Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Athens, Pennsylvania
    (Bradford County)
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    Default Term limits a must

    After last weeks votes in both houses which to me is taxation without representation. (gee wasn't there a revolution fought about that) We should demand term limits on these crooks two terms and you are OUT! I for one am never going to vote for a incumbent again. Sure we will loose a few good ones but we will get rid of a whole lot more bad ones. Let the Revolt begin !!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Apolacon Township, Pennsylvania
    (Susquehanna County)
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    Default Re: Term limits a must

    I agree for the most part. But let's add a little more to the mix. 1. There is no pension or retirement plan for those who do serve in the Congress except they must participate in Social Security. 2. Don't just make it 2 consecutive terms or these guys will be running in alternating terms, make it a mximum of 4 years or 2 terms in one's lifetime. 3. Add the provision that "professional politicians need not apply". 4. Consider a Constitutional amendment making a Senators term 4 years and limited to 8 years in one's lifetime.

    Originally the Senate was supposed to look after the interest of the states and Senators were elected by the state legislatures. But the Senate has become a millionaires club and needs to be reinned in and held accountable for both what they do and what they fail to do.

    As long as the idea is to get more of our solid citizens involved in government, I approve!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: Term limits a must

    Term limits are needed, but I don't see them ever happening. Those who have to vote for them would not vote for them.

    Also just a bit of historical correction. I think the revolution was fought more because England was forcing a monetary system on the colonies that favored the UK. The colonies were not able to create their own fair markets. The central banks of the UK controlled the markets in all of the colonies which obviously presented a problem for the local economies.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Athens, Pennsylvania
    (Bradford County)
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    Default Re: Term limits a must

    So we have to do it for them! Don't vote for any incumbent be it Republican or Democrat. Just get the bums out so new bums can get in and not have to much time to do major damage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Term limits a must

    yup I agree 100%. 12 years is more then long enough to serve, actually to much if you ask me. I also don't really see why the Senate has a 6 year term and why the House has a 2 year term...

    doesn't make much sense to me either way.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: Term limits a must

    I can see the use of a term spanning more than one presidential cycle. I mean it sort of offers a better check on Executive powers if it is being used as such. I think both should have a two term lifetime limit, but that each term should be 5 or 6 years so that we can have a staggering of the presidential cycle with Congress.

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