I can't believe all the TV ads from D candidates where the sole focus is gun control. I'm a registered R so can't vote for (or more accurately against) them in the primary, so I try to ignore it all but they're starting to make me sick. In my 58 years as a Pennsylvania resident, I've never seen candidates that are so "in your face" against the 2A. They're actually quite arrogant about it which, of course, is one of the hallmarks of a liberal. They think they're tough guys (and girls). What's more, they're proud to announce that they're progressives. I never heard of any of these assholes. What rock did they crawl out from under?

I think (at least I hope) it's going to backfire on them. Their rhetoric sounds good to the big city libs, but our Commonwealth is home to a whole bunch of people that "cling to guns or religion."