Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

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    Default Barry "bucket O Crazy" hershey crazy talk...

    Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution strictly forbids ALL state and local authorities from accepting in or paying out anything but gold and silver coin.

    The income tax has long been 1000% conclusively proven to be a total scam from its inception (see freedomtofascism - click where it says "watch for free on google") ... (also, although unlawfully forbidden to even discuss the issue since = another government screw job, see - click "the video" on the side menu and where it says "watch entire video online" under the video titled 'The Truth Behind The Income Tax' = An air-tight presentation that only shows a mere fraction of the actual laws, documents, and other evidence in the latter half of the video) ... (also see, click "in the news" and start with the bottom article - Mr. Banister is feautured/interviewed several times in the movie 'Freedom To Fascism').

    It's unlawful for Freemasons to sit on the bench, or hold any public office for that matter, as some of their masonic oaths and obligations conflict with their official oaths and obligations rendering them liars, oath breakers, and thus, their character totally untrustworthy ... Think not ? - Next time your in court question the judges authority to sit on the case and ask him if he has any masonic affiliations and watch em squirm ... I speak from experience

    Litigants are more and more being denied a jury, especially pro-se litigants ... again I speak from experience.

    Your equipment between between your legs often has alot to do with the courts decision ... especially in child custody/support disputes.

    And, in effect, anymore you only get as much justice as you can afford.

    When are people going to wake-up and realize we don't have rights anymore ! The problem is the American people have drifted so far from our founders original intent that it's not only running upside down and backwards, but defacto socialistically instead of dejure against the way the founders designed it, clear off it's hinges ... and worse virtually everyone is not only sitting idly by and doing nothing about it, but aiding the problem by rolling over and paying the tax instead of getting involved and helping those of us who are and have been fighting PUSH ! ... I haven't filed an income tax since 1991 and even challenged the IRS, in writing, to prosecute me, which they wrote back and declined ... and though I've lost virtually everything I'M AT LEAST STILL STANDING !

    You dare call yourselves Patriots ... Well contrary to popular belief, the founders in sacrificing everything fought unjust taxation to the death and thus set the bar as to what constitutes a Patriot !!! ... In fact, the only reason the rest of us who have stepped-up to the plate and done our Patriotic duty are still struggling and losing our asses in court is beause the rest of you self-annointed deadbeats are still aiding the enemy instead of taking a stand and helping PUSH !!! ... HYPOCRITS !!! ... In fact, how do any of you expect to restore and preserve your gun rights when you're aiding the enemy - defeating your purpose aren't you ???

    Could rant some more but my computer times up for today ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Bucks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Sheriff's employee takes documents from defense attorney

    Was there a sale on crazy somewhere?
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Sheriff's employee takes documents from defense attorney

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry 'Wild Bill' Hershey View Post
    The income tax has long been 1000% conclusively proven to be a total scam from its inception
    you might do better by not starting off your assertion with a illogical concept such as "1000% proven". it is not possible for something to be more than 100% proven.

    and it has certainly not been even close to 100% proven.

    the 16th amendment does exist and was ratified.

    i wish that weren't the case, but it is.

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