First off, I need another safe like many here, but that is another story. for another thread

I have been using a 12 inch Liberty heating element for the past 6 years, and noticed in my Liberty SafeElert that the humidity was rising. Because the SafeElert is located at the very top of the safe, my guess is the humidity levels there are higher than any other place in the safe, as the Liberty rod was at the bottom of the safe. Was getting readings in excess of 60%, so I started to think the rod may be going was still warm to the touch and I could not discern any cooling from prior levels, but to be safe this time I purchased a real Goldenrod, and to be really safe, I doubled the size to 24 inches.

I place the new Goldenrod in the safe last night; however, as the safe is filled to the brim with guns, I was not able to mount this as suggested. Instead, I leaned it against the back wall of the safe. I know others have done this from reading posts online, as Goldenrod necessarily cannot get hot enough to start a fire, but I was curious how many mount and how many lean. Thought I had more room in the safe (it is a Cabela's Classic 25)