I was reviewing some game cam SD cards and thought i'd post up the backyard bucks I've seen behind the house.
This is a wooded area just off a residential plan and between those homes and a commercial area about 100 yds over the hill from the homes.

I didn't see many deer at all early into the archery season.

A problem I consider when I do see a shootable animal is the direction I think they will run to.
Last thing I want is to have a deer drop dead at the school bus stop 200 feet from my stand with my bolt sticking in it.

While I was doing a Christmas bird count, i was walking through a 14 acre tract of land adjoining my property.
A policeman from that municipality drove into our community to park and then walked through the snow to intercept me.
This was post rifle season although this area is archery only due to the proximity of homes.

Turns out the cop manages the land for the owner and uses it for his and his sons personal hunting area.
We had a pleasant enough exchange and I asked him if he would permit me to hunt an additional 50 yards onto the property he manages.
He declined.
No problem, I'm still legal to hunt my small patch of trees.
He has seen no deer and has 3 stands placed at pretty heavily traveled deer trails.

Ok, he has allowed me to walk the woods except during hunting season. I'm OK with that.

Anyhoo, My buddy up the street about 500 to 600 yds is also a backyard hunter and we exchange pictures of deer / bucks we see.

He told me he had a small buck chasing doe during the rut.
Turned out to be this guy.

2017-12-31_10-22-26 by poofy27, on Flickr

I saw him once with his nose down and moving pretty fast. He never even saw me.

I saw two bucks trotting pretty fast together just after daylight one morning while I was in stand.

I think it was these 2.

IMG_1238 by poofy27, on Flickr

Buddy down the street said he kept seeing a 4 X 2 a lot and I never did see him till later.
2017-12-24_05-14-59 by poofy27, on Flickr
2017-12-24_05-15-16 by poofy27, on Flickr

He thought there was another decent buck and I got him on cam just before I went up north hunting and not seeing anything.

IMG_1127 8 point by poofy27, on Flickr

This is the guy that I eventually shot after a 730 garbage truck spooked him to run directly under my tree.

I think this is one not in the other pics but I suppose could be one of the 2 smaller racked bucks sparring under meystand. This is at the gut pile of my buck.
IMG_0021 Buck at gut pile by poofy27, on Flickr

I have seen one I think is a 3 point and a spike buck as well. No pics turned up yet.

As far as doe, I have a doe with 2 yearlings back there all the time.
There is also a doe with a single yearling and a herd of 5 doe.
I'm not sure if any of them are multiple sightings or if the herd consists of any of the ones I mentioned.
I have seen single doe as well.

During the year, i usually have a salt block up but remove it more than the 30 days required.

My neighbor just texted me a couple minutes ago that the yotes are making a pretty good racket like they were fighting. I told him they may have gotten a deer and were establishing who goes first.

Anyhow, that's what I have back there. My 2 flinter buds want a guided hunt as they haven't even seen a doe to shoot at up to this point.

The municipality the officer was from contracts the culling of the herd after the season. Silenced rifles at night.