Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Mobile RV Unit
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    Default Congressman Matt Cartwright: Our Representative via Gerrymander.

    The Democrat controlled Supreme Court of PA gerrymandered the State in favor of the Democrats. As a result, I am now gerrymandered into a district represented by Matt Cartwright, an urban Democrat. Given that Wayne County, is nothing like nearly bankrupt Scranton and the City of Wilkes-Barre, the Supreme Court's gerrymandering of us is obvious on its face.

    The Dems believed that our voices would be marginalized or silenced by forcing us into an urban dominated district with Congressman Matt Cartwright feeling quite free to disregard our views.

    If possible, I would like to begin to work to change that dynamic. Was thinking that the re-introduction of the National Reciprocity bill in the House might be the perfect reason to strike up a conversation with my new Congressional Representative. Anyone else interested?

    I posted this under Pike County too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania
    (Wayne County)
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    Default Re: Congressman Matt Cartwright: Our Representative via Gerrymander.

    I'm up for trying to work with him. I don't know much about him yet, but he's filling the spot that Chris Carney held a while back and Chris was in our side, despite being a Democrat. He was a Blue Dog.

    Being registered as a Democrat, I may (and I stress "may") get access or traction where others may not.
    Sed ego sum homo indomitus

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
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    Default Re: Congressman Matt Cartwright: Our Representative via Gerrymander.

    Thank you. I looked at his website but did not scour it. Offhand, it was not filled with a lot of anti-2A screed that can be found on other legislators's websites. Other information about him shows that he is definitely anti-2A (couched, as usual, in the dissembling rubric of 'gun safety'). Could there be hope? I have always maintained that a real 2A supporter who is a Democrat, would have a lifetime seat in most any place in Pennsylvania except Philadelphia.

    I can, and will eventually, write to him independently, but I thought it might be more effective if a number of his new District 8 constituents, of whom he may know little, were to write or speak to him collectively on Second Amendment issues.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    carbon cty, Pennsylvania
    (Carbon County)
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    Default Re: Congressman Matt Cartwright: Our Representative via Gerrymander.


    The National Redistricting Foundation is run by eric holder / obomba and they are suing in multiple states to gerrymander districts and fight voter ID laws to favor dimmoRATS in all states

    also suing to give felons voting rights

    also suing to block citizenship question on census reports
    Last edited by middlefinger; January 5th, 2019 at 02:23 PM.
    Ecclesiastes 10:2 ...........

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