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  1. #1
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    Default Elections Have Consequences

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    "He who is Brave, is Free" Seneca
    Si vis pacem, Para bellum
    To every man upon this earth, death cometh, soon or late

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Quote Originally Posted by DonBiase View Post
    Yep, Pennsyltucky Supreme Court springs to mind. Guess it was a great day to stay home and do fantasy football so as to make up for not watching it anymore, or, maybe to run to the mall for some jock-socks at say, Dick's maybe.
    All of my guns are lubed with BACON GREASE.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Sure remember that next time it's time to vote and you decide not to.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    ^^^What Hodgie said, so get out and VOTE RED THIS NOVEMBER 6TH!!^^^

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Quote Originally Posted by nfafan View Post
    Yep, Pennsyltucky Supreme Court springs to mind. Guess it was a great day to stay home and do fantasy football so as to make up for not watching it anymore, or, maybe to run to the mall for some jock-socks at say, Dick's maybe.
    We still need a sarc emoji. Some here can't understand.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Constitutional oriented Supreme Court justices were the number one reason I voted for Trump. Yes, Obama, you arrogant ass. Elections do have consequences.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Just a reminder here, that the candidate who selects the next batch of judges and vetoes or signs Congressional bills, will NOT be "the guy who got the most votes if you add in all the 'message senders' who voted for some 3rd party to punish the party closest to him".

    If the Democrats get 45% of the vote while the Republicans get 40% and the "not Democrats" get another 10, the Democrats will be putting Obama and Liz Warren on the Court for the next 40 years.

    The time to send a message is when you get out your checkbook during the primaries. Only an idiot punishes the party that agrees with him 70% of the time by helping elect the party that agrees with him 5% of the time.

    No candidate is going to obey your demands 100% of the time, no matter how much you stamp your feet and bang your head on the wall. The sane thing to do is to vote for the person closest to you WHO HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING. Nobody except a Democrat or a Republican has won the presidency since the last Whig won in 1848.

    You have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, would I rather be ruled by Hillary or have Trump ease back the control? Would I rather see more of Trump until 2024 or let the Dems use the same moral guidance against us that they used against Kavanaugh?

    Punishing Trump because he sided with the NRA and threw bump stocks under the bus is insane, when the alternative party wants to reinstate the 1994 AWB that they rammed through when they had power.

    Don't be stupid. There were Germans whose "principles" required them to obey all laws, and they obediently allowed anti-Jew laws to go into effect, because they personally kept to their principles regarding "order". Don't be a good German. Use common sense. Help us to get and keep the best of the actual options, instead of "sending a message" by writing-in "John Moses Browning" (he's dead, but has the same chance as any Libertarian or Green party candidate), which helps us to the exact same extent as if you stayed home and listened to Streisand records.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    . The time to send a message is when you get out your checkbook during the primaries. Only an idiot punishes the party that agrees with him 70% of the time by helping elect the party that agrees with him 5% of the time.
    Well put and one of the best things I’ve read regarding elections in a long time. I remember years ago I use to think “Hey, if they are not going to put in someone who I like all/most of the the time, they can get bent. I won’t vote for anyone until they put in a candidate I truly think is worthy. If they want my vote they better get their act together”

    The feeling is still there about wanting the best candidate. But I quickly came to realize the time to worry about that is during the primaries, not the general election. A lot of times we vote for the lesser of two evils which sucks. But we need to remember not voting aids the greater of the two evils. As you said, better to have a candidate that goes with 70% of what you want than 5%.

    If you want a candidate that votes with you 100%, run for election. Anything else, take care of as best you can in the primaries. If it does not work out in the primaries, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by taking your ball and going home because the candidate running is only 65% better than the other candidate.
    Last edited by internet troll; October 8th, 2018 at 02:02 PM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Elections Have Consequences

    The other thing to take into consideration is even if your local "R" candidate is very squishy on the issues you care about, it is still a good idea to vote for them over the "D" candidate because in congress the "R" candidate will still count towards the "R" side and if they are the majority, they control what bills get brought up and what votes are taken.

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