Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    York, Pennsylvania
    (York County)
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    Default The self quarantine thread.

    I work for a PA Hospital who shall remain nameless. My position must also be guarded. I've felt for the last few days with what I would call a"head cold" and not asymptomatic of the c19 virus. Never the less I've chosen to self-isolate at this time to protect others from me because I give a crap.

    I'm now on furloughed from work pending my c19 test on 4/24.

    This is difficult at best buy not hard,yet. I was wondering if anyone else is in this position presently? What are you doing and not doing?
    If this is a repeat of another thread forgive me, my mind has been on other things.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Whitehall, Pennsylvania
    (Lehigh County)
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    Default Re: The self quarantine thread.

    Not sure how helpful this will be.
    Similar situation to you. My wife found out she was in contact with a covid patient, 4 days after the hospital knew she had covid. Since we were together during point of contact and being notified we simply stayed at home and didn’t leave the house for 10 days. We counted the 4 days since the contact As part of the 14. We did everything we normally do except leave the house. Since we had a good supply of food and such it wasn’t a big deal. It’s been well past the 14 days total and we are both fine.

    What we did:
    First, my wife requested to file a workers compensation claim. She did but was told no tests were available for workers.
    We checked our temperatures morning and night and recorded them and noted any symptoms. We both had scratchy throats about day 7 of 14 but both have allergies so we didn’t know if it was that or covid. Other than that we were both asymptomatic. No idea if we had the virus or not.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: The self quarantine thread.

    I have been on quarantine for the past week but not for covid (wife gave birth last sat). So while slightly different circumstances, I'm still stuck at home. When this mess unfolded (and knew her due date) we upped our Vit C, D, Zinc. I buy into the fresh air and sunlight theory, go for walks if you respiratory system can handle it, its good for your immune system. And there are people here who will disagree, but wearing a mask all the time I actually believe is bad for you, you need all the O2 possible.

    During the past week I have accomplished more projects around the house than in the past year. The annoying stupid shit I kept putting off.
    Still haven't cleaned all the guns or counted my ammo, maybe thats next week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Oh so close to the Delaware River!, New Jersey
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    Default Re: The self quarantine thread.

    It is interesting in that before my hospital took official steps (they are quite REactive, not proacrive) they would automatically quarantine people for 14 days for what is now almost common exposure in the emergency department. I even had a doctor back in my office on almost a daily basis who was diagnosed with covid19 who was rather lax on procedures.

    With that being said, I was slowly getting over viral bronchitis in late February/early march. Did I have lingering cold symptoms? Yes, but they were not a temperature above 100, a dry cough, nor shortness of breath. With that in mind, i did not self quarantine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania
    (Wayne County)
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    Default Re: The self quarantine thread.

    First off, you don't necessarily need to quarantine for 14 days if you test positive. The guidelines are basically 7 days from the onset of first symptoms and 3 days fever/symptom free. So, if your symptoms persist like my one kid, you can go longer than 7 days. My wife and I were both around 8. One kid 7 and one kid 10. All told, someone in the house was under quarantine for about 3 to 3.5 weeks straight.

    You should hopefully have your results back today or tomorrow. The 14 days comes into play if you have a known exposure, but aren't showing symptoms.
    Sed ego sum homo indomitus


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