People are panic buying and stockpiling ammunition, over fears that the Obama administration may move to severely curtail gun rights. That is keeping prices high, even though they otherwise would be coming down due to the dropping price of the commodities used to manufacture ammunition.

Remember that ammunition wasn't exactly cheap before the election, either. The global boom in metals, and demand from wars, had pushed ammunition prices way up.

On the flip side if the panic buying ever diminishes, you could potentially see prices drop drastically as the market corrects from both the over-demand and the cheaper metal prices. The price of most things drops during a recession, after all.

I guess all we can do is wait and see. I'm personally hoping that the panic buying wears off soon. I don't really feel the need to stockpile too much, but I shoot frequently and I'm starting to get a little low and it's damned hard to find anything at a reasonable price anymore.