Here is a little history to remember Polls are not scientific, in fact as a good friend says if your major has the word science in it, it's not science, Political Science, Computer Science, Physics, which is truly science?

A Little History

Have I mentioned how much I love the PUMAs?

Just a few reminders of what was being said before the 2004 election:

Zogby's call? Kerry, 311; Bush, 213.

The electoral vote call made by one of those aggregating sites?
Electoral Vote (based on composite polls) - Kerry 298, Bush 231

NBC's Chuck Todd was so confident of a Kerry win, he called the race in May 2004:

If you look at key indicators beyond the neck-and-neck support for the two candidates in the polls--such as high turnout in the early Democratic primaries and the likelihood of a high turnout in November--it seems improbable that Bush will win big. More likely, it's going to be Kerry in a rout.
Seems his "first read" was a wrong one.

Polls are not science, pundits are not psychic and nothing is decided until the final ballot is cast tomorrow.

Or, in the event of a narrow McCain win, until the Obama lawyers lose their final appeal to the Supreme Court.