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  1. #1
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    Default GOA ALERT: 2-22-2018 Email & Call Senators NOW: NO Gun Bans, YES Safe Schools Act


    ################################################## ##############################

    GOA ALERT: Feb 22 2018 Email and Call Senator Toomey and Senator Casey NOW to OPPOSE Gun Bans & SUPPORT the Safe Schools Act

    WE NEED EVERYONE to CALL SENATOR TOOMEY and SENATOR CASEY TODAY at: 202-224-3121 (Capital Switchboard, ask to connect to Senator's office).

    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to OPPOSE the BUMP STOCK BAN, which is badly defined and will BAN MAGAZINES and BAN PISTOL GRIPS, and create unknown future bans.
    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to OPPOSE the FIX NICS BILL, which is badly defined and will BAN GUN OWNERSHIP for SENIORS and MILITARY VETERANS.
    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to SUPPORT the SAFE STUDENTS ACT HR-34 to ALLOW ARMED PROTECTION of SCHOOLS by qualified administrators, teachers, and parents.

    (Example of call narrative: "Hello, my name is (your name), I am a registered voter in zip code (your zip code), please tell the Senator to oppose the Bump Stock Ban and to oppose the Fix NICS bill, and to please support the Safe Students Act HR-34. Thank you.")

    ################################################## ##############################

    Complete GOA Alert included below for reference.


    BAD NEWS: Some “Pro Gun” Congressmen are now Supporting Gun Control

    I want to thank you for deluging the White House with phone calls yesterday.

    For the first time, since the Florida shooting, the President has finally taken a stand in favor of having armed, trained teachers to fire back at the next depraved school shooter (although, sadly, he is also supporting some gun controls).

    But, of course, the anti-gun Left doesn’t want any pro-gun response.

    I’m sure that you probably don’t spend your day watching NBC News. And I don’t blame you.

    However, if you weren’t watching this past week, you missed a big complement that they paid you. But more on that in just a second.

    First, I have to tell you that the Second Amendment may be in more danger now than it has been in the last 20 years.

    I wish that were just hyperbole, but I’m very serious.

    The anti-gun Left is pushing an all-out assault on our gun rights.

    Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), faced with a CNN-orchestrated gun ban-o-thon yesterday, embraced gun control and opposed arming teachers -- even though 81 percent of our nation's police officers support arming teachers and school administrators.

    “Fix NICS” sponsor John Cornyn (R-TX) is holding secret meetings to determine how to deliver a gun control victory to cosponsors Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT).

    You may remember that “Fix NICS” sets up a “bribe pot” of 2/3 of a billion dollars to convince states to send millions of additional names to NICS.

    GOA has already alerted you as to how this bill (S. 2135) will help disarm military veterans and seniors, medical marijuana users, vacationers with outstanding traffic tickets -- and how it will make existing protections for gun owners even worse.

    Senator Feinstein is pushing to couple “Fix NICS” with a so-called “bump stock ban,” which would, in fact, ban high-capacity magazines, match triggers, and anything else that “accelerates” a semi-automatic’s rate of fire.

    The President has indicated he will consider some form of each of these gun control initiatives.

    Even outgoing South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy has now decided that banning bump stocks is fine with him.

    But there is hope.

    NBC News commends YOU for YOUR effectiveness

    There is still some fear and trepidation by anti-gun lobbyists and media pundits that all their efforts to enact new gun controls will fail.

    NBC News reporter Kasie Hunt said on Sunday that in addition to other gun groups:

    The Gun Owners of America, which is a group to the right of the NRA, they pay attention when this fades from the headlines, day in and day out, they pay attention and they mobilize.

    One of the panelists claimed that polls show a majority of Americans support gun control. And based on that false claim, he wondered why the anti-gun Left can’t get gun control passed.

    To that, one of the other panelists echoed Hunts’ previous comments in stating that, “The [gun control] side has not done as good as a job” as gun groups like GOA in mobilizing people to contact Congress.

    Having said that, while we’re grateful that a billion-dollar enemy has commended us for our effectiveness, we’re not for a moment deceived into thinking the danger has passed.

    So please contact your Senators immediately!

    Tell your Senators to reject the secret anti-gun meetings to push “Fix NICS” and to keep faith with those who believe in the Second Amendment.

    Tell them also to INTRODUCE, VOTE FOR and PASS a bill like H.R. 34 -- a bill to repeal the gun-free zones that keep our first responders (like teachers and principals) disarmed.

    The letters are specially crafted for Republican or Democrat Senators.

    We are in for the battle of our lives.

    Thank you for your help.

    ################################################## ##############################

    GOA ALERT: Feb 22 2018 Email and Call Senator Toomey and Senator Casey NOW to OPPOSE Gun Bans & SUPPORT the Safe Schools Act

    WE NEED EVERYONE to CALL SENATOR TOOMEY and SENATOR CASEY TODAY at: 202-224-3121 (Capital Switchboard, ask to connect to Senator's office).

    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to OPPOSE the BUMP STOCK BAN, which is badly defined and will BAN MAGAZINES and BAN PISTOL GRIPS, and create unknown future bans.
    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to OPPOSE the FIX NICS BILL, which is badly defined and will BAN GUN OWNERSHIP for SENIORS and MILITARY VETERANS.
    Tell Senators Toomey and Casey to SUPPORT the SAFE STUDENTS ACT HR-34 to ALLOW ARMED PROTECTION of SCHOOLS by qualified administrators, teachers, and parents.

    (Example of call narrative: "Hello, my name is (your name), I am a registered voter in zip code (your zip code), please tell the Senator to oppose the Bump Stock Ban and to oppose the Fix NICS bill, and to please support the Safe Students Act HR-34. Thank you.")

    ################################################## ##############################

    Text of pre-written GOA emails included below for reference (pre-written when using GOA email form, can be edited before sending if preferred).


    Text of GOA pre-written email to Senator Patrick Toomey (R):

    Do not support ONE WORD of gun control. Do not support "Fix NICS." Do not support a ban on bump stocks, which is a back door ban on magazines and semi-autos.

    In eight years under Obama's presidency, Congress did not pass gun control.

    If gun control is sent to the President, and signed into law, the gun owning community will hold Republicans personally responsible -- and we will remember in November.

    Criminals do not obey gun control laws. But what they do fear is an armed victim shooting back at them.

    That's why I want you to support and pass a bill like H.R. 34, which repeals the gun-free school zones act.

    Or support the pro-gun provisions in the "as introduced" version of H.R. 38, which is the reciprocity bill that eventually passed the House and which allows law-abiding gun owners to carry in schools.


    Text of GOA pre-written email to Sentor Bob Casey (D):

    In a national poll of our nation's police officers, 81 percent say that teachers and school administrators need to be armed to stop tragedies like what happened in Florida recently.


    Our nation's responders have a point -- because the alternative is not working.

    This year is the 50th anniversary of the Gun Control Act of 1968. Since then, at the demand of gun control advocates, Congress has enacted over a dozen gun control measures, including a 1996 ban on guns in schools.

    Do you really believe this stream of gun control has made the country -- or our schools -- safer?

    In the 1950's and 60's, kids brought guns to school in all parts of the country, including New York City. Junior ROTC students walked the campuses, often in street clothes, carrying their government-issued semi-automatic M1 rifles.

    But the passage of school gun ban was followed, a little over two years later, by Columbine -- and by a cycle of copycat mass shootings which continues to this day. The only thing the federal gun ban achieved was to alert school shooters to the fact that they could seize their "15 minutes of fame" by shooting up a school with no fear that anyone would fire back.

    I would ask you to give some thought to the repeated failure of repeated gun control enactments before you assume that another one would have any positive effect.


    You Can Find All of Your Elected Officials By Clicking this Link and Entering Your Zip Code In the Search Box Halfway Down the Page
    How can you have any cookies if you don't drink your milk?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: GOA ALERT: 2-22-2018 Email & Call Senators NOW: NO Gun Bans, YES Safe Schools Act

    SENT. Deaf ears perhaps, but sent nonetheless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In the can, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: GOA ALERT: 2-22-2018 Email & Call Senators NOW: NO Gun Bans, YES Safe Schools Act

    Quote Originally Posted by jthrelf View Post
    SENT. Deaf ears perhaps, but sent nonetheless.
    Thank you for doing your part.
    I recognize the perceived futility of contacting anti gun senators and representatives.
    It is important to remember that a silent constituency equates to approval or acceptance, and it emboldens bad actors to be even more egregious with their offenses.
    It is very important to keep known anti gun senators and representatives on notice with these emails and phone calls.
    So please always take the few minutes to answer these GOA requests for action.
    They are much more important than they seem.
    How can you have any cookies if you don't drink your milk?

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