Matt Menges won handily...beat the second-place person who had giant billboard everywhere and constant radio commercials by 12%! To be honest, that woman creeped me out (the photo she used in the daily junk mail she sent me) and she was NOT endorsed by FOAC.

He should win the general election easily, as he had 10,000 more votes than the Dem winner...and plenty of more Republicans who voted for the other 2 candidates to get behind him.

He'll be a great asset to the courts! Big 2A guy!

I'm going to ask him how I can help out his campaign for the fall. I've personally met him several times and he's close to my rep, Seth Grove, who I see and talk to all of the time. A few of you met him at the Rally walk-around...another great guy for our side.

Matt runs the Concealed Carry seminars with Rep. Grove.