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  1. #1
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    Default Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Here’s an article about Trump being interviewed by Piers Morgan. Unfortunately he is still on the banning “silencer” phase. Although he says some good things about gun ownership, his anti “silencer” remarks are becoming very disturbing.

    President Trump has said he is considering banning gun silencers but defended the right to own semi-automatic rifles as people 'have a tremendous amount of fun' using them for sport.
    Trump said he was 'going to seriously look at' banning the devices used to lessen the noise of gunfire after 12 people were shot dead by a killer using a suppressor in Virginia Beach last week.
    He also claimed many Americans have AR-15 rifles for 'entertainment' and that if civilians in the Bataclan shooting in Paris had guns the terror attack 'would have never happened'.
    The president was responding to questions from Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain today about gun violence in the US.
    Morgan praised Trump for banning the use of bump stocks after the Las Vegas massacre in October 2017 in which 58 people at a country music concert were slaughtered.
    He asked the president if he would now consider banning silencers on guns after the Virginia Beach outrage in which high-capacity magazine were also used.

    Trump replied that he 'didn't like the idea of them' and was would 'serious look at' banning the noise suppressors.
    He added: 'I don't like them [silencers]. Nobody's talked about the silencers very much, they did talk about the bump stocks and we had it banned and we're looking at that, I'm going to seriously look at it [a ban].

    I don't like the idea of what's happening, what's going on is crazy, with schools.'
    When told of the number of gun deaths this year compared to knife murders in the UK, the president replied that if concertgoers at the Bataclan in 2015 had guns they could have stopped the terrorists from killing so many people.

    He described ISIS as 'that whacky group of people' who 'went into the nightclub and they just boom, boom, boom', adding 'if there was a gun on the other side, if one or two or three of those people had a gun, it would have never happened'.

    When quizzed on gun control in the US, the president hit back saying knife crime in the UK was soaring. Morgan relied that there had only been around 50 knife murders in Britain this year, to which Trump replied, 'they said your hospitals are a see of blood'.

    Trump said: 'But Piers in London you have stabbings all over. I read an article where everyone is being stabbed. People are being stabbed. They said your hospital is a sea of blood, all over the floors.'
    On average around 36,000 deaths in the US involve a gun, with more than 12,000 of those categorized as murders - 25 times that of other high-income nations.
    Speaking about the Paris Bataclan incident, the president added: 'You know the one I think about the most is Paris where they had so many people killed, where that whacky group of people went into the nightclub and they just boom, boom, boom and they killed, like, tremendous numbers of people, horribly injured so many more, some still in the hospital.
    'If there was a gun on the other side, if one or two or three of those people had a gun, it would have never happened.'
    Morgan said that more people were shot dead in the US the week of the Bataclan massacre in November 2015 than in the whole of Paris since WWII.
    He added: 'But here's my problem with that argument, here's my problem with that argument. More people were shot dead in America that week than have died from guns in Paris since the Second World War. The stats are so against that argument.'

    On the subject of semi-automatic assault rifles, Trump responded to the use of AR-15 high-powered rifles that they were used for 'sport'.
    He replied: 'Well a lot of them use it for entertainment. They do. It's really. For some people it's entertainment, they go out and they shoot and they go to ranges and they have a tremendous amount of fun.
    Are you going to take the guns away from hunters?'

    When asked about the Las Vegas shooter who bought 52 assault rifles in a year, Trump said gun laws would not have stopped him carrying out an attack.The president said: 'He was a sick guy and if it wasn't guns he'd have done bombs or he would have done something else. 'He was actually a pretty smart guy, he was supposedly a good successful gambler and there's almost no such thing as a successful gambler.'

    Trump added that 'bad guys are not getting rid of their guns' making ordinary people 'sitting ducks' for criminals with weapons.
    Trump said: 'When somebody has a gun illegally and no one else can have a gun because the laws are nobody else can have a gun, those people are gone, they have no choice, they have no chance. It's a very tough subject.
    'But the bad guys are not getting rid of their guns, pretty much everybody agrees with that. The people that obey the laws if there was a law passed - those people are sitting ducks.'
    Morgan finished off the interview by urging Trump to 'carry on doing something on guns'.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    While he clarified sort of after

    "'have a tremendous amount of fun' using them for sport."

    Una Salus Victis Nullam Sperare Salutem

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Knee jerk.
    There are no pacts between lions and men.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    His son sure as F%&k likes them.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    His son sure as F%&k likes them.
    It’s ok for them, not us peasants.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycanthrope View Post it for the boobies........

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Quote Originally Posted by lts1ow View Post
    While he clarified sort of after

    "'have a tremendous amount of fun' using them for sport."

    At least he isn't in favor of banning them. At least not yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Krichardson View Post
    Knee jerk.
    So was the bump stock ban. If he bans the possession of suppressors there is a tax stamp and record identify current owners

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    His son sure as F%&k likes them.
    Maybe we better start sending emails/ letter to his son to straighten him out.

    I hope it's just talk and politics like when he said he supported a 21 year old age limit on purchasing a long gun, but then flipped on that issue. In any event I hope the NRA/ GOA and other pro gun groups are taking note of this.

    It also appears that if the LV and Parkland shootings didn't do it, the VA shooting appeared to be a nail in the coffin of any chance to get suppressors off of the NRA act.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    What’s the current NFA wait time for suppressor approval? I see that tripling by next week.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Quote Originally Posted by Hodgie View Post
    What’s the current NFA wait time for suppressor approval? I see that tripling by next week.
    If Trump does manage to ban suppressors the question is will the ban be limited to the manufacturer of new ones, or will it ban the ones already in possession. If the later happens, who is going to want to buy something that will be banned and unlike bump stocks , the government will have a record on ownership.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    Trump throws crumbs to the birds, and all his single issue "supporters" go bat shit crazy.
    You'll never get anyone elected who is more on our side. Get over the chirping, stop feeding the antis.
    It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. Voltaire

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Trump says he still considering "silencer "ban on Piers Morgan

    There should have been a silencer ban on Piers Morgan a long time ago.

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