Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is their problem?

    So Tootie got a notice for jury duty this morning (we knew it was coming). While reading it I noticed at the bottom in big bold letters:

    The following items are prohibited and will be confiscated and of course firearms are listed. Now granted I know firearms are prohibited but the way it was worded bothered me and since I had to go to 'the burg' anyways I decided to stop by the courthouse and ask the head of jury duty (she is a friend) if this meant they wouldn't allow her to use the lockers.

    Well my friend wasn't there so they sent me over to the sheriffs office. I walked in and asked the lady at the desk if she would be able to use the lockers to check in her firearm when appearing for jury duty.

    Within seconds both she and a deputy that appeared to my left said "If you know you are coming we recommend you leave the firearm at home" Well me being, hell, me I said "I don't give a rat's patooty (almost said ass) what you recommend, I am asking if she is going to be allowed to check in her firearm that day because there is no way she is coming down here without her weapon"

    In comes deputy #2 who then states "If we have lockers available, if they are not all taken she can lock it up, if not she will be told to leave it in the car" (some of you know how well THAT comment went over with me). I started to say something and a 3rd deputy, that must have seen my face turning red at this point said "Don't sweat it, there will be lockers for her". I said my thanks and got out.

    Now I am the LAST one to beat on an LE, they do a tough job at crappy pay rates and I respect that but what in the FUCK is wrong with Monroe county sheriffs? I mean do they take lessons in how to annoy law abiding citizens with misstatements and half truths?

    I'm also not too thrilled about this jury duty letter ... because most people wouldn't take the time to find out and would take this letter as "oh no they are going to confiscate my gun"

    Lastly this is time #2 those fucktards at the metal detector let me through after I checked in my weapon WITHOUT running me back through the detector ... I walked through, (after telling them I had a weapon to check in) set off the alarm, did the paper work, put my gun in the locker and then the security guy says "You have any other weapons?" I said no and they let me walk right in without ever checking ... THAT is going to bite them in the ass on of these days!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    City in, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    So Tootie got a notice for jury duty this morning (we knew it was coming). While reading it I noticed at the bottom in big bold letters:

    The following items are prohibited and will be confiscated and of course firearms are listed. Now granted I know firearms are prohibited but the way it was worded bothered me and since I had to go to 'the burg' anyways I decided to stop by the courthouse and ask the head of jury duty (she is a friend) if this meant they wouldn't allow her to use the lockers.

    Well my friend wasn't there so they sent me over to the sheriffs office. I walked in and asked the lady at the desk if she would be able to use the lockers to check in her firearm when appearing for jury duty.

    Within seconds both she and a deputy that appeared to my left said "If you know you are coming we recommend you leave the firearm at home" Well me being, hell, me I said "I don't give a rat's patooty (almost said ass) what you recommend, I am asking if she is going to be allowed to check in her firearm that day because there is no way she is coming down here without her weapon"

    In comes deputy #2 who then states "If we have lockers available, if they are not all taken she can lock it up, if not she will be told to leave it in the car" (some of you know how well THAT comment went over with me). I started to say something and a 3rd deputy, that must have seen my face turning red at this point said "Don't sweat it, there will be lockers for her". I said my thanks and got out.

    Now I am the LAST one to beat on an LE, they do a tough job at crappy pay rates and I respect that but what in the FUCK is wrong with Monroe county sheriffs? I mean do they take lessons in how to annoy law abiding citizens with misstatements and half truths?

    I'm also not too thrilled about this jury duty letter ... because most people wouldn't take the time to find out and would take this letter as "oh no they are going to confiscate my gun"

    Lastly this is time #2 those fucktards at the metal detector let me through after I checked in my weapon WITHOUT running me back through the detector ... I walked through, (after telling them I had a weapon to check in) set off the alarm, did the paper work, put my gun in the locker and then the security guy says "You have any other weapons?" I said no and they let me walk right in without ever checking ... THAT is going to bite them in the ass on of these days!
    Well of course even if the lockers are full, as I understand it, they still must lock up your weapon if you ask them to... in the sheriff's desk, locked file cabinet, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    DC you live in Monroe County... no one would EVER have more then one weapon on them... DUH!

    Just remember "I hate all (insert race or gender here) and think they don't deserve justice unless its found at the bad end of (insert implement of murder here)

    No more jury duty
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    Just remember "I hate all (insert race or gender here) and think they don't deserve justice unless its found at the bad end of (insert implement of murder here)

    No more jury duty
    Our HUGE problem with Monroe county is the judges, we have been before almost ALL of them for civil suits (car accidents) and EVERY GD time they basically tell us "get out, figure out a settlement with the insurance company or else"

    Hell we literally had Vicon tell us if we couldn't settle with the insurance company in 15 minutes he was going to rule against us .... literally. This was an accident that should have been a slam dunk (we got rear ended on 447) and Tootie had $20k in medical bills ... the insurance company was offering $10k and Vicon told us he was going to screw us royally... miserable freaking prick.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    because there is no way she is coming down here without her weapon"
    Quote Originally Posted by HiredGoon View Post
    Well of course even if the lockers are full, as I understand it, they still must lock up your weapon if you ask them to... in the sheriff's desk, locked file cabinet, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    DC you live in Monroe County... no one would EVER have more then one weapon on them... DUH!
    Just a slight hijaking here guys. I had it pointed out to me, cause I do it. And I wanted to point it out to you guys.

    We don't carry WEAPONS. It is a firearm, pistol, tool, but it is not a weapon. The antis would love to hear us call our firearms that.

    Don't make your firearm sound dangerous by calling it a weapon, cause it isn't. It is hard to get out of the habit, but it is a good habit to break.

    OK, back on track. Sorry for the hijacking.

    OK Ed.... Have I redeemed myself yet or what.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    I don't know about you guys, I carry a weapon.

    That is what it is. No sense in giving the tool no less respect than it deserves.
    A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet and a firearm by any other name would still shoot bullets.

    In police reports regarding temporariliy disarming something - they say weapon. When they ask you "are you carrying any weapons" do you say "no, just a gun"

    It's just semantics, but playing into others' fears of words is a slippery slope.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    Just a slight hijaking here guys. I had it pointed out to me, cause I do it. And I wanted to point it out to you guys.

    We don't carry WEAPONS. It is a firearm, pistol, tool, but it is not a weapon. The antis would love to hear us call our firearms that.

    Don't make your firearm sound dangerous by calling it a weapon, cause it isn't. It is hard to get out of the habit, but it is a good habit to break.

    OK, back on track. Sorry for the hijacking.

    OK Ed.... Have I redeemed myself yet or what.
    I carry a weapon
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    Just a slight hijaking here guys. I had it pointed out to me, cause I do it. And I wanted to point it out to you guys.

    We don't carry WEAPONS. It is a firearm, pistol, tool, but it is not a weapon. The antis would love to hear us call our firearms that.

    Don't make your firearm sound dangerous by calling it a weapon, cause it isn't. It is hard to get out of the habit, but it is a good habit to break.

    OK, back on track. Sorry for the hijacking.

    OK Ed.... Have I redeemed myself yet or what.
    Well done grasshopper
    Master, You will soon attain

    An OC Activist and 1 of the 3%
    Ed Stephan
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    blakeslee, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    This is the same county that decides that the UFA is not good enough for them by "requiring" references for the LTCF to be Monroe county residents, and calling the LTCF a CCW on the Sheriff's website.

    Gl Dave.

    I found both triggers to be terrible to me so the triggers are on a scale to me.. The Glock was a crisper suck and the XD was a more mushy suck. They are in the same family, SR9 (heavy suck), Glock (crisp heavy suck), XD( lighter mushy suck), M&P(heavy mushy suck).

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Monroe County Sheriff - I mean SERIOUSLY what is there problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by thelemite View Post
    This is the same county that decides that the UFA is not good enough for them by "requiring" references for the LTCF to be Monroe county residents, and calling the LTCF a CCW on the Sheriff's website.

    Gl Dave.

    It never ceases to amaze me how fucked up this county is, seriously I spend more time shaking my head and say WTF than any other place I have ever lived.

    OH yeah, BTW we carry WEAPONS ... period. The anti's want to take that the wrong way it is there fucking problem

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