Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
Good to hear.
Well, I feel bad for the vendors and for the buying public, but I haven't gone to a PGCA show for many years now after learning of the president's involvement in gun buy backs and then further evidence of his being a dickhead in reading about his misrepresenting a "collectable" firearm sold to a member here.
I said I'd never attend another PGCA show while he was getting my money and between that show and Dick's Sporting Goods, I've held true to my word.

The Monroeville show is OK. If fudge and jerky trigger you so badly, maybe it's not the right place for you, but I have no issue walking by those vendors as though they don't exist.

Washington - I've only been there once. I was very impressed by the sheer size, but found very little AR15/parts suppliers.
I'll give it another shot one day, but I was surprised by the lack of "modern" firearm dealers.
All three of the major Pittsburgh area gun shows have their own particular look and feel. Washington has the more down-home, good-ole-boy look and feel; while Monroeville has more of an aspect of what most modern gun shows have evolved to. PGCA, alas has degraded to it's current chronically sick old man status. All three shows have something to offer those who attend. As each one has it's own particular character, there will be ardent fans and detractors of any or all three shows.

As you stated it's really very simple: If there are types of vendors you don't care for, or vendors in particular you don't care for; just pass them by. Enjoy the rest of the show you are attending by spending more time with those vendors whom you do prefer or communing with friends. As for supporting or not supporting a show due to business or ethical considerations; that is a decision one can only deal with on their own terms.