Greetings, PAFOA!

I'm hosting Mas for his signature MAG-20 course 4-5 Feb in Springfield, VA. (Just a little south of DC.)

"This two-day, 20-hour immersion course in rules of engagement for armed law-abiding private citizens, emphasizing legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers…threat recognition and mind-set…management of social and psychological aftermath after having had to use lethal force in defense of self or others…and preparing beforehand for legal repercussions and minimizing exposure to them. Situations in the home, at the place of business, or “on the street” will all be covered. Massad Ayoob's MAG-20 "Citizen's Rules of Engagement" course will be presented at the Springfield Holiday Inn Express 4/5 February, 2017.

All students will have to submit an independent registration form AND a copy of a valid CCW permit, proof of a recent gun purchase, LE credentials or other proof of a current background investigation."

Cost is $400. Further information and registration here: REGISTRATION

See you on the range!
