I bought a car from a guy a couple days ago.

When I arrived, he was OC. Left appendix carry. Nice little 380.

No problem. In fact, I walked up, asked him what he carried and he showed me. I revealed my CC H&K and we had a grand old time talking guns.

Liked the car, liked the price, agreed to proceed to the nearby PennDot location to complete the deal.

On the way there, my brother (who had come along as 2nd pair of eyes, 2nd driver) said "You think they're gonna flip out if he OC's at PennDot?"...

When we arrived, the shirt had become untucked and the OC had turned to CC. Completed our business without incident.

On the drive home I wondered. Was that a reasonable change to make to avoid any issue? Or was it an unfortunate reality that he gave up his OC to avoid having to get into any issue?

Still not sure of the answer. Thought I'd share.