I give up, I suck, I can't do anything right!! I asked all the questions. I bought all the potions. I made instructions for myself and printed them and laminated. I just suck and my guns are going to stay dirty and rust into a pile of metal!!

Why no matter if a new gun never shot or one that I have 1 round through or one with 100 do my patches constantly come out black? I soak with cleaner like Hoppes or whatever. Then I use brass brush. Then I use jag with cleaning patch, then I run light oil soaked patch through or a Remoil wipe through. No matter what, before the oil phase the patches are black and I see a lot of lines from the rifling. Never grey or brown or whatever, always black. I could brush the rifling clear off of my rifle and it would still be black. This sucks.

Oil on metal parts/receiver/barrel, etc. Use a remoil wipe and always looks like I am cleaning off rust, it is brown. New gun or old one, always brown, makes me nervous!! I store at 30% in a safe, like I said even new ones look that way on a remoil wipe.

Why no matter if I put 1 gallon of oil on a rag and wipe my barrel/receiver/other metal parts they still look dull and like patchy? I am talking shotgun or rifle black barrels, not blued. It is like why do I bother or what am I doing wrong?

I'm afraid touch the metal because I fear oils from my hands and rust. I wont touch wood stocks because I fear oils even though I apply lemon oil after cleaning. I am being a little facetious here bit it honestly feels that way.

Why can't I get oil where it needs to be on a barrel? Ventilated barrel? No way you are getting below the vents on top. Bottom of barrel where it goes into the forend/guard? Never gonna get oil in there. My guns are sub-par from my treatment!!

What else can I say? I'm doing nothing right!!