Gun Owners of America (GOA) Alert August 29, 2019 asking us to send this current email NOW to all House Republicans: https://gunowners.org/alert082919/

Please do your part to help us protect the 2A.
Send this August 29, 2019 EMAIL to all US House Republicans using GOA auto mailer here: https://gunowners.org/alert082919/

Text of August 29, 2019 GOA email copied below for reference.

Subject: New laws aren’t needed to deal with mass shooters

Dear [official],

I urge you to oppose all gun control legislation -- including Red Flag gun confiscation orders, Universal Background Checks and bans on commonly-owned firearms.

As pointed out by Gun Owners of America (GOA), our country does not need additional laws to deal with killers like the Dayton, Ohio shooter.

GOA’s Legislative Counsel Michael Hammond penned an article in Townhall showing that the Dayton killer could have easily had his guns removed (using due process) if anyone had bothered to use pre-existing law.

The killer had a long record of threatening people, and as it turns out, one can be charged in Ohio with “menacing,” which the state treats as a felony.

But here’s the problem: If the authorities weren’t willing to charge the shooter under current law, they certainly would not have “red flagged” him.

Please OPPOSE all gun control. Instead, please pass Rep. Richard Hudson’s concealed carry reciprocity bill (H.R. 38) and repeal gun-free school zones (H.R. 3200).


[Your Name]

GOA Alert copied below, full text of August 29, 2019 GOA Alert here: https://gunowners.org/alert082919/

Act: Gun Control will be Voted on Soon in the House of Representatives

Urge Republican Reps to Oppose Gun Control!

Written by Erich Pratt
Published: 29 August 2019

The House of Representatives Returns Soon to Pass Gun Control

The Gun Owners of America grassroots have been amazing this month!

Collectively, GOA activists have sent more than two million messages to Republicans in the Senate and the White House.

We have sat in meetings with high level offices on Capitol Hill, and they have told us that our members are definitely keeping Republican legislators from rushing to support gun control.

So thank you for your activism. It is making a huge difference!

Now, we need to turn our attention to the House of Representatives.

But let me warn you, no matter what we do, gun control is likely to pass in the House. Some might wonder then: Why should we even try? Why should we contact Republican congressmen?

The reason you must take action is that we need to keep as few Republicans as possible from helping Democrats to pass gun control next week.

If the House passes semi-auto bans, magazine limitations or “red flag” Gun Confiscation Orders with the support of 40-50 Republicans, then that will only encourage Senate Republicans to follow suit — and Gun Confiscation will easily pass the Senate.

That’s why we need to deluge the offices of House Republicans now — just like we did in the Senate.

So please add your name to a pre-written letter (above) that will go to every House Republican, warning them that if they vote for gun control, they will face traumatic consequences at the polls.