up "killing" all three of the enemy who was left in Close Quarter Combat. What a rush!!!

    Our tactics were just superior. Videogames can teach teamwork and timing, just not accuracy.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    video games teaches you the art of flanking....If you stay still in a FPS your done. its all about flanking.
    And that was a fun fun day diego nothing like a good day of woop-ass paintball.
    Indeed that fortified round was a good one, me and 2 other scoutes broke free of the bunker right at the get-go before the opposite team reached our walls. We flanked 180 deg behind them...they had really no clue what was happening, untill it was to late, and they were covered in paintballs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    My one and only time I ever played paintball, I sucked bad, but then again I wasn't a gamer. Our team did the best in the fort or castle scenario where we were the defenders. Most of the day, we all felt out-gunned because we had the rentals and they all had the most expensive guns made.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    People with crazy gear in the milsim games are probably 75% people who cant play but love to buy gear. And 25% people who know how to play and bought stuff to suit their skills

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    What? Have I been hiding in the closet or what? I have no idea what any of this stuff is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Question Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    -Jules, how old are ya?

    Now at 35 I remember video games when I was 17-20 being fairly 2-dimensional. I believe Nintendo was the big deal, Atari and colleco having faded a few years before.

    Fast forward to the present, when aspiring young psychos can indulge their darker sides in nearly limitless virtual realms, filled with a panopoly of weapons.

    The army spent a few million creating it's own FPS America's Army, a free game. It had been speculated that they could tap gamers for training and recruiting purposes. I'm starting to wonder about that after the result of my little outings with the Halo squad from around here's.

    I just thought this would be an intersting excerise. And I expected the particpants to perform a little better. Maybe I can rustle up the paint ballers and test their skills. Unfortunbbbly my excersize doesn't allow for the target to move, take cover or return fire.

    The whole thing is basically based on the premise this dude Wheels has. That in a SHTF situation he can get a gun, and basically use it, with little or no experience to defend his ass. I think the best part was watching the guy who wrecks us all fu7mble with the weapon, unable the deal with it's weight, how to hold it, how to change the clip, yada, yada......

    At least I got some of these people to the range, some had fun and maybe one or two will consider buying their own guns.
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

    It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

    “One man with a gun can control 100 without one. ” -Vladamir Lenin, Founder Communist Party USSR ... I hate to quote a commie, but when they ban your gun, you'll know who gave them the idea.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Castle, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Real Shooters VS Gamers (First person shooters)

    Everything I know I learned off the Atari 2600. COMBAT kicks all your asses!

    That being said, I think video games are good for eye speed. After that, you really need to up a real gun.


    I taught Chuck Norris to bump-fire.

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