April 1, 2017
10am - 4pm
Tuscarora Tactical Range
Thompsontown, PA
Tuition $275 limited to 10 students
This 6 hour course will take your skills with the pistol, rifle and shotgun to the next level.
review pistol operation skills to ensure each student is set with draw, form and shot placement.
review and teach the operation, manipulation, and administrative skill required for both of your long guns. Carbine and shotgun.
Transitional considerations and techniques from primary to secondary.
Shooting and movement utilizing cover while transitioning and performing magazine changes.
Close quarter engagements to medium distance engagements mixed in order to ensure the student’s thought process and tactical skills are refined.
Walk & shoot course on steel and 3D targets.

50% deposit required. Click on URL:
scroll down to class description, click buy now botton to sign up. Call 610-399-1188 with questions.

A quality semi-automatic rifle with open sights, quality red dot, or low powered scope. No magnum calibers. Sling. Spotting scopes are a great idea but not required. Cleaning and clearing kit. Field repair parts are always helpful. A serviceable short barreled shotgun, 18” - 22” in barrel. Class is geared toward pump action but all actions are welcome. Sling for shotgun. A quality sidearm, quality holster, belt, and magazine carriers mounted on belt or vest. Class is geared toward semi-auto pistols but revolvers are welcome. SERPA HOLSTERS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN CLASS. Students are required to have ANSI eye protection, and ear protection. Digital ear protection is REQUIRED to ensure all direction and commands are heard and understood. Knee and elbow protection is a good idea, but not mandatory. Six to eight speed loaders or magazines per gun. Hat, neck scarf, bug spray, rain gear and bags to carry your gear. Clothing for season weather in a mountain climate is required in order to stay comfortable.