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  1. #1
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    Default The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!
    (The battle for the hearts and minds of the American People.)

    There's been a battle raging in America for quite some time. For the last 40 years it has been particularly heated. The battlefield has changed from time to time depending on the particular combatant leading the charge, or the nature of the latest national tragedy in the news, or when there is a perceived weakness in the opponent’s positions.

    One side of the conflict has enjoyed a favored status with the mass media. With very little urging, the national media outlets have fallen in line by determinedly culling news sources in order to run stories that support their cause. By adding innuendo to otherwise non-supporting stories, they attempt to continuously discredit their opponents.

    The battle I'm referring to is the assault on the Rights of the American People, specifically those Rights recognized by the 1st Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, otherwise known as, The Bill of Rights.

    While the 3rd Amendment (regarding quartering of soldiers in citizen's homes) has not been hotly debated, lately, almost all the other rights so enumerated have come under attack; and many of them have been severely bruised and bloodied during this ongoing battle.

    To a great degree, the battle has been waged with emotions and promises - Emotions to appeal to the heart and promises to appeal to the mind. While the methodology has been psychological, the goal is to gain the victory through the opponent's self-immolation. The natural desire for Peace and Safety has been hung as a carrot just beyond our reach, with promises of satisfaction with just a little more sacrifice. The duplicity of our leading politicians (and would-be Presidents) has never been more destructive of our national principles.

    Through determined psychological means, the assault on the hearts and minds of the American People is intended to cause them to give up their Rights willingly, even with a sense of martyrdom, in the name of Peace and Safety. To a significant degree, the strategy has worked, as more and more citizens fail to recognize or value the Rights they willingly cede, even while the actuality of the promised peace and safety eludes us. The expanded surveillance that is now acceptable is a death blow to the very heart of Personal Privacy, Property Rights and the necessary Trust of One Another that creates a successful, Free and Open society. (Edit: the great Coronavirus PANIC started in 2019 perfectly demonstrates this assault and the martyrdom that people embrace. See PA Counties Locked Down for a history lesson.)

    But not to be denied, most people go about their daily activities with an immunized internal sense of peace and safety. Their perception of the vast expanse of the ongoing assault on the American Way of Life (both small and great, both criminal and simply immoral) has been dulled over many years by the emotional appeals to 'getting along' and promises that the criminals are mostly good hearted and simply 'misunderstood'. If the dupes were exposed (by choice or by circumstance) to the vastness of the efforts to destroy the American Way of Life, they might actually loose their immunity -- but this possibility is also well controlled by the mass media.

    The mass media spreads the bad news onto our consciousness only sufficiently thick as to juxtapose their latest solution of giving up even more of our rights, which will surely minimize our risk. If they were to report all the assaults that are occurring against our way of life in every nook and cranny of our society, including in the legislatures and judiciary, the citizenry would be jarred out of their stupor and rise up in great numbers. But the media's methods have been well honed to prevent such enlightenment.

    One of the battle regiments opposing these assaults on our Rights is composed of those who particularly value the 2nd Amendment - The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

    Like many others, this right has been under constant and severe attack for decades. It has been successfully bruised and beaten, so much so, that there are some places in America it is almost impossible to exercise this right by the average citizen. Without outright denial of this Right, those opposed to it have convinced enough of their local citizens that willingly giving up this right is the only 'right thing to do' in order to increase the peace and safety of the community.

    In spite of not being able to convince the criminals to give up their weapons, they have convinced the community it is better to give up their Rights, and, instead, stay off the streets at night, lock their doors and cower in the corner until police arrive, should they become scared. They are taught to cough up the money for 'alternative youth activities' with the promise that these will prevent the creation of new criminals, as though proficiency at some sport or other distracting activity could rightly replace the teaching of values. The mantra is: it's better to 'pay now' than 'pay later' - A clear case of extortion.

    It is exactly this focus on prevention that has caused so many to willingly sacrifice their Rights in an attempt to gain Peace and Safety from others. They believe by self-immolation (sacrificing themselves) they will convert those who have never been taught the moral values that actually generate Peace, and which, through strength, assures Safety. But they have been duped. Peace and Safety will never be attained by negotiating with evil. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    The Cost of Freedom has always been high. It requires eternal vigilance, the willingness to confront evil and the means to do so. Those assaulting the American Way of Life have tried to minimize the citizen's ability to properly address these issues by their myriad of assaults.

    Freedom is not only secured and maintained by patriots on a battlefield - not only the physical battlefields, but also the societal battlefields - where the Rights of the People are assailed by those that would seek to appease evil – foreign or domestic. History has proven time and again that appeasement does not produce Peace and Safety.

    For those who value Freedom, most crime prevention measures are nothing more than misguided efforts or intended means of assaulting our Rights. Whether it's assurances that the great society is working and crime is less than ever (with gerrymandered statistics), or assurances that self-protection is unnecessary when we have a large police force (who responds in minutes when seconds count), or the assurances that guns kill more innocents than bad guys (like innocent 14-year-old drug dealers), the real message is 'give up your Rights' because we have everything under control. That is the real ultimate goal: for these folks to have EVERYTHING UNDER THEIR CONTROL. It reminds me of the Peace and Safety that freedom-less citizens know from the old USSR and current communist / socialist / dictatorial countries - the kind of safety that evaporates if you disagree with the government.

    We still have opportunities every day to fight for Freedom! Don't squander those opportunities. Don't be duped by the media elite. Don't cede your Rights for a little more (promised) Peace and Safety.

    Stand up and be counted - Contact your representatives and demand that they PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS - Talk with your neighbors and friends about your willingness (and hopefully their's) to pay the price to keep Freedom Alive in America, even at the expense of some Peace and Safety.

    . . BE SURE TO VOTE . .
    . . BE A PROUD AMERICAN! . .
    Last edited by ImminentDanger; September 9th, 2023 at 09:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    Our government, the media, our educational systems, and mega billionaires like Bloomberg and Soros want our freedoms, especially our natural gun rights. The useful idiots that compose the "gun safety" groups they use are made up of angry, jealous, dissatisfied people with little to no other purpose in life. They use more gun control of the law abiding to give meaning to an otherwise empty life. We've all seen them at rallies. Often, ex hippie type baby boomer, ugly women with their neutered husbands in tow. They are shrill, just like Hillary, and just as disgusting.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    The violence that has been introduced into our democratic, domestic politics is a reflection of the destructive nature of socialism. Contrary to their mantra, it is liberal socialists that are intolerent and anti-pluralism. Most conservatives simply want to be able to live their own lives, with their own means, as they see fit, allowing others to do the same.

    However, progressive, liberal socialism has pushed us into a war of Singular Control, where one governmental decision is made for every single person. We are now in a political battle to determine 'whose point of view' will be implemented by government. Those who believe in limited government (mostly conservatives) never wanted this for our country, but the progressive, liberal socialists have forced conservatives into this battle. Since the socialists will never let conservatives live their own lives, conservatives must now fight to take over the big government created by the progressives in order to preserve any part of the conservative way of life. (Unfortunately, the old adage is very true - power corrupts and absolute power, corrupts absolutely - and the conservatives who take over big government are likely to be corrupted by its powers!)

    We are now seeing the social destruction of a nation due to big government, implemented by progressive, liberal socialism. At one time, if you lived in New Orleans, you didn't have to worry what the folks of New York City thought was best for themselves - because it didn't reach into New Orleans - and they need not care what New Orleans thought or did there. What happened in San Francisco never impinged on the social & governmental preferences in Kansas City. That kind of pluralism has disappeared.

    The federal government has imposed so many regulations on national life - businesses, schools, personal activity, group meetings, etc. - that the live-and-let-live undertone of the American Way of Life has been rudely replaced with do-as-we-say-or-else overtone, with threats of violence, either social or governmental, as the 'or-else' alternative.

    The technical capabilities of the surveillence organizations, along with the worldwide, violent religion, has imposed even more stress on the question of Liberty and Privacy. In the pursuit of potential crime, the result has been that the PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM are being traded away for the promise of EFFICIENCY OF ENFORCEMENT.. It turns the old adage on it's head --- now we have come to express that "IT'S BETTER THAT 99 INNOCENT PEOPLE LOSE THEIR PRIVACY RIGHTS THAN THAT ONE POTENTIAL CRIMINAL BE UNCAUGHT" (cameras justified for speeding, red light violation, auto registration, etc.)...

    People (even within the gun owning community) are willing to trade freedom for convenience or accept that hassling those who exercise their rights may be OK some times. We are heading for the Hi-Tech Socialism that the Soviets could only dream about. We are charging ahead, perhaps in a race with China, to be the first country to implement every form of orifice exams possible in every circumstance possible on every citizen possible! ! ! (Can you say, TSA or DHS?)

    ETA 2018: Beijing bets on facial recognition in a big drive for total surveillance
    "Facial recognition is the new hot tech topic in China. Banks, airports, hotels and even public toilets are all trying to verify people*s identities by analyzing their faces. But the police and security state have been the most enthusiastic about embracing this new technology."

    Freedom as the Founder's envisioned will continue to recede into lost history, never to be implemented better than has already occured in our past. I fear we have already passed the point of no return regarding Freedom - The only effort, now available, is to minimize the extremes to which people in power will push technology in implementing Liberal Socialism against the citizens....

    Unless a concerted effort is made to fight these violations of our freedoms in America, the opportunity to salvage any true freedom will be irrevocably eliminated.

    Very few seem willing to accept that some innocent casualties will occur if we maintain freedom. Freedom can be a very messy business. Most people are of the attitude that if only one life is saved by giving up our freedoms (with more surveillence, more searches, treatment of everyone like a criminal, guilty until proven innocent) then it is worth it.

    But the Founding Fathers, and the principles upon which this country was created, promoted the idea that Risky Individual Freedom Was Better Than Safe Governmental Servitude. (Founders Intention for Government - Constitutional Carry)

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; September 9th, 2023 at 09:35 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    Another example that taking away rights (RKBA in Britain) does not produce safety:

    London murder rate is HIGHER than New York's for the first time ever after TWELVE killings in just 19 days!
    A man has died after being stabbed to death on Sunday morning
    The victim, thought to be 20, was stabbed after leaving a bar in Wandsworth
    This marks the 12th murder in 19 days as London overtakes NYC's murder rates

    By Cheyenne Roundtree For Mailonline
    Published: 04:10 EDT, 1 April 2018
    And another example of harassing the victims of crime when they fight back:

    BURGLAR STABBING First pic of homeowner, 78, arrested after armed burglar ‘stabbed to death in house raid’

    A 78-YEAR-OLD homeowner is being quizzed on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death. The pensioner, named locally as Richard Osborn-Brooks, was forced into his kitchen by one of two men who broke into his home armed with a screwdriver.

    Met Police said they were continuing their investigations into the death, and were still quizzing the 78-year-old homeowner. Met Police said: "The homeowner suffered bruising to his arms. His injuries are not life threatening.

    "He was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and further arrested on suspicion of murder."
    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 4th, 2018 at 04:54 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    Eternal Vigilence is required to preserve the foundational principles of our country. Irrelevant of the actual source, this axiom is true: "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

    Our nation is under assault by those who believe THE GOVERNMENT is the solution for all problems of dispute. Socialism is promoted as a means of Peace and Safety. If we do not stand up and promote the principles upon which this nation was founded, we will certainly lose those freedoms that were acknowledged and protected by the Constitution.

    Freedom & Self-Determination is based on Unalienable Rights, Tolerance of Differences, Personal Responsibility, Self-Control, Pursuit of the Truth, Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Punishment of Violence (NOT Simply Thoughts), etc.


    But AI technically-enhanced socialism is being implemented already and coming to America:

    China's new propaganda music video celebrates trustworthiness and the Social Credit System

    "The system is designed to value and engineer better individual behaviour by assigning scores to 1.4 billion citizens, in order to "award the trustworthy" and "punish the disobedient"."

    "Citizens deemed "untrustworthy" have so far been banned from boarding flights, riding high-speed trains and booking hotels among other restrictions on services."

    China Is Exporting AI Surveillance Technology to Countries Around the World

    "U.S. technology giant Microsoft has teamed up with a Chinese military university to develop artificial intelligence systems that could potentially enhance government surveillance and censorship capabilities."

    "Surveillance systems in Xinjiang and Tibet have been described as 'Orwellian.' These efforts have included mandatory DNA samples, Wi-Fi network monitoring and widespread facial recognition cameras, all connected to integrated data analysis platforms. With the aid of these systems, Chinese authorities have, according to the U.S. State Department, 'arbitrarily detained' between 1 and 2 million people."

    "AI also underpins the technology commonly called 'deepfake,' in which algorithms create realistic video and audio forgeries. Muddying the waters between truth and fiction may become useful in a tight election, when one candidate could create fake videos showing an opponent doing and saying things that never actually happened."

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; May 9th, 2019 at 11:30 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    Wait for the 9ft tall running AI face recognition killer robot is on your ass with the swarm of miniature AI drones to back (him?) up.

    And still...

    ...No girl robots!

    Or flying cars.

    Gypted. We got gypted I tell you.
    The Gun is the Badge of a Free Man

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    At this time, there are alot of different threads where I could post this - but it naturally follows what I originally posted in 2010 and then posted again in this thread in 2016...

    Despite my disagreement with Judge Napolitano on a number of other expressed opinions, on this he has it exactly right:


    What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?
    By Andrew P. Napolitano - - Wednesday, March 25, 2020


    *Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.*
    * Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

    One of my Fox colleagues recently sent me an email attachment of a painting of the framers signing the Constitution of the United States. Except in this version, George Washington * who presided at the Constitutional Convention * looks at James Madison * who was the scrivener at the Convention * and says, *None of this counts if people get sick, right?*

    In these days of state governors issuing daily decrees purporting to criminalize the exercise of our personal freedoms, the words put into Washington*s mouth are only mildly amusing. Had Washington actually asked such a question, Madison, of all people, would likely have responded: *No. This document protects our natural rights at all times and under all circumstances.*

    It is easy, 233 years later, to offer that hypothetical response, particularly since the Supreme Court has done so already when, as readers of this column will recall, Abraham Lincoln suspended the constitutionally guaranteed writ of habeas corpus * the right to be brought before a judge upon arrest * only to be rebuked by the Supreme Court.

    The famous line above by Benjamin Franklin, though uttered in a 1755 dispute between the Pennsylvania legislature and the state*s governor over taxes, nevertheless provokes a truism.

    Namely, that since our rights come from our humanity, not from the government, foolish people can only sacrifice their own freedoms, not the freedoms of others.

    Thus, freedom can only be taken away when the government proves fault at a jury trial. This protection is called procedural due process, and it, too, is guaranteed in the Constitution.

    Of what value is a constitutional guarantee if it can be violated when people get sick? If it can, it is not a guarantee; it is a fraud. Stated differently, a constitutional guarantee is only as valuable and reliable as is the fidelity to the Constitution of those in whose hands we have reposed it for safekeeping.

    Because the folks in government, with very few exceptions, suffer from what St. Augustine called libido dominandi * the lust to dominate * when they are confronted with the age-old clash of personal liberty versus government force, they will nearly always come down on the side of force.

    How do they get away with this? By scaring the daylights out of us. I never thought I*d see this in my lifetime, though our ancestors saw this in every generation. In America today, we have a government of fear. Machiavelli offered that men obey better when they fear you than when they love you. Sadly, he was right, and the government in America knows this.

    But Madison knew this as well when he wrote the Constitution. And he knew it four years later when he wrote the Bill of Rights. He intentionally employed language to warn those who lust to dominate that, however they employ governmental powers, the Constitution is *the Supreme Law of the Land* and all government behavior in America is subject to it.

    Even if the legislature of the State of New York ordered, as my friend Gov. Andrew Cuomo * who as the governor, cannot write laws that incur criminal punishment * has ordered, it would be invalid as prohibited by the Constitution.

    This is not a novel or an arcane argument. This is fundamental American law. Yet, it is being violated right before our eyes by the very human beings we have elected to uphold it. And each of them * every governor interfering with the freedom to make one*s own choices * has taken an express oath to comply with the Constitution.

    You want to bring the family to visit grandma? You want to engage in a mutually beneficial, totally voluntary commercial transaction? You want to go to work? You want to celebrate Mass? These are all now prohibited in one-third of the United States.

    I tried and failed to find Mass last Sunday. When did the Catholic Church become an agent of the state? How about an outdoor Mass?

    What is the nature of freedom? It is an unassailable natural claim against all others, including the government. Stated differently, it is your unconditional right to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to associate with whomever wishes to be with you no matter their number, to worship or not, to defend yourself, to own and use property as you see fit, to travel where you wish, to purchase from a willing seller, to be left alone. And to do all this without a government permission slip.

    What is the nature of government? It is the negation of freedom. It is a monopoly of force in a designated geographic area. When elected officials fear that their base is slipping, they will feel the need to do something * anything * that will let them claim to be enhancing safety. Trampling liberty works for that odious purpose. Hence a decree commanding obedience, promising safety and threatening punishment.

    These decrees * issued by those who have no legal authority to issue them, enforced by cops who hate what they are being made to do, destructive of the freedoms that our forbearers shed oceans of blood to preserve and crushing economic prosperity by violating the laws of supply and demand * should all be rejected by an outraged populace, and challenged in court.

    These challenges are best filed in federal courts, where those who have trampled our liberties will get no special quarter. I can tell you from my prior life as a judge that most state governors fear nothing more than an intellectually honest, personally courageous, constitutionally faithful federal judge.

    Fight fear with fear.

    * Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is a regular contributor to The Washington Times. He is the author of nine books on the U.S. Constitution.

    (Highlights are mine)

    Far too few take this perspective seriously.

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 12th, 2024 at 12:12 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    Hawaii Leading the Way - Following China

    2 arrested, 70 cited for violating stay-at-home orders, Honolulu police say
    By Kevin Dayton - March 26, 2020
    Honolulu police have issued 70 citations and made two arrests for violating the stay-at-home orders put in place to try to to slow the spread of the coronavirus, with most of those people cited in public parks after ignoring officers’ instructions to leave, according to a police spokeswoman.

    Arrests were made at a park in Waipahu and another in Kaneohe, and Hawaii County police also reported arresting and charging a Kailua-Kona woman early today for violating the state stay-at-home order. Violating the order is a misdemeanor offense punishable by fines of up to $5,000 and a year in jail.

    The Kauai Police Department planned to establish checkpoints around that island starting this morning to enforce the stay-at-home orders issued by Gov. David Ige and Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami.

    “It is urgent that our community respond to this pandemic and comply with these orders,” said Kauai Police Chief Todd Raybuck said in a written announcement of the Kauai checkpoints. “If this isn’t taken seriously, our small island’s healthcare system will not be able to withstand community spread of the virus. Please, stay at home and do your part for the wellbeing of our community.”

    Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell says there are no immediate plans to run similar checkpoints on Oahu, and Hawaii island Police Chief Paul Ferreira also said checkpoints would not be practical on his island.

    The Kauai checkpoints are designed to limit people’s movements to control the spread of the coronavirus, and Caldwell said each island has taken a different approach to enforcing the orders limiting the movements of residents based on the specific circumstances of each county.

    “Kauai is a small island, there’s basically one road around the island, it’s easy to do checkpoints because of that,” Caldwell said. “Oahu has almost a million people, there are many different roads and we have a limited number of police officers who are out there every day making sure that laws are followed, and there are additional pressures on them now.”

    “They are out there enforcing and warning people to comply, and what I hear from the chief is that they are complying, so to add this to their their responsibilities right now given the other challenges that they face is not something we’re considering,” Caldwell said of the checkpoints.

    He added that “we’ll look at everything and anything to make sure that people are being safe, that they’re making good judgment on where they should be and when, and that they’re practicing social distancing. Everyone should be taking everything government is asking of them extremely seriously in order to really pound down the spread of this virus.

    Ferreira said 43-year-old Carissa Glende was arrested at about 6 a.m. today for violation of a protective order in connection with the child custody dispute, and police added on the misdemeanor charge of violation of the governor’s emergency proclamation.

    “It’s not that we went out looking for it, but because this person was arrested for another crime and they’re out where they’re not supposed to be, we added that as a second charge,” Ferreira said.

    'Your papers are not in order' - 'You are in violation of UnConstitutional Edicts' - 'We will determine what Rights you may exercise' - 'Mostly NOT'


  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    ^ IE fuck everyone on this cause of what my entitled ass wants to it.
    Owner Trigger Time LLc 01 FFL/NFA Saylorsburg, PA. Sales/Service/Transfers/Training
    NRA CRSO/Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun inst. BSA Rifle/Shotgun Merit badge counselor. US Navy Marksmanship Team Staff

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety!

    And New York Demands Your Obedience - To Willingly Give Up Your Rights, Or Else!

    As in all of life, it is a matter of risk. You can't live without some risk. The US Constitution says WE THE PEOPLE have the Freedom To Choose what risks we are willing to take in the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness.

    But politicians are currently choosing to IMPOSE actions that transfer the CHOICE OF RISK from THE PEOPLE to the politicians who are willing (for their own agenda) to TAKE AWAY the freedoms that America was founded upon.

    NYC Mayor to synagogues: Close for coronavirus or be shut down permanently
    By CELIA JEAN MARCH 29, 2020 10:53

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned the Jewish community that synagogues that continued to defy coronavirus regulations and hold services would be permanently shut down.
    While the majority of synagogues have closed in accordance with city orders aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus by limiting social gathering, others have stayed open.

    "We’ve had extraordinary, across the board rabbinical support from all the different elements of the Jewish community and the same is true of other faiths as well," de Blasio said in his Friday news briefing, according to the Jewish Press.

    Some synagogues however, are still holding minyanim, a gathering of ten worshipers or more, to hold prayer services.
    “A small number religious communities, specific churches and specific synagogues are unfortunately not paying attention to this guidance even though it’s so widespread," de Blasio continued.

    "I want to say to all those who are preparing for the potential of religious services this weekend, if you go to your synagogue, if you go to your church, and attempt to hold services after having been told so often not to, our enforcement agents will have no choice but to shut down those services," he warned, however admitting that he does not "say this with joy."
    "I understand how important people’s faiths are to them, and we need our faith in this time of crisis. But we do not need gatherings that will endanger people."

    The mayor called on religious citizens, asking that anyone who witnesses services taking place to report to the congregation's officials and request them to stop services. Should that not be enough, "they need to take additional action up to the point of fines and potentially closing the building permanently."

    De Blasio ended the briefing by first expressing his remorse once more, and then emphasizing his warning, adding that people should find other ways to practice their faiths.

    Like in so many other liberal two-faced policies, we find out that The Wall of Separation between Government and Religion is only a One-Way Wall ---- Religious conservatives must keep their faith secret, not show or talk about it in the work place or promote morals in society - But the government can step in and close down your religious services whenever they deem them to be 'dangerous to society'.

    Once again, the laws of the land are written to favor those who demand obedience, with the power to redefine words at their whim, and impose further penalties on anyone who objects to being abused.

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; March 29th, 2020 at 08:53 AM.

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