Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Sure wish someone would enforce the current gun laws, that we have now.
    How come so many "hunters" are anti-gun and very short sighted about their rights - just as long as theirs guns are not on the ban list seems they don't care or even both understand the reason that it was enumerated in the constitution

    Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws
    Kevin Costner is urging lawmakers to come up with a series of strict new gun legislation - even if it limits his own shooting time. The star admits he loves to hunt and often heads out with his dogs and a shotgun passed down through generations of his family, but he's the first to admit that America's gun laws are too weak.

    And following the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech college, where English student Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people in what was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, Costner feels that legislators should get tough with firearms owners, who refuse to accept their practices could harm others.

    He says, "I'm a hunter, I hunt but I think there should be gun laws. I think there should be a lot of gun laws. I don't want to lose my shotgun but there's a real good reason why I use my shotgun. It came from my grandpa. His cheek was on it. My dad's cheek was on it and I go out and hunt with my dogs.

    "My gun's an heirloom to me and my son, one day, when I'm gone, is gonna know, `Your dad hunted with that.' But, even though with the connection that I have to my gun, can I look at the NRA (National Rifle Association) and say, `I think you're out of line?' I can say that."

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Wow, talk about the enemy within...

    He says, "I'm a hunter, I hunt but I think there should be gun laws. I think there should be a lot of gun laws. I don't want to lose my shotgun but there's a real good reason why I use my shotgun. It came from my grandpa. His cheek was on it. My dad's cheek was on it and I go out and hunt with my dogs.
    Huh? That wasn't even a complete thought. Made no sense.
    (Can I assume the reason was "hunting" and not the crap about grandpa?)

    "My gun's an heirloom to me and my son, one day, when I'm gone, is gonna know, `Your dad hunted with that.' But, even though with the connection that I have to my gun, can I look at the NRA (National Rifle Association) and say, `I think you're out of line?' I can say that."
    So, is he saying that even though there's aspecial connection to his shotgun, he'd happily "give it up"?

    I'll never understand the connection that people make regarding hunting and the second amendment. Unlike the often used "militia" interpretation, there is NO WAY to read the second amendment and come away thinking "oh, "bear arms" means "hunt for food".
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  3. #3
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    Angry Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Personally I think the last people that should have any say on policies are the "Stars", they're about as removed from the rest of us as you can get.

    Granted there are a few like Ted Nugent, Charleton Heston, and Tom Sellack, but almost of of Hollywierd is anti. Here's where it gets funny, the pro-gun guys mentioned up top actually try to find answers to the problem, mainly by being proactive about enforcing current legislation.

    The antis just foat and sputter about "Guns are evil", "Guns are bad", they don't deliver answers, just one liners...
    "We shoot to stop. ... Unfortunately, death can be a byproduct."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Who's Kevin Costner? Has he been in any movies or something?

    Has he been in any good movies or something?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaII5 View Post
    Who's Kevin Costner? Has he been in any movies or something?

    He is an actor! he has starred in alot of movies, for example:

    Dances with wolf's
    Field of Dreams
    Open Range

    and many more!

    I am shocked at his casual remarks towards gun ownership. It's not the Kevin Costner I thought I knew.
    CZ75 P-01 & Colt AR-15 6920

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    costner is a zumbo, who would have thought.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Not to be a jerk, but how is the attitude of a Hollyweird liberal related to Pa. law and politics?
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Quote Originally Posted by billamj View Post
    Not to be a jerk, but how is the attitude of a Hollyweird liberal related to Pa. law and politics?
    Good point. Moving this thread to the National forum...
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    As I have said before.
    Whenever an anti starts off with "I'm all in favor of hunters rights"
    you don't need to read any further. They're all the same.
    It must be in liberal handouts or something. "HOW TO ARGUE WITH A GUN NUT"
    They always start out the same.

    I am glad about his feelings with regard to family sentiment however.
    Based on his criteria I'm good to go.

    My father in law has put his now frail hands on all of my handguns.
    He just gave us his Browning high power.

    The lesson must be: Have more family shoots and Costner will not advocate taking away your cherished family heirlooms. Spread the word.

    The first annual Kevin Costner sanctioned family shoot fest to be scheduled soon.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Kevin Costner Calls For Stricter Gun Laws

    Quote Originally Posted by PKO101 View Post
    He is an actor! he has starred in alot of movies, for example:

    Dances with wolf's
    Field of Dreams
    Open Range

    and many more!
    Ya, but who is he lately? He's an irrelevant B-list fuck.

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