I had posted in the Lounge a thread seeking information on Republican Candidate for District Attorney, Kathy Martin. She had recent experience with the Philadelphia DA's office under Seth Williams. I thought it odd at the time that a Republican would have been hired for any position in that office. Not impossible but unusual. Could not find a thing. Her pedigree is urban, Temple, Villanova and most of her career in Philly. Now all of a sudden she shows up in Wayne County, hired on to the DA's staff by Democrat Pat Robinson.

Well another Republican has entered the ring, A.G. Howell. He claims to be pretty much a lifelong Wayne County Republican. According to his research, Kathy Martin only switched party affiliations to Republican in 2017. Before that she was a solid registered Democrat. There is more. She is advertising heavily and someone has real money behind her.

I can only report what I have read, and have not verified any of it independently yet. I have read enough to warn others from Wayne County here to proceed with caution. DA positions are almost always stepping stones to higher political office.