CNN's Commitment to Equality
By Brian C. Ledbetter · Tuesday, September 23. 2008 11:35
CNN is genuinely fair and balanced, says anchor Rick Sanchez. The proof?

Negative stories aired about B. Hussein Obama: 43
Negative stories aired about Sarah "Cooties" Palin: 22

See? 43 is bigger than 22.

That ought to convince all of us neanderthal conservatives about how pure and holy CNN's dedication to being fair is.*
*Oh wait, I reckon I did neglect to share one key detail with you, didn't I?

Obama has been campaigning for 19 months, during which those 43 stories were generated. Which makes for roughly (43 stories / 82 weeks) a half of a negative story per week.

Sarah Palin, as you'll recall, was announced three weeks ago, which means she's up to (22 stories / 3 weeks) 7.3 negative stories per week—Which rounds to roughly one negative story PER DAY.

Rick, your dedication to fairness is certainly inflated. Much like your ego.

(Thanks to HD1200 for the amusement.)