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  1. #1
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    Default Partial birth abortion is illegal

    The supreme court just upheld the decision saying it is constitutional and now partial birth abortion will no longer be.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    To everyone who is reading this thread and thinking about replying.


    This is a very, very, very sensitive topic that is very, very polarizing and divisive to many people. I ask that if this is going to be discussed on this forum that it be done with the utmost respect for differing views on the topic at hand. You don't have to agree, you just have to disagree without insults and flaming.

    If it gets out of hand this thread will be closed very quickly.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    Quote Originally Posted by danp View Post
    To everyone who is reading this thread and thinking about replying.


    This is a very, very, very sensitive topic that is very, very polarizing and divisive to many people. I ask that if this is going to be discussed on this forum that it be done with the utmost respect for differing views on the topic at hand. You don't have to agree, you just have to disagree without insults and flaming.

    If it gets out of hand this thread will be closed very quickly.
    Wake up! Wake Up! I think your dreaming and typing right now lol.

    As for my comments, I think abortion is a bad idea. Adoption is a better choice.

    I still am not sure where abortion fits into the "commerce clause" or the 14A, but then again what law actually does these days Just another example of Congress overstepping their authority.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    Quote Originally Posted by Skuggi View Post
    The supreme court just upheld the decision saying it is constitutional and now partial birth abortion will no longer be.
    Can you provide a link to the ruling handed down? I'd be interested in reading it.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal,2933,185531,00.html

    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider the constitutionality of banning partial-birth abortions, teeing up a contentious issue for a new court already in a state of flux over privacy rights.

    The Bush administration has pressed the high court to reinstate the federal law, passed in 2003 but never put in effect because it was struck down by judges in California, Nebraska and New York.

    The outcome will likely rest with the two men that President Bush has recently installed on the court. Justices had been split 5-4 in 2000 in striking down a state law, barring partial birth abortion because it lacked an exception to protect the health of the mother.

    But Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was the tie-breaking vote, retired late last month and was replaced by Samuel Alito. Abortion had been a major focus in the fight over Alito's nomination because justices serve for life and he will surely help shape the court on abortion and other issues for the next generation.

    Court OKs Church's Drug Tea Alito Death Row Case Rejected Two Federal Courts Rule Partial Birth Abortion Ban Unconstitutional March for Life Rally Draws Thousands to D.C. Thousands Mark Roe V. Wade Anniversary Big Abortion Challenges Seen in States Supreme Court Kicks Back Contested Abortion Law for Minors Supreme Court Hears Youth Abortion Case Precedent at Stake in Supreme Court Abortion Case Video
    Abortion Battle Alito, in his rulings on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, has been more willing than O'Connor, the first woman justice, to allow restrictions on abortions, which were legalized in the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.

    The federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act prohibits a certain type of abortion, generally carried out in the second or third trimester, in which a fetus is partially removed from the womb, and the skull is punctured or crushed.

    Justices on a 9-0 vote in a New Hampshire case reaffirmed in January that states can require parental involvement in abortion decisions and that state restrictions must have an exception to protect the mother's health.

    The federal law in the current case has no health exception, but defenders maintain that the procedure is never medically necessary to protect a woman's health.

    Even with O'Connor's retirement, there are five votes to uphold Roe, the landmark ruling that established a woman's right to an abortion.

    Alito's views "are not going to change the outcome of the central principle of Roe v. Wade," said John Garvey, the dean at Boston College Law School. "In some ways, these are tokens or markers in ... a symbolic tug of war."

    Bush has called the so-called partial birth abortion an "abhorrent practice," and his Supreme Court lawyer, Solicitor General Paul Clement, had urged justices not to delay taking up the administration's appeal.

    The case that will be heard this fall comes to the Supreme Court from Nebraska, where the federal law was challenged on behalf of physicians. Doctors who perform the procedure contend that it is the safest method of abortion when the mother's health is threatened by heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer.

    A judge in Lincoln, Neb., ruled the law was unconstitutional, and the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis agreed last summer, prompting the Supreme Court appeal. Federal judges in New York and San Francisco also declared the law unconstitutional and appeals courts agreed.

    "Every court considering this ban has found that it lacks the necessary protections for women's health," said Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation.

    Fifteen states urged justices to review the case: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Virginia.

    The case was one of four that justices agreed to hear on Tuesday, Alito's first day on the bench. The others involve more routine issues: patents, prison sentences, and lawsuits over pay phone charges.

    Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the conservative American Center for Law and Justice, said the court's announcement was "an incredibly important decision that puts the issue of partial-birth abortion front and center."

    The case is Gonzales v. Carhart, 05-380.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal


    Just for the record, I am all 100% for a woman's right to choose and claim ownership of her own body. A woman's womb does NOT belong to the state.

    These are just my opinions, and I will refrain from getting into it on this thread.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    Here's a link to the ruling:
    It doesn't look like it's up on the official USSC site yet (

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    I know a total of 4 women who had abortions. One had the partial birth procedure and the others had the dilation and evacuation procedure done. All of these women are emotionally and physically affected in one way or another, especially the one who had the partial birth abortion.

    They shared with me their own personal experience after they had the abortions, and all are very similar to say the least. Even after many years gone by, they all say that they regret having done it, and still have nightmares/dreams to this day. Two of the women can't have children anymore because the procedure affected their reproductive system.
    Last edited by dnar; April 18th, 2007 at 12:20 PM. Reason: add text.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal


    Thank you for bringing this up. It is true that abortion is not a magic "fix all" and I personally do not like it. This is why I have strived to NOT be a father because I am not ready for it, and would not elect to get an abortion.

    That being said, I am pro choice and I fully support a woman's right to this medical service is she chooses to have one. It is not the job of the government to take away that freedom, even if I disagree with it.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Partial birth abortion is illegal

    I'm very pro-choice for FIRST TRIMESTER abortions only. After that, face it, it's a BABY, with a developed CNS and circulatory system. If a bimbo can't figure out that she's pregnant and doesn't want the baby in the first 3 months, she should have the plug pulled on herself because she's brain-dead.

    My neice had a baby last year that was 10 WEEKS (2 1/2 months folks) PREMATURE and it survived and is doing quite well.
    late-term partial-birth abortion is just plain WARPED and reeks of the Brave New World that many of us don't look forward to.

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