
Exact same thing happened to a friend of mine, 20+ years later with still no resolution. The problem (as frequently noted by gunlawyer Phil) is that many criminal defense lawyers are not sufficiently versed in the firearms aspects of the law, which likely holds true for the prosecutors as well. So, perhaps not intended to be a lie, but the devil hiding in the details that neither side examined closely enough.

To the OP, as many others advised, procure the services of one of the noted specialist firearms attorneys on this board to get accurate advice specific to your situation. Best of luck!

Regards, Jim

Quote Originally Posted by Krichardson View Post
Interesting,I know someone who was convicted of a crime and was offered a period of probation to serve.He was also told that at the completion of the successful probation period the conviction would be expunged.He completed the term but a few years later found out that the conviction is still on his record.