There is definitely a place for alternative cancer meds and there are enough cases where these treatments worked after conventional treatments failed. But there is no universal cure for cancer and encouraging people to not see a doctor for treatment and just rely on internet treatments is irresponsible at best. If I get cancer I would find an oncologist who can treat conventionally but is also who is open to the idea of alternative treatments. And I would not keep it a secret that I am also taking a medicines like fenbendazole.

Most of the older cancer drugs used are now generic so the follow the money and evil pharma part is BS. In the above story they make it sound like Levamisole was hushed up in the 80's when it was an approved drug used in combination with chemo. The actual cost of the medicines is a small percent of the total cancer treatment cost. Oncologists, tests, and hospitals are the main cost of treatment.

Does fenbendazole work in some cases? Yes, and it has been shown to interfere with cancer cells in a test tube. Will fenbendazole cure everyone's cancer? Definitely not.