Quote Originally Posted by SevenMilePete View Post
One guy posted on her FB page that he was a coworker, and he had a permit, and many others in the office did also. And that her boyfriend came into the office with a firearm. And that there was much more to this firing than just her permit. Just saying, there may be a lot more to this story than her side.

And the city may be a liberal haven, but not the county. The county went overwhelmingly for Trump in the election, 61 to 32%.
And there were about 10,000 more voters in the county than the city.
None of that is a reason to decide that she's lying about the handful of people who decided to fire her. That decision was not put to the voters in her city or county, it was made by people who went to college to be social workers.

I find her story to be plausible, but hardly proven. The truth is that a large chunk of Lefties "demonize" guns and gun owners, and I mean that quite literally. They treat guns like demons, they treat gun owners like minions of Satan, and they are triggered by gun talk and gun pictures and just by knowing that someone who they thought was "normal" had guns at home, the way your opinion might change if you were talking to a buddy and he casually mentioned that his family ritually sacrifices puppies for the glory of Baal every weekend.