very annoyed by a couple statements. The idea that the laws differ so much about something that the constitution covers quite clear. also the statement about non-violent felons in the way it trys to divide americans which should be covered by the constitution aswell. first all free americans should have their 2nd amendment right respected by public officials. second all free americans should be treated equall. If a person has commited a offence that the debt has been paid for than there should be no dispute in weather their rights should be in place as this is not china. Also I find a person exusing their prior behavior with a finger pointing argument is pathetic, I'm a non-violent felon and should have more rights than a violent felon, pathetic. Should be I'm a free american citizen that deserves equallity as I'm an american period. We can't wait until the government takes all free americans rights before we unite as that will have disastrous effects and I believe already has. We all know 9-11 was not a result of planes, we all know people are in prison for growing a plant due to past racist excuses, we all know alot and need to stop being pathetic sheep and or fingerpointers!!