Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Elkland, Pennsylvania
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    Default House Judiciary Committee hearings

    Rep Caltagirone email

    The House Judiciary Committee, Chaired by Tom Caltagirone (Berks -D) has
    scheduled statewide hearings on gun-related crime. This will be an opportunity
    for gun owners in Pennsylvania to express their concerns regarding the many
    recent anti-gun proposals introduced in the House of Representatives, which
    include "one-gun-a-month" schemes and "semi-automatic" firearm bans. The
    following is a preliminary list of cities and dates.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    somewhere, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    I hate to make this a D vs R issue, but is it any surprise that ALL of the hosts for these hearings are Democrats?
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania
    (Indiana County)
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    Are these really "state-wide" meetings? Well, let's look at the schedule:

    March 16, Wilkes-Barre
    March 23, South Philadelphia
    March 27, Erie
    March 28, Pittsburgh (Oakland neighborhood)
    March 29, Reading and Chester (Delaware County)
    March 30, West Philadelphia
    April 13, North Philadelphia
    April 20, Center City Philadelphia

    Gee. looks more like urban gang banger-wide meetings, and a little bit heavy on the Philadelphia side of the "hood".

    Oh, almost forgot.

    April 27, Harrisburg - Final policy hearing.

    These "meetings" supposedly will be an opportunity for gun owners to express their concerns regarding the many recent anti-gun proposals introduced in the House of Representatives.

    Insert "legal" gun owners into that paragraph and you can eliminate many of the Philadelphia meetings.

    When will our elected officials figure out that this is not an inanimate object issue, but a social issue?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    Not so much the DvsR issue here, but these meetings are scheduled in the territories of the representatives sponsoring this garbage. They'll get some loudmouthed antis holding signs outside and they'll say, "See, this is what the people want!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Dallas, Pennsylvania
    (Luzerne County)
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    Exclamation Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    I'm headed to the Wilkes-Barre meeting, and I've invited Congresswoman Boback (R) and as many other local gun-owners as I can get to go with me. At least we can show them that the North-East won't stand for this garbage! Any help and support I can get would be greatly appreciated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Douglassville, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Thumbs down Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    These meetings are a freaking set-up and anyone who doesn't see that is blind. Every meeting is set in a heavily anti, heavily D area and there is no way that we will get a fair hearing out of any of it. This is pure PR. I wish that there were a truly fair news outlet that we could take this to. Just the locations should make anyone with common sense see it for what it is.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    OK, I just got off teh phone with my rep. Unfortunately she can't do anything because she's not on the Judiciary committy, but did give me some helpful information when I asked about filing an Ethics complaint. So let's take the fight to them. As you know each member of the House, Senate, and Governor's office must take an oath to support adn uphold the constitution of the state and the US. These guys are violation BIG time. Let's flood the Ethics committee with complaints to that effect. If enough people complain, they will be forced into some type action, either saction the offenders, or the unofficially tell them to knock it off to stop the complaints. So, here's a homework assignment for all you out there. Go here, download, fill out and send in the form. You don't have to be a constituant to level a complaint. Don't make frivolous complaints, but do call them to task when they violate their oath of office.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Southeastern PA, Pennsylvania
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    Exclamation Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    While I applaud the thought and intent of bombarding the Ethics Commission, I'd ask that you first read the chapter on the intent of the Ethics Law. If I"m looking at the correct chapter, the Ethics Law is meant for conflicts of interest and reining in financial improprieties - not the traitors in the House and Senate flaunting the State Constitution as their personal doormat...

    1110. Wrongful use of chapter
    (a) Liability.--A person who signs a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter against another is subject to liability for wrongful use of this chapter if:
    (1) the complaint was frivolous, as defined by this chapter, or without probable cause and made primarily for a purpose other than that of reporting a violation of this chapter; or

    (2) he publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that a complaint against a person had been filed with the commission.


    If I'm wrong, let me know. I hate to see us labeled as nuts for an emasse well as be liable for damages....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
    (Westmoreland County)
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    I'll go to the one here in Oakland, Pittsburgh. Anyone else?

    Sounds like a State-Sponsored Protest to me rather than a forum for discussion.

    I'd talk but I get pretty nervous with crowds....heh and I don't think taking my AK would help any.
    "Because I'm an American." - MtnJack

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    (Lebanon County)
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    Default Re: House Judiciary Committee hearings

    Quote Originally Posted by NoHackrLtd View Post
    While I applaud the thought and intent of bombarding the Ethics Commission, I'd ask that you first read the chapter on the intent of the Ethics Law. If I"m looking at the correct chapter, the Ethics Law is meant for conflicts of interest and reining in financial improprieties - not the traitors in the House and Senate flaunting the State Constitution as their personal doormat...

    1110. Wrongful use of chapter
    (a) Liability.--A person who signs a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter against another is subject to liability for wrongful use of this chapter if:
    (1) the complaint was frivolous, as defined by this chapter, or without probable cause and made primarily for a purpose other than that of reporting a violation of this chapter; or

    (2) he publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that a complaint against a person had been filed with the commission.


    If I'm wrong, let me know. I hate to see us labeled as nuts for an emasse well as be liable for damages....

    While I hate to say it, I think you hit something here. not in the fact that it's frivolous, but the fact I published that I would do it, I'll have to hold off on mailing it, as that would violate #2, sounds like a nice dodge for these IDIOTS!!!

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