Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #61
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post
    GGHBI, fair enough. I thought I was being pretty open and maybe my wording didn't resonate with the message I was putting out there. And I had not intention of "leaving" just shutting up. It is hard overseas to get info and such.

    But I'll tell you how this liberal libertarian looks at things.
    1. The liberal in me believes that the government has an important role in our lives: military, clean water, protecting the forest and natural resources, providing affordable education-- and yes healthcare (not Obamacare-- that is an insurance scam-- but some sort of basic healthcare-- even if it a yearly check up and free emergency services). And of course: roads, utilities, crime, etc.

    Mucho Snip-O
    Yeah because .GOV does such a great job on everything it touches.

    LBJ declared war on poverty in the '60s.
    Result: destruction of the black nuclear (father and mother married) family. Multiple generations in poverty and crime, on public assistance.

    .GOV War on Drugs: We sure are doing great on that one aren't we?

    Waco and Ruby Ridge: American citizens minding their own fucking business murdered by the FBI and ATF.

    Yellow river in Colorado Much? Thanks EPA!

    We got the Federal Department of Education and US student scores started slipping with respect to the rest of the world until we're a fucking joke. Think Tide pods and snorting condoms?

    We HAD the best healthcare in the world. Thats going fast.

    Solution: Capitalism works. Everything else sucks in comparison.
    American by BIRTH, Infidel by CHOICE

  2. #62
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post
    How about this.. (and this is all I was trying to say was that people are educated).. in order for someone to own a gun in Pennsylvania they sign at time of purchase that they read an overview of the state gun laws. Not even a test.. just a "yup, I read this" And hey... if people don't want to have that, then that is what democracy is all about. Just seems pretty common sense to just know the rules. Maybe be given a pamphlet on how to be safe.

    Again.. it is funny that I am here actually TELLING YOU that I am not anti-gun. I am pro-second Amendment. Yet.. I am assumed not to be. I understand you have a point of view.. but I am not telling anyone they are wrong... I am not advocating you change your politics or crapping on them.

    I am well versed on the Constitution. I am well versed on the history of the Bill of Rights. Being liberal doesn't tie my down to some dogma. And while I a do know a lot of democrats (and republicans) who have good intentions on how to keep people safe. I am a pragmatist. Yinz don't really care about what I think-- my label is al you seem to worry about... but I bet if we got a coffee, we wouldn't be so far apart on things.. I honestly don't think many liberals and conservatives would be.

    But I do agree-- there are some extreme conservatives and extreme liberals that would have you think that we live in two different americas and that "the other side" is evil and hates everything America stands for. I don't think most Americans are extremists in politics-- they just get extremist media (left and right) that want to sell ads and make their money.

    I do sincerely regret starting this thread. I was trying to see if there were other people likeminded-- not to challenge anyone's political views or tell anyone they were wrong. This is obviously a "third rail" topic in a forum I am a stranger in.
    The main problem isn't that people aren't knowledgeable about local, state and federal gun laws, it's that the gun laws are so convoluted that you need to be a rocket scientist to know them all.

    You want a good laugh? Ask a state rep to explain the carry laws, especially regarding emergency declarations and Philly. Ask a U.S. senator if you can stop for gas or food when you're transporting guns through NJ, or the difference between a PSB and a stock.

    We don't need more stinking gun laws. If our representatives can't explain the laws to us, then the laws are way too complicated.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by scruff View Post

    We don't need more stinking gun laws. If our representatives can't explain the laws to us, then the laws are way too complicated.
    ...and that's true of any law that's passed. I reps don't even read the laws they vote on, let alone understand them after they're passed. At a minimum it is a dereliction of duty for them to vote on legislation they haven't read, at most it should be a crime. Plus, congress should not be passing any law that they themselves are not subjected to. Government IS the problem, but I doubt a liberal would understand that.
    Rules are written in the stone,
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  4. #64
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post

    I (PERSONALLY) know that gun deaths are reduced most by trying to stop suicides, but the only proven solution to gun violence is reducing poverty. I agree that there are no gun laws that have reduced gun crime.
    Liberals use suicides and good cop shootings as a multiplier when they talk about the "epidemic" of gun violence. It's dishonest and it shows me they will lie and cheat to reach their goals. It is one of the reasons the right and left cannot trust each other. Gun violence is a myth, a lie to push the debate towards confiscation.

    Liberals want to pass laws to punish 300 million law abiding citizens when a one in a hundred million lunatic uses a gun illegally.

    Liberals try to reduce poverty by taxing working people more and giving the money to poor people. After 70 years you would think they could see that does not work. But they keep doing it because even if they pretend to be sticking it to the rich, that's a way to convince the poor that they are looking out for them. Its not helping anyone but the politicians.

    Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by liberal politicians to increase tax revenue and add regulations. Easy enough to make up a "scientific" crisis that can never be proved in our lifetimes. Just doctor up the data, make a dishonest graph, and feed it to CBS news. Hysterical pundits then shame anyone who wants a real debate. That's not science, and I should know, I'm a scientist.

    The NRA gave less money to congressional candidates cumulatively over the last twenty years than George Soros alone gave to Hillary Clinton in 2016. NRA money is like 10% of their power. The power comes from having 3,000,000+ members who vote and don't want the government getting tyrannical on their asses.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Stickler, if I may. To be pro second amendment, is to be "pro freedom". To be "liberal" (at least in it's current incarnation), is to be "anti-freedom". it's to believe Your government can run Your life better than You can. Never the twain shall meet.

    Consequently, Your comments would raise a cloud of suspicion over Your motives.

    There is another "liberal" that regularly posts here. "Democrat gun owner". He is "liberal". inasmuch as he admits to being a Democrat....past that' "liberals" that frequented this forum have been seminar trollers that violated terms of service by degrading into name calling when their arguments lost.

    If You are in fact a "liberal", You will become a pariah with other "liberals", as You are now everything that they hate.
    There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy - Dante.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post
    How about this.. (and this is all I was trying to say was that people are educated).. in order for someone to own a gun in Pennsylvania they sign at time of purchase that they read an overview of the state gun laws. Not even a test.. just a "yup, I read this" And hey... if people don't want to have that, then that is what democracy is all about. Just seems pretty common sense to just know the rules. Maybe be given a pamphlet on how to be safe.

    Again.. it is funny that I am here actually TELLING YOU that I am not anti-gun. I am pro-second Amendment. Yet.. I am assumed not to be. I understand you have a point of view.. but I am not telling anyone they are wrong... I am not advocating you change your politics or crapping on them.

    I am well versed on the Constitution. I am well versed on the history of the Bill of Rights. Being liberal doesn't tie my down to some dogma. And while I a do know a lot of democrats (and republicans) who have good intentions on how to keep people safe. I am a pragmatist. Yinz don't really care about what I think-- my label is al you seem to worry about... but I bet if we got a coffee, we wouldn't be so far apart on things.. I honestly don't think many liberals and conservatives would be.
    We don't care if you call yourself a liberal a conservative a blue martian or Queen Elizabeth. Your labels are your business.
    We care about the text and facts of what you post.

    This is a zero tolerance place for leftist ( My label, because I am fucking sick of socialist and big state types hijacking the terms liberal and progressive and libertarian) tenets and opinions. We just don't eat that crap.

    And by the way, the USA is a democratic republic, not a democracy. The mob does NOT rule, in large part because we have the 2nd amendment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post
    I do sincerely regret starting this thread. I was trying to see if there were other people likeminded-- not to challenge anyone's political views or tell anyone they were wrong. This is obviously a "third rail" topic in a forum I am a stranger in.
    Yeah, jumping in without doing any research.......... welcome to thunderdome.
    American by BIRTH, Infidel by CHOICE

  7. #67
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickler View Post
    How about this.. (and this is all I was trying to say was that people are educated).. in order for someone to own a gun in Pennsylvania they sign at time of purchase that they read an overview of the state gun laws. Not even a test.. just a "yup, I read this" And hey... if people don't want to have that, then that is what democracy is all about. Just seems pretty common sense to just know the rules. Maybe be given a pamphlet on how to be safe.

    Again.. it is funny that I am here actually TELLING YOU that I am not anti-gun. I am pro-second Amendment. Yet.. I am assumed not to be. I understand you have a point of view.. but I am not telling anyone they are wrong... I am not advocating you change your politics or crapping on them.

    I am well versed on the Constitution. I am well versed on the history of the Bill of Rights. Being liberal doesn't tie my down to some dogma. And while I a do know a lot of democrats (and republicans) who have good intentions on how to keep people safe. I am a pragmatist. Yinz don't really care about what I think-- my label is al you seem to worry about... but I bet if we got a coffee, we wouldn't be so far apart on things.. I honestly don't think many liberals and conservatives would be.

    But I do agree-- there are some extreme conservatives and extreme liberals that would have you think that we live in two different americas and that "the other side" is evil and hates everything America stands for. I don't think most Americans are extremists in politics-- they just get extremist media (left and right) that want to sell ads and make their money.

    I do sincerely regret starting this thread. I was trying to see if there were other people likeminded-- not to challenge anyone's political views or tell anyone they were wrong. This is obviously a "third rail" topic in a forum I am a stranger in.
    What a cop out. You set the standard of needing to prove knowledge of the gun laws to own a gun. Me asking you to demonstrate that you can meet the standard that you set is not out of line.

    Could one of the mods check his IP address to see if he really is over seas like he said? I am getting a strong troll vibe.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by raxar View Post
    What a cop out. You set the standard of needing to prove knowledge of the gun laws to own a gun. Me asking you to demonstrate that you can meet the standard that you set is not out of line.

    Could one of the mods check his IP address to see if he really is over seas like he said? I am getting a strong troll vibe.
    He's over seas, but that doesn't mean he was truthful about what he's doing there.
    Rules are written in the stone,
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    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
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  9. #69
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    He's over seas, but that doesn't mean he was truthful about what he's doing there.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: LIberal Gun Owner

    I have a collection of green/blue and yellow pamphlets. I try to avoid getting them. Junk and those crap trigger locks. The problem with mandated minimums is that becomes all you get. Here we are free to seek out the best training and knowledge available. The mandates remove competition as everyone is offering the required course and people just want to satisfy the proverbial hoop.

    People who think they know what other people need better than those people do, SUCK and are EVIL.

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