Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
Bucks County is basically "Opiod" Central.....Living there, and seeing many deaths amongst young people.. The vast majority that I've seen locally have been recreational users not those who "started with a back injury." The "Opiod Epidemic" narrative is just that, "A narrative."

100% of those OD victims I have seen, or my 5 children have seen, or went to school with, were long time drug users starting as teens, not started with an oxycodone prescription.

Yes, Doctors are absolutely prescribing this shit like candy, and that part is demonic greed and they should be hammered. However, the SOE does NOTHING to address any of it...and yes the effect on gun owners is a major reason for this...Pure pandering to Wolfies base.....there is an election coming.
This is pretty true I graduated HighSchool 8 1/2" years and there are several people from that class that died from ODs. It was a know thing when I was in highschool that there were a number of kids did all sort s of drugs in school.

I also work in an office/Machine shop and virtually of the people that work there that are my age or younger are on something almost all the time. From pot to opiods to meth.