Hi folks. I just thought I'd introduce myself since I look forward to getting to know everyone. I just moved from Frederick County, MD to Carroll Valley, PA. I stumbled upon this site while researching PA open carry laws and LTCF information.

I'm proud to say that I just got approved for my LTCF through Adams County. (Got the approval letter today, haven't picked it up yet.) I've actually been doing OC for about a month while walking my dog in the neighborhood. A few weeks ago, my dog and I were almost attacked by a German Shepherd that lunged at us and dragged his owner across the road by its leash. The owner was panicked and yelled "I don't know how much longer I can hold onto him!".

That experience is what led me to start doing OC with my pistol. I kept thinking what could have happened if the German Shepherd had ripped my dog up or tore my arm up while trying to intervene. Being prepared is what OC is all about in my case. I hope that I never have to shoot a neighbor's dog, but I cannot watch my dog get killed or seriously injured. (or myself)

My wife doesn't understand why I would carry my pistol. I explain to her that I appreciate having the freedom as a PA resident to carry my firearm; growing up in MD, I could never dream of having the ability to carry my Glock in public. I don't want to jump on the soapbox too much here, but I really do appreciate having these freedoms in PA.

That's my basic introduction, I look forward to conversing with everyone.