friend of mine went there recently for a park job.

i was there when he told him if he dissassembles the firearm, all he would have to do is "prep + park" it would be about $40

3 weeks after it was supposed to be done he finaly gets the call its done.

total: $72 " but i had to sandblast it"--- isint this the "prep" that was included????? he sure made it sound that way when i was there.

and the receiver was all blotchy/ looked like s@#t, he said he COULD have fixed it but it would have been more work for him--- obviously takes no pride in his work.

BTW- it was a sheet metal receiver- so it WAS discussed beforehand that there was a concern about a uniform finish, but was told it wouldnt be a problem (i retrospect, he prob meant it wouldnt be a problem for him cuz he didnt care how crappy it looked).