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  1. #1
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    Default CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    I've seen questions over the years about firearm insurance companies and are they worth the money. It always hard to find any real information and cases where anyone has had to use the insurance. I found this article today that at least gives some insight/ information into firearm insurance.

    CCW Safe Member Acquitted Of All Charges In Historic Murder One, Self-Defense Trial Posted 8/1/2017
    Mike Darter, Co-Founder and CEO of CCW Safe, talks about a recent trial where a member of CCW Safe was charged with Murder I after a self defense shooting.

    We are going to be interviewing the attorneys, investigators, and others in the case to share as much as we can with you, but we wanted to let our members know the importance of this case and for all involved.

    First off, we are the first company in the industry to successfully defend a murder I self defense case. This case has been going on for two years, and while there have been success examples from us and others in the industry, this is a first terms of charges and the severity of the case. If found guilty, our member would have received a life without parole, and for a defendant to walk out the door of a courtroom after being charged with Murder I is rare. In most cases, lesser charges are imposed. The circumstances in this case are a prime example of why we created this company, and the outcome is proof that this was in fact, a legitimate self defense case.

    Secondly, it shows that our model works. We’re based on what we call the police union model because we are former law enforcement, and I personally have been involved in a shooting and sued in federal court. The positive experience that I had with the Fraternal Order of Police is what led to the creation of our company. We know the stress that is involved with a self defense shooting and the aftermath, and because of our experience in law enforcement, and the protocols with officer involved shootings, we were able to build on that experience and develop a complete response system for our members.

    Lastly, this case is a great example of how how expensive a criminal trial can be, and how financially devastating it can be. Starting with a bond fee of $50k on a $500k bail bond, just to get out of jail, and ending in just over $300k, is an example of this. We are happy to report that our member had zero out of pocket expenses, and never received a bill through the entire two year process. We are the only company that can say this. With a top limit of any other service of $150 for criminal coverage, Our member would have been $150 out of pocket. With one of our competitors, 80% of that would come after a not guilty verdict, so in reality, he would have been out $270k until the verdict. Even with those that cover the entire attorneys fees, bail, investigators and experts would have created an out of pocket expense of over $100k.

    When I heard that verdict on Saturday, I was so happy for our member, that he can now move on and get on with his life. But even in being cleared, you have to realize that, he did serve a two year sentence. Not only did he have this weight of a Murder I charge over him for 2 years, but he also had to wear an ankle bracelet for that entire time, limiting travel, and having to adhere to a curfew. So, Stay tuned for more as we are excited to share this entire process and story with you. And as always, stay safe, and thank you for your time.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    I have been thinking of getting this insurance myself and with pricing starting at $199.00 a year for a dual membership the cost certainly is reasonable.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    As I prepared to but insurance I reviewed the policies terms and conditions of all offerings. Hand down CCW Safe won. It has none of the escape clauses that the others have. I am buying it, and I am very careful when making such comparisons. It is the fine print of the policy that matters not the advertising hype we are force fed. CCW Safe is not administers by an insurance company. The company administers it as a well funded business. If you are thinking about buying or renewing such protection you should look at CCW Safe. It covers more and costs less.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    Quote Originally Posted by allenr View Post
    As I prepared to but insurance I reviewed the policies terms and conditions of all offerings. Hand down CCW Safe won. It has none of the escape clauses that the others have. I am buying it, and I am very careful when making such comparisons. It is the fine print of the policy that matters not the advertising hype we are force fed. CCW Safe is not administers by an insurance company. The company administers it as a well funded business. If you are thinking about buying or renewing such protection you should look at CCW Safe. It covers more and costs less.
    Yeah, Hannity and others have been shilling for the other CC insurance outfit for some time now. They are certainly more expensive.
    Relationships between men and women can be difficult - but not impossible.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    Some good information in this article. There are videos at the link.

    Concealed Carry – Do You Need A Self Defense Insurance Plan? ~ VIDEO

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    USA –-( If you carry a gun for personal defense or keep one at home for the same reason, you really ought to consider investing in a paid self defense insurance or protection plan.

    Here’s why. If you ever have to draw or use your gun (or another weapon) in self-defense, you can be legally right yet still lose everything. Unfortunately, there are far too many cases of armed citizens being ruined by unbearable costs of criminal charges and civil lawsuits. You might be tossed in jail and burdened with tens of thousands of bail. You might need to pay your attorney a hundred thousand dollars – or more – for your defense, even if you were right in the first place.

    Don’t believe me? Just ask Jay Rodney Lewis. Attacked by drunks in a road rage incident, he spent 112 days in jail awaiting trial before he was exonerated because he couldn’t fork up the $225,000 bail. Or Harold Fish. After shooting a crazed attacker on a mountain trail, he was arrested, and a bad judge railroaded him through an unfair and arguably illegal trial. Before his wrongful conviction was overturned, he racked up nearly $500,000 in legal bills.

    The bottom line is this. You can do everything in a self defense shooting right yet still lose everything, including your freedom. Over the past several years, a number of self-defense liability protection insurance plans have come onto the market.

    While it’s important to study and understand all the details before choosing the coverage that’s right for your needs, we’ll review some of the high points of a few of the best concealed carry insurance plans here.

    USCCA Self-Defense SHIELD Plan
    Second Call Defense
    Armed Citizens Network Insurance
    NRA Carry Guard
    USCCA Self-Defense SHIELD , Self Defense Insurance

    USCCA Shield self defense insurance is a pro-active self-defense liability plan. Simply put, that means if you get in trouble even though you did the right thing, they pay up front to help you out with no deductible. Unlike other plans, you don’t need to find a hundred grand or so up front and hope to get reimbursed down the road if you’re found innocent. Here’s how it works.

    Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans all do essentially the same thing but have different levels of benefit caps for things like bail amount, initial attorney retainers, legal fees, civil lawsuit defense and damages, and compensation while you’re in court and not working. If you find yourself in a bind, contact the USCCA 7x24x365 for immediate assistance with bail and to line up a local attorney. The USCCA Legal Advisory Board will work with your local attorney to make sure your defense plan is consistent with the proven self-defense legal strategies. If there are criminal charges, the plans will cover your attorney fees subject to plan level limits. If there is a civil case, the plan covers not only legal fees but judgments up to plan limits. The plan also coordinates expert witnesses to testify on your behalf. The protection isn’t firearm specific, it covers self-defense regardless of the weapon involved.

    The self defense insurance plan costs range from $13 per month for the Silver level to $30 for the Platinum level which provides up to $1,150,000 in total protection benefits.

    Second Call Defense Insurance

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    Second Call Defense aims to provide “trigger to trial: protection for its members. That's a great way to think about the coverage because if you're ever in a life-changing situation, then the last thing you need to be worrying about are all the details related to retaining a lawyer, dealing with bonds and bail, and all the rest. If you go with the top-end plan, you'll get up to $100,000 in criminal defense protection, $250,000 in civil suit damages protection, and unlimited civil suit legal defense protection. A standout feature of Second Call Defense is that they cover accidental shootings as well with up to $250,000 in protection if you choose the top plan. As with other options, you also get $25,000 immediate bond benefits, $10,000 immediate funding for your attorney's retainer and help with cleanup and psychological counseling. If you're out of work as a result, you can get reimbursed up to $500 to help with lost wages.

    Armed Citizens Network , Insurance Pool

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    Like the USCCA SHIELD programs, the Armed Citizens Defense Network provides help up front, when you need it. This program operates as a member co-op with contributions being pooled into a defense fund to benefit network members.

    If you get in trouble, the network will help with bail fees up to $25,000 and pay legal fees subject to review by the Armed Citizens Network. That means right when your case is submitted, experts from the network will expect to see reasonable evidence that the incident in question was a legitimate self-defense scenario. Upon agreement that such evidence indicates you were acting in the right, then benefits are provided. The network is continuously accumulating a legal fund and plan terms specific that your maximum legal defense benefits can be up to half of the membership pool. So, if the pool is currently one million dollars, then a member might expect up to $500,000 in legal assistance if necessary.

    The Armed Citizens Defense Network Advisory Board is comprised of some of the most knowledgeable and reputable people in the self-defense industry, so you’ll be in good company.

    NRA Carry Guard , Concealed Carry Protection

    The National Rifle Association is making a lot of noise with their new Carry Guard offering. This plan contains a variety of training and post-incident protection benefits. The most important thing to know about Carry Guard is that it operates more like after the fact insurance. There are up front benefits limited to 20% of plan caps, but the big dollars are subject to a spend and reimburse model. In other words, you write the checks for your legal defense, and if you’re ultimately found innocent, you get reimbursed. The NRA states that this works fine in most cases as “Most criminal defense attorneys will not require payment of final bills until after your case ends…”

    Call me skeptical, but I’ve not yet met a lawyer who was peachy with getting paid down the road. It’s something to check out in more detail if Carry Guard looks like the right solution for you.

    There are currently four plans ranging from Silver to Gold Plus. Benefits range from $250,000 to $1,500,000 for civil damages and $50,000 to $250,000 for criminal defense fees. As with other plans, there are benefits for lost wages during trial, legal coordination assistance, and so on. NRA Carry Guard also has the program structured as individual insurance policies backed by Chubb, so there aren’t group policy limits that could come into play.

    NRA Carry Guard is also making a big investment in associated training, although much of that is not yet released. From what we can tell, there will be training options both online and in person, but it’s not yet clear what the fee model will be for Carry Guard Members, so stay tuned as the program evolves.

    Some Final Considerations On Self Defense Insurance:

    The devil is in the details, and it’s up to you to understand exactly what your chosen plan provides. For example, most plans have a bail bond benefits. While the plan may pay your bondsman the 10% of bail amount to get you out of jail, you may still need to pledge assets to the bonding agent. If bail is $100,000, then you'll have to pay a bail bondsman $10,000, and your plan may cover that.

    However, if you skip town, the bondsman is on the hook for the additional $90,000, so they’ll likely want some assurance backing that money.

    For plans that are insurance-backed, such as ones for civil damages, the insurance company will be the one responsible for any payments, so they’ll likely assume an active role in your defense strategy. You’ll be taking on a legal team partner whether you like it or not. These aren’t necessarily good or bad things, you just need to be aware of them up front. You’re the one ultimately responsible for everything, so be sure you understand the details before deciding on the best self defense insurance for you.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    USCCA Platinum member here. Just in case! Seems to be a very professional and growing company. Lots of perks for joining.

  7. #7
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    The NRA states that this works fine in most cases as “Most criminal defense attorneys will not require payment of final bills until after your case ends…”

    It's expressly stated to be unethical for any lawyer to take any criminal case on a contingency basis. Further, every criminal lawyer I know has learned that you have to get paid up front, because most criminal defendants have neither the means or the motivation to pay you after they no longer need your help. Either get paid while they face doom and ruination, or you don't get paid at all.

    Rule 1.5. Fees.

    (a) A lawyer shall not enter into an agreement for, charge, or collect an illegal or clearly excessive fee. The factors to be considered in determining the propriety of a fee include the following:

    (1) whether the fee is fixed or contingent;

    (2) the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal service properly;

    (3) the likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by the lawyer;

    (4) the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;

    (5) the amount involved and the results obtained;

    (6) the time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances;

    (7) the nature and length of the professional relationship with the client; and

    (8) the experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services.

    (b) When the lawyer has not regularly represented the client, the basis or rate of the fee shall be communicated to the client, in writing, before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation.

    (c) A fee may be contingent on the outcome of the matter for which the service is rendered, except in a matter in which a contingent fee is prohibited by paragraph (d) or other law. A contingent fee agreement shall be in writing and shall state the method by which the fee is to be determined, including the percentage or percentages that shall accrue to the lawyer in the event of settlement, trial or appeal, litigation and other expenses to be deducted from the recovery, and whether such expenses are to be deducted before or after the contingent fee is calculated. Upon conclusion of a contingent fee matter, the lawyer shall provide the client with a written statement stating the outcome of the matter and, if there is a recovery, showing the remittance to the client and the method of its determination.

    (d) A lawyer shall not enter into an arrangement for, charge, or collect:

    (1) any fee in a domestic relations matter, the payment or amount of which is contingent upon the securing of a divorce or upon the amount of alimony or support; or

    (2) a contingent fee for representing a defendant in a criminal case.

    (e) A lawyer shall not divide a fee for legal services with another lawyer who is not in the same firm unless:

    (1) the client is advised of and does not object to the participation of all the lawyers involved, and

    (2) the total fee of the lawyers is not illegal or clearly excessive for all legal services they rendered the client.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    so then, with all that, which one does GunLawyer endorse?
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdawgbeav View Post
    so then, with all that, which one does GunLawyer endorse?
    I don't endorse any plan, mostly because the ones I looked at kind of suck, and I haven't looked at others.

    If the plan won't pay until after you get yourself acquitted somehow, then that's not what you need. Nobody needs a life raft after they get themselves to shore, or a fire extinguisher after the fire's been put out.

    If the plan only promises to provide "a lawyer", then you're only guaranteed "someone who passed the bar exam". Law schools rarely kick out paying customers, and the majority of graduates pass the bar. A lot of lawyers are not very good lawyers, and no lawyer is great in every area of law. You don't want to bet your life on someone who mostly examines real estate titles or handles slip & fall cases, or spends a lot of time promoting herself on the Internet.

    If a plan provides a reasonable amount of cash to hire your own choice of lawyer, and it pays out after any shooting, then that would clear the first couple of hurdles. They'd need to do something so that cartel hit men wouldn't be collecting benefits, but you need to be able to choose your lawyer and pay him up front. And it should be "insurance", regulated by your state Insurance Commissioner, not a scam labeled "pre-paid retainer".
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: CCW safe and other shooting insurance firms

    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

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